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Everything posted by MacrossCN

  1. I only watched Gundam OO and SEED. So I can not understand the homage in the UC, it is a real pity... = = p.s. 21'30", Roman Holiday's poster My Audrey Hepburn, my angel.... What is the movie on the right? The Fourth Tragedy?
  2. LOL You have relation with this scum such as HG, it is really normal ending. Seriously If I am Big West, I must give a petition letter to UEG. It is bare bootleg!!!
  3. SOoooo funny~~~
  4. UB MAD http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9656984 The First http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=711877464 Funny video: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9663794 http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=711738552
  5. 2005.09.02, May'n, 15 years old I really think May'n is so fat now~~~ http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9619101 NT 2000-2009, Charater rank, girl 1. Cagalli, Gundam SEED 2. Lacus, Gundam SEED 3. Sheryl
  6. OMG, AP will produce Season 2!!!! These pics from AP's art director Lee囧(美术总监:李鸿鹏). http://hi.baidu.com/xpenlee/album/%B1%D8%C...9%CD%BC/index/2 http://hiphotos.baidu.com/xpenlee/pic/item...caaab018e76.jpg http://hiphotos.baidu.com/xpenlee/pic/item...4dc74c63865.jpg
  7. new trailer http://www.united-earth-group.com/index.php
  8. NT Feb. isssue http://hiphotos.baidu.com/%BA%F2%BB%C3%C4%...7e7ad6e75d0.jpg http://hiphotos.baidu.com/%BA%F2%BB%C3%C4%...a166b60fbd1.jpg http://hiphotos.baidu.com/%BA%F2%BB%C3%C4%...92d95ca6bd0.jpg A MF official poster trigger BIG anger of Sheryl's fans. http://p-bandai.jp/fcup/ 改訂前シェリルVer. シェリル・ノームノコンサートデ ハンバイサレタ カップラーメン。 シェリル・ノームプロデュースト ウタワレテイルガ アジハ ランカノモノト オナジタメ イツワリノ カノウセイモ… 改訂シェリルVer.(シェリル・ノームプロデュース) シェリル.・ノームノ コンサートデ ハンバイサレタ カップラーメン。 アジガヨイタメ ニャンニャンガ ホカノカップラーメンニモ ヒソカニレシピヲ リュウヨウシテイルヨウダ。
  9. 1/24 17:30~ May'n Special Concert 2010 at 日本武道館 「BIG☆WAAAAAVE!!」 Sheryl‘s flower to May'n Dear May'n First,it's great to hear that you are holding the big live"BIG☆ WAAAAAVE"! good luck and best wishes;I'll be looking forward to your success. But you know this is only the beginning of your dream come true. Just keep moving;I'll always be waiting for you"here". DVD, 5/26
  10. Chinese AP fan's DOUJIN http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=699274833
  11. FULL OP: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/AJGDI2UpuVU EP.4-11 http://www.tudou.com/home/item_u8838687s0p1.html
  12. The right man is RICK.
  13. ROBOTECH: PRELUDE TO THE SHADOW CHRONICLES http://www.dccomics.com/wildstorm/graphic_novels/?gn=14584
  14. Chara and Mecha : http://www.united-earth-group.com/en/genesis
  15. HAHA Fans make the Chinese OP of AP 0:23-0:40 lyrics SK cried and said why this so like my design? All the charaters like aliens. Tianjian squadron, brave boy make the miracle. 0:53-1:09 lyrics My name is Astro Plan, all are my brother give me It is a homage to the Gundam and Macross There is no Copyrights You said it is bootleg. NO! It is only a DOUJIN
  16. EP.03 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/nnFXBzzloUk
  17. EP.02 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ2NTAxMjI4.html http://hiphotos.baidu.com/%e8%b6%85%e6%b0%...71b2934f0b8.jpg
  18. I watched it. Jack Bauer's virus is ..... GOD save him~~~~
  19. HAHA, AP's toy!! http://www.actoys.net/bbs/read.php?tid-437257.html
  20. nico http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9409727 If you like this Orz cartoon please remember watch it everyday, 18:00(GMT+! Today will release EP.02, I give up it. http://tv.video.sina.com.cn/live/jykt.html
  21. OP http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/sPStC707sTM/ Clip This cartoon's non-3D CG part like flash, awesome~~~~ = = http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Tyh58t6I6oQ/ 05:03 打败邪恶的宇宙资源掠夺者,伊克斯星人 defeat the evil Ickes(伊克斯星人) who predator of the universe resources. 05:24 来呀,邪恶的甲虫 come on, the evil BUGs. The enemy really is BUGs????? FULL, it is start after 5 minute: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ2MDc2MzY0.html = =
  22. EP.01 is end. wait online video~~~~
  23. Online LIVE: http://tv.video.sina.com.cn/live/jykt.html Official BLOG: http://astroplan.blog.163.com/ The first toy advertisement How dare this Orz cartoon announce it's copyrights? = = http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/KJyh2UH9wN4 Mecha: http://astroplan.blog.163.com/blog/?class=...093095095065083 Chara: http://astroplan.blog.163.com/blog/static/...01001531455662/
  24. There is a thread with the same opinion~~~ ^^ http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=696072242
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