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Everything posted by GogDog

  1. I know, but you obviously have the option to remove them. I was asking if that point the gray pods were inappropriate.
  2. So would it be non-canon to have my 1/60 21 with no FAST packs to carry gray gunpods?
  3. Does anyone have a solid answer on why some versions of the YF-21 have gray gunpods (i.e. the 1/60) while other version have blue ones (i.e. Revoltech and GNU)?
  4. GogDog

    Graham's Sig

    So if you don't like a product, you get blacklisted? Hmm. I guess it could be me. To be fair, it's only the YF-19 I don't really like, but I do likle the 21. I'm a huge Mac+ fan, so when I'm bored one day I'll still most likely pick them up. Didn't mean to come across as a troll because I think something could be designed better.
  5. Mine should be here any day now. I can't wait.
  6. I still think the 21 looks decent. I'll check it out when I have some extra cash. I just wish they were a tad cheaper.
  7. First run cracking in people's hands. Called it. Better this than the 1/60 21.
  8. The shade of green on the visor just seems way to neony.
  9. Well, I have always collected the Yamaguchi line. I was quite surprised to learn that these would actually be in that main line. They are not something I am really interested in, but I may pick them up just for completion's sake. I kinda wish they were in a different line like the Street Fighter and Fist of the North Star figs.
  10. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

  11. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    Zentradi attack!
  12. I have been working on something similar in my Flickr gallery, but it's only a start and far from complete. I eventually want to host something just like that on my website, which I hope to have finished later this year. My Revoltech Flickr Gallery
  13. Anyways, thanks for everyone's help. Was halfway expecting someone to say "ZOMG NEWBIE THREAD LOL!"
  14. Well, you should have said so.
  15. The pic I remember was a completely different one, but still had Zentradi Humanoid, variable fighters, humans, and other Macross mecha.
  16. I have been scouring the board trying to find a pic that I thought I had saved, but apparently did not. It is similar to this one, but larger and more detailed: LINK Thanks.
  17. The subtitle option is locked out in Media Player Classic, and the subs play fine on one desktop, and not at all on the other. Weird.
  18. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    I have bought TONS of stuff from HLJ, and never gotten anything damaged.
  19. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    So it's better to pay $40 for an item that you can get instead for ~$20?
  20. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    Huh? $40? You can get them for like $15-18 before shipping from HLJ. Get the slow shipping, and it's only like $7 for 3 figures. $40? This is a joke post, right?
  21. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    The Regults are regular edition releases, so they will be around for a long time. In the US, including ebay, the most you will probably see them for is around $25.
  22. YF-19, YF-21, and Lazengann preorders are up at HLJ.
  23. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaand HLJ preorders are up folks.
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