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Everything posted by GogDog

  1. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    Graham just doesn't like them because they are not made by Yamato.
  2. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    Revoltech is a line, Kaiyodo is the company! Ok, I'm better now.
  3. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    Sorry, old news. Here
  4. I'll PM you my email. Send me one and I'll reply to it and see if that works.
  5. The only one I have is the Shoji Kawamori Design Works, featuring Macross, Eureka 7, and tons of other stuff. I was lucky and grabbed the last copy from HLJ some many months ago. I love that book.
  6. Yeah, it was March 17th. I just forwarded the email to the same address again, let me know if you got it.
  7. Well, it was more than a week ago. My email matches my username.
  8. I did.
  9. You guys need to bring back the feedback at the beginning! I have listened to nearly episode, and I miss that from the later ones. Ginrai, are you Jeremy or Andrew?
  10. HLJ sells all the Friend Shop exclusives, so its nothing to really worry about. But that doesn't help this mag order business.
  11. The new Toro comes out along with the new Kuro at the same time.. Not sure why HLJ didn't put them both up yet.
  12. In Japan, the title for ZOE 2 was simply "ANUBIS: Zone of the Enders." It's just the game title on the plaque.
  13. These are from cwmodels (the MW member who posted all the cool WonderFest pics) Flickr gallery. From WonderFest.
  14. Great Flickr gallery, but it would be even more awesome if you could add titles and/or descriptions to the pics. Otherwise, great shots. Do you have any info about that new Lagann figure?
  15. Dead link for me.
  16. I have a pretty decent Revoltech colleciton. I love these little guys. Here's a gallery of the ones I have so far: LINK.
  17. That RAH Motoko is simply stunning. It will most likely be the first RAH I buy.
  18. Oh well, I'll just pick them up one by one eventually then.
  19. I have been a GunBuster fan for a small while now, but I never got around to watching Diebuster. I finally watched it tonight. After the first 3 episodes, I wondered if there would be much of any real tie between the two other than some obscure references (I got a huge Chrono Trigger : Chrono Cross feeling). But wow. The ending literally gave me chills. And I grinned ear to ear when I learned the origin of "Nonoriri" in the flashback of Nono in the comet. Overall, much better that I thought it would be. I can't wait for a thin-pak DVD set. Thanks to the people in this thread for convincing me to watch it.
  20. Well, I meant some of the other details, like where the 19's shoulders are in fighter mode, and where the arm shield is. I know its a stretch, I was just bored.
  21. Look at the back half, wings back (new Starscream toy from next year's TF Animated):
  22. Well, Revoltech is a line of 4-6 inch figures, so that would not be a Revoltech at all.
  23. So what exactly does this mean? Will there be a yet unseen, limited Strike Valk in addition to the Super Valk we have seen? Or is the Super Valk the limited version, while the Roy and Hikaru versions be the standard release?
  24. Not mine.
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