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Everything posted by GogDog

  1. Aniki! Finally got this today. So happy.
  2. I'm almost certain it does not.
  3. Don't know, that's what I'm trying to figure out. David's Post
  4. You never said what Octane's alternate shoulder method was.
  5. Oh wow, good question. Maybe the wings will come with the Fully Drillized version next month.
  6. Yeah TF52, you cant complain about fanboy antics when you are doing the exact same thing.
  7. It's a parody of this: Link
  8. Nothing to lynch you for. Everyone has their own taste. I loved them all, and 4 was great. My roommate joined the army and I get to babysit his PS3 until he finishes school. So I got lucky and got to play MGS4 without having to drop down $400-500 on a console. Why do that? That money could buy me two valks. In all seriousness though, this is great news for gamers in general, just because more people get to play the game. In the end, exclusivity sucks because you have to own every console to play all the good games. The two games I really want to play are MGS4 (Got lucky there) and FF13. I'm still figuring out what I'm going to do for that last one. I'm not in a hurry to buy either console right now. But I've played each FF so far, so I'll get to this one eventually.
  9. I'd pay to see that.
  10. This. And all this immature "ZOMG UR CONSLOE SUX LOL!" is getting old.
  11. I'd hardly say it's finished man. With most people who own 360s on their third or fourth console, people are getting tired of the Red Ring of Death. It's a little late, but with the release of MGS4, the PS3 is picking up major steam now. If MGS4 had not been exclusive, that might have been the case, but not now. Disclaimer: I own neither a 360 nor a PS3.
  12. Oh ,and Octane's Claw Mode is better than Long-Unwieldy-Thingy Mode. He uses it to destroy inferior figures.
  13. Definitely. I wondered the same thing when I transformed it the first time. No, I think they are definitely for articulation. If you want his leg to bend back for any reason at all, the plate has to hinge. Such as a running pose. I am curious myself as to whet the alternative method is. Please share! I am really digging these new Classics. Sunstreaker and octane turned out so well. I love how the wings on Octane's back can be unlocked and posed. Sunstreaker is just great all around and I can wait for Sideswipe.
  14. I hope they release Goku soon. He's a gift for my friend, and I'm getting I'm patient wanting to give it to him. Should by any day now, right?
  15. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't degenerate this thread into an emotional political discussion. Yes, in WALL-E the environment is screwed up. No, it doesn't preach at you. If you are one of those very small amount of people who hear a message saying pick up litter and start cursing at the screen, then do yourself a favor and forget the movie ever existed. It's ok to think taking care of the environment is OK without making it a political issue. If you can't do that, then don't see the movie. Just for the sakes of those that don't want to read your rants that have nothing to do with the movie.
  16. Well, the fact that he almost literally grew up in a plane, and had won flight competitions as a minor does make a significant difference.
  17. Video of Ultimate WALL-E.
  18. Very cool.
  19. GogDog

    Macross Revoltech

    Wish they were bigger, but the more I play with them, the less I am disappointed. Terrific figures.
  20. Saw it tonight. Amazing, amazing, amazing.
  21. The only thing that bugs me is the eyes are way too flat. And it doesn't look like the knees have much articulation, but that may just be the pics. I really like the articulation on the gun-arm fingers though. Nice detail. It would be worth it for the Motoko. If you are referring to the Perfect Piece not holding a position, I just finished testing out some clear nail polish on the balljoints, and the difference was staggering. I wish they would make a gokin Tachi with the proportions of the Perfect Piece.
  22. Just wish they were cheaper. That's the killer for me. the $16-18 price-point of the Revvies are what do it for me. I just can't pay that much for them. But that is also considering that I already have other options available: I own the 1/60s of both, so I have transforming, high-end versions, and I have (in the mail) two, sub-$20 version of them both with tons of accessories. If I didn't have either of those, I suppose these would be must buys for me (I am a HUGE Mac+ fan). But as it stands now, these are somewhere in middle-ground limbo.
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