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Everything posted by GogDog

  1. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    If you want to see more of the figure that go with that, go here and click the green (fifth one down) bar on the left of the flash picture. LINK Oh, and by the way, there is another Revoltech thread in the Anime and Science Fiction forum. I'm sure others would rather leave this one specifically for Macross related Revoltechs. Edit And it's "Assemble Borg," not Borg Assemble. I got it wrong. Here's another pic. PIC Posted more info HERE in the other thread.
  2. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    I thinks it's from a subline coming out called Borg Assemble, but I'm not sure. That pic was at WonderFest with a bunch and partially translucent, very alien-looking figures.
  3. Haha, you said dudu. Seriously, though. You have been getting mad scoops lately, so thank you. I'm slightly jealous. Slightly...
  4. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    Heh. That was awesome.
  5. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    Well to be honest, why would they give him free samples? He already has a predisposition towards hating them. If they are such bad sculpts, he shouldn't buy them. Why support a bad figure with your money?
  6. That sucks. I was looking forward to seeing a 1/6 Batou.
  7. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

  8. It's not yours anymore. It belongs to the people.
  9. Takara's VMF Motoko is up for early bird on HLJ. Link
  10. Kaiyodo just updated their official Revoltech page with the June releases. No FAST packs pictured. I'm pretty sure that this is the first time there have been three non-exclusive releases in one month for the main line (except for the month the line debuted).
  11. Well, someone just edited the Wikipedia page saying that there will be a wing version in August. Don't know how true it is...
  12. Haha, I can't resist getting ANY, as I have most of them. I just love what Kaiyodo is doing, for the simple fact that other toy makers are taking notice of the articulation, and taking notice of the money Kaiyodo is raking in. Hopefully this will lead other makers (here's looking at YOU, Americans...) to start upping the quality and articulation of their own products. I saw the new Watchmen figures coming out from DC direct. You can do what with them, rotate the arms? In the 21st century, that should be unacceptable.
  13. Except for Graham, who doesn't' like his Valks to "breakdance."
  14. I haven't heard that one. Maybe that plan they had is out the window then. Not sure.
  15. I dunno, I'm just quoting what was said at BotCon last year. Didn't think about that one though. Although it's hardly the same Prowl. A ninja motorcycle vs a 2nd-in-command police car. Blitzwing is still pretty much the same in concept.
  16. Won't the quality take a hit with that compression? On the other hand, it would make things cheaper...
  17. Not likely. Hasbro has stated that if a character is in Animated, they are not going to do a Classics 2.0 version. Which kinda stinks in some cases.
  18. I assumed they are not out yet? Josh said Aoshima has been rebranding stuff lately. That's all he said. I searched a bunch earlier today and found nothing.
  19. I asked Josh from CollectionDX if he has heard anything about these, and he said he's pretty sure that they are rebranded Hot Toys 1/6 figures. I haven't seen pics of those either.
  20. 1/6, that's 12"..... Anyone have any pics?
  21. You're exactly right, and I just saw 2 new Cybertron repaints at Wal Mart yesterday, and on TFW205.com, Hasbro just revealed 2 more upcoming Cybertron repaints. Animated has technically just ended its first season, is a week into its second, and the first wave of figures is weeks from shipping.
  22. Well, there is some truth in that. It would be great if actually directed these properties he gets. I only say that because he is a great director, but hardly directs anymore. Imagine if he actually did do this one. I liked the Transformers film and I'm a huge fan of the franchise, but I would have liked to have seen what he could have done with it.
  23. Looks like the first wave of figures might have been bumped up to the first week of May... LINK
  24. According to IMDB, he only worked on a Spiderman cartoon... *edit* And a SM video game, too. **Edit again I just another article that said he also indeed produced the 3 Spiderman films, along with the Fantastic 4 movies and the X-men movies. Not sure why the IMDB page I was looking at didn't list that.
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