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Everything posted by Arm

  1. $95?! I just bought one for $42. Jeez. Anyway, nothing has been announced re: new SOC EVAs, but I'm willing to bet that Bandai will make a SOC EVA-03 in the future. As for an EVA-04 or the mass production units... the SOC EVAs have been selling very well, so it's certainly in the realm of possibility.
  2. Does anyone know of a good method (or tool?) to cut circular decals?
  3. Most of the people whining about the nose cone and flaps don't play with their 1/48s anyway, so they don't have much to complain about. Neither problem affects a stationary valkyrie. ...and if the crooked skull bothers you that much: install armor, problem solved.
  4. hey how much would shipping cost for one bandai vf-1a from hlj? ~$10 by SAL, ~$20.50 by EMS.
  5. 1/60 = 1 1/48 = 4
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