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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. I agree with the quality but that maybe due to age? I would think 17 year old plastic is superior to 37 year old plastic?
  2. $150 at least if everything is minty
  3. Do you know the approx price of shipping to the US on orders more than 2?
  4. How much is shipping from HLJ for 4-6 1/60 VF-1's to the US? Is it that much cheaper to order in bulk or not much different from ordering 1?
  5. In the listing it says that it is made by Bandai. I remember these being like the CMS figures...randomly boxed items that you collect. From what I remember the build quality was pretty bad...kept falling apart. Also I am pretty sure these are parts formers.
  6. I would choose my gold book with a Mikimoto sketch or my custom chunky vf-1d.
  7. 1/55 custom VF-1D. If I cant choose a custom...it has to be the joke machines.
  8. Do the saddlebags open up?
  9. Game is worth it! Love the custom games.
  10. What is the going price for a vf-1d anyway?
  11. haha your right. I posted it in the wrong thread. I looked for Mikimoto sketch. Should have been the other one.
  12. Did you have a sketch of Mikimoto's as well? If so can you post it? Actually Im not looking to sell this. I just wanted to know if it was real. If someone had a Mikimoto autograph/sketch that looked like this. I was comparing it to the ones in this thread and while the autograph looked authentic...the sketch didnt match the others here. I was wondering if someone else had a sketch that was comparable. If it was fake maybe Im out $60? For the value being in the $1k's...I dont think so. I was looking for a gold book and now I found one. This one being autographed just means I will probably never sell it...or at least not sell it for a really long time.
  13. Is this a Mikimoto sketch/auto?
  14. You pay customs tax to shipments to the US? I never had that before.
  15. It always helps to put a number to it. How many drones were made? Im guessing low 1000's?
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