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Everything posted by dr_vandermeer

  1. Not happy about this... I find it incredible to believe that no better directors were hungrier for this project.
  2. I had the pleasure to watch this 2003 Korean thriller on DVD the other day. VERY well acted, VERY powerful. The lead actor is simply astounding. The direction is confident and assured. This is now one of my favorite movies. I need to go find and watch the director's other movies now. My personal feeling is that you should go into this movie knowing at little as possible. Don't google it, don't do any searches on any boards, just try and find it and go watch it if you can. My feeling is that sometimes a lot of the specialness of a movie gets lost by hype, too much information, and people's enthusiasm, setting unfair expectations. That said, here's a MINI-MINI-synopsis for anyone curious for just a little taste of the story. Again, I think that the less you know going in, the better: A man is kidnapped and imprisoned in a room against his will for 15 years. He gets out and immediately sets out for revenge while searching for the answers 1) Who did this? and 2) Why? The Doctor's prescription - Highly Recommended. 5 out of 5 pills.
  3. Nice and clean. Great work Neova!
  4. Please remove if this is old. Otherwise, enjoy! http://www.kwoon.com/theater/FanimeCon.mov
  5. DAAAAAAAMN. That is a mighty sweet looking figure.
  6. I'm 34. I "skated" back in 1985 in high school. My knowledge of skate stuff begins about 84 and ends about 87. There is such thing as selling out, the problem is people today don't notice it because everyone has sold out. About the only "culture" that exsists that has not been permiated by corporate greed and finegaling has been the Goths and they are on the doorstep of corporate takeover thanks to joints like Hot Topic and the like. Back when I had a board, a Vision shirt and an attitude you had to dig deep and look long and hard for skate stuff. It was a rebel set back then, underground. Ever since the '90s and the coming of the X Games skating has become so corporate that they might as well be on wheeties boxes. No offense but when you pimp product for someone... anyone... you are a sellout. The sad thing is we are all sellouts to some degree. i'm 29 and i still skateboard. i guess i'm not the badass that i used to be when i was younger but it still doesn't change what skating does for someone. i do it cause i enjoy it and it takes my mind off the everyday BS. gives me some "me" time away from friends, the girl, the family. its a good thing. the reason i said theres no such thing as a sell out is exactly your point, everyone "sells out" at one point or another. nowadays, its impossible to keep it real so to speak. you got no choice, sell out and eat, don't sell out and starve. whats a man to do? so to a certain degree, i do agree with you but people like to throw the word sellout around and its really not fair. its easy to call someone a sellout when you're not in that persons shoes. people can call me a sell out, but if some gay arse boy band paid me a million to dance around like a fruit cake, i'd do it in a heart beat. sure people can make fun, but i got me a million dollars. Milli Vanilli and Vanilla Ice probably thought the same thing.
  7. BRILLIANT!!!!
  8. Actually Bandai did make them ... for the re-issues, that is. Bandai made several "new" head sculpts in the 1/55 tradition for the re-ssiue Macross Valkyrie line several years ago, but unfortunatley the new sculpts only made it as far as the prototype stage. New 1/55 heads & paint schemes were made for: VF-1A Max (DYRL Blue) VF-1A Hikaru (DYRL Red) VF-1A Cannon Fodder (Brown) VF-1J Hikaru (TV Series Grey) VF-1S Roy (DYRL Yellow) VF-1S Hikaru (DYRL Red) VF-1D (TV Series) There are @ 3 prototypes of each style valkyrie known to exist. There were even new "new" prototype sculpts for the TV & DYRL pilots; as well as an incomplete sculpt for a 1/55 scale "Tomahawk;" roughly about 80% finished. Rumor also has it that there was even a 20" SDF-1 prototyped, but no images have ever been seen. The prototype is still believed to be at the Bandai studio. The re-issue line did not do as well as Bandai had hoped, due to fierce competition from Yamato & Toynami releasing thier toys, so it therefore lived a short life. Bandai did not think the retail price of new sculpts justified the mold costs. Perhaps in another few years Bandai may release the line again; but there are no current plans to re-release 1/55 toys such as the Strike, Elintseeker, or Super Ostrich from Bandai. Anyone at the last MWCon got to see these amazing prototypes in person thanks to XSToys!
  9. TOO cool! Love the little Minmay on the right leg back!
  10. Looks great!
  11. Excellent excellent work. I'm very jealous of your immense talent as usual!!!
  12. Check out these insane customs someone did based off the exclusive Rei (and upcoming Asuka) figure... http://www3.osk.3web.ne.jp/~kaiten/gallery...rence1/6-28.htm http://www3.osk.3web.ne.jp/~kaiten/gallery...nce1-2/7-23.htm http://www3.osk.3web.ne.jp/~kaiten/gallery/rei/rei.htm http://www3.osk.3web.ne.jp/~kaiten/gallery...0yen/1000-1.htm http://www3.osk.3web.ne.jp/~kaiten/gallery....5/04-02-12.htm http://www3.osk.3web.ne.jp/~kaiten/gallery...e2/04-08-27.htm See more great work here: http://www3.osk.3web.ne.jp/~kaiten/ http://www3.osk.3web.ne.jp/~kaiten/gallery/
  13. What place in LA did you go to? Was it in Little Tokyo?
  14. fixed the pic, click the link to see the rest of my retarded lego collection...and thats barely half of it. HOLY CRAP! I'm surprised you don't have a Lego Death Star to hold all those guys! ;P But seriously, how did you get so many single figures?! And the Legio of Cobra figures is insane too. Gotta love it.
  15. Ha ha! That's funny.
  16. Well done, sir!
  17. Dark Knight Strikes Again = Crap
  18. Good stuff! Awesome! Show it displayed in the CD case holder complete!
  19. The story, according to English anime journalist/author Jonathan Clements is that a production team were stuck for ideas for a new show one day, so simply emptied the contents of their pockets onto a table - and got their idea from there! That's sad.... That's brilliant!!!
  20. I like it. I wouldn't kick that out of bed in the morning. And I like the heatshield color too.
  21. BLASPHEMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. $9.99?! Where?!
  23. um...I'm pretty sure he didn't get the part he was auditioning for... http://www.kontraband.com/show/show.asp?ID...AT=movies&NSFW=
  24. If he wins his own auction, doesn't he still have to pay ebay their percentage? Seems like he's willing to lose a little money to snag unsuspecting buyers.
  25. A MOTOSLAVE IS THAT MUCH CLOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C'mon baby, come to papa. Those figures look nice. I wonder what the final size'll be.
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