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Adam Vermillion

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Thanks for all the concern for the fans of the WRCS. Rest assured, there are force fields in place around the seating section to keep mishaps from happening. This is an original comic written by me. The pencils are by Macross World's own Greg Lane.
  2. Received this doulbe page spread from Greg today. It is killer! Enjoy!
  3. Will do. Thanks for taking a look
  4. This is half of a gigantic 2 page spread. I haven't seen page 2 yet as Greg says he is still working on some of the details. If it's a badass as this half of it I'm buying stock in BVD. Enjoy! (I sure did). Adam
  5. More pencilled goodness from Greg. Page 5, panel 5. Dig it! Adam
  6. http://wrecks-syndicate.com/forum/index.php As of tonight the WRECKS forums are open. Please sign up and join as that will be our main base of operation. (though updates will still occur here as well). Thanks and looking forward to seeing you there! Adam
  7. Hey, that's pretty cool looking. May have to check out this Gun X Sword. Thanks for the link.
  8. This is artwork for an upcoming webcomic that I am writing. The pencils are by Greg Lane. Some of you may recognize that name from the Robotech comic and Robo Dojo from Wildstorm. It will go live in August. Thanks for the interest. Adam
  9. I received the pencils for page one last night from Greg. It's awesome. I wanted to share it but I'm not going to share the entire thing. I am going to be a tease Here is the last panel of page 1 to satisfy your curiousity. Enjoy!
  10. They fight each other in gigantic arenas. Think prowrestling, but with guns and mecha. Though the focus is more on the pilots and their backstage politics. Thanks!
  11. Thanks for the interested, support and kind words. I'll make another post once we have something. Currently working on our website. I want to get the forums up and running there so people interested in the book can all get info from one place instead of me going to a bunch of different sites to schill (though I think that will still happen anyways). Thanks again! Adam
  12. Hi all! I am here to promote a new webcomic we have coming out at the end of the summer. It's about a giant mecha figthing league. It has some killer art and we're all really excited about the project. The book features pencils by Greg Lane (Robotech/Robo Dojo), inks by Jason Roth (Dead Men Tell No Tales: Decimation) colors by Josh Burcham (Transformers) and letters by Thomas Mauer (Starship Troopers) Here are the pencils for a poster we are producing to promote our webcomic. Will be available for purchase in the next few months. If you're interested, please stop by the following sites for more info. www.comicspace.com/wreckssyndicate www.myspace.com/wreckscomic Thanks for looking! Adam Vermillion writer/creator of WRECKS
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