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Everything posted by MacrossCN

  1. Humming Bird? oh... I see... I think it is New U.N. Icon hehe ^^
  2. =============================================== Last update: Jul.9, 2007 13:12(Japan Standard Time) =============================================== Jul.9, 2007 The New Chronicle from TAF2007 http://www7b.biglobe.ne.jp/~macross/taf2007.html A.D.1995年 未知の時空震によって、銀河系の時間軸が複数に分岐。 A.D.20XX年 居住可能な惑星を求め、銀河の各方面に向かいマクロス・ギャラクシー船団、マクロス・フロンティア等、多数船団が航行中。 -------------------------------------------------- A.D.1995,The Galaxy Time Coordinates to be changed with unknown spatial-temporal shaking. A.D.20XX,Many fleet such as The Macross Galaxy Fleet and The Macross Frontier is sailing in Galaxy, to seek the possible residence planet. 20XX? Is it about New Macross 25? What is The Macross Galaxy Fleet and The Macross Frontier? - - 25th Surface... ugly!! What is it? New UN figure icon? 25th Zippo
  3. Hummmmmmmm... I think this thread only talk about Macross 25, the New Series... So I only update it by Chinese: http://www.macross.com.cn/bbs/read.php?tid=26526 But now... Mr. azrael change the rule? We can talk about 25th, hey hey hey~~~ ^^ Last update: Jul.5, 2007 1:06(Japan Standard Time) Some news about Macross 25th. 1、Hobby Toy: Macross 25th anniversary Toy, it have 25th surface(マクロス25周年記念塗装) But... it is toooooooooooo pooooooooor, ugly!! http://www.hobbystock.jp/item/view/HBY-ICF-00000344 http://www.hobbystock.jp/item/view/HBY-ICF-00000345 2、A new live "Listen my song!!"(オレの歌を聞け!)by JOYSOUND: The early news from Offical Website on Jun.5, it is old news. http://blog.livedoor.jp/ld_anime02/archives/50977172.html Macross fans will use the new Karaoke(カラオケ) music box HyperJoyWAVE sing popular Macross songs(Macross 7 + DYRL) The info in here: http://joysound.com/ex/st/utasuki/macross/index.htm The fans will gain something in this Live 1、Macross 25th Concert ticket 2、Macross 7 DVD Box BTW, I ask some Japanese fans, Macross 25 will be broadcast on Oct. is a wrong message. There is no confirm news about it in Japan. Jun.8, The Offical Website news: 1982年10月3日(日)午後2時から放送を開始した「超時空要塞マクロス」。 今年10月で、マクロスシリーズはテレビ放送開始から四半世紀を迎えます。 “テレビ放送開始”,the means is Macross TV in 1982! it is not New Macross 25!!
  4. hmmm.... I don't think so... The Official message: 1982å¹´10月3æ—¥(æ—¥)åˆå¾Œ2時ã‹ã‚‰æ”¾é€ã‚’開始ã—ãŸã€Œè¶…時空è¦å¡žãƒžã‚¯ãƒ­ã‚¹ã€ã€‚ 今年10月ã§ã€ãƒžã‚¯ãƒ­ã‚¹ã‚·ãƒªãƒ¼ã‚ºã¯ãƒ†ãƒ¬ãƒ“放é€é–‹å§‹ã‹ã‚‰å››åŠä¸–紀を迎ãˆã¾ã™ã€‚ “テレビ放é€é–‹å§‹â€<------tv broadcasting begin What mean is it? "Macross 25" or "Macross TV"? I guess it is Macross TV in 1982. Because The New Macross only has a temp title, Macross 25. Sure... Oct. It is a good time. Maybe it is Macross 25 for 25th, hehehe~~~ ^^
  5. BTW Macross Official Website is updated on Jun.18 Macross 25.... bad name http://www.macross.co.jp
  6. perfect~~~~~~ I love Graham ^^
  7. really???? I wait you~~ hahahahahahahaha
  8. Thanks your description~~~ ^^
  9. sobbing.........................
  10. =============================================== Last update: Jun.12, 2007 2:36(Japan Standard Time) =============================================== Jun.12, 2007 This is Jul.NewType. In the page 92-93, there are some setting pics about New Macross Heroine and New Valkyrie. Maybe the new Heroine is Lolita(ロリキャラ), the history settings is human and Zentraedi together live. But... Because the copyrights, the Japanese Fans could not give me pics... I want look it~~~~ T T
  11. Yes, you are right I think so. We are old, the New Generation will be continued... But, School Story is toooooo........... nightmare~~~ - -
  12. 学園= School or Academy. It is not Skull! ティーンエイジ=teenage So I think it is School, high school. Maybe... But I am very despair now.... - -
  13. =============================================== Last update: Jun.11, 2007 2:27(Japan Standard Time) =============================================== Jun.11, 2007 Some grapevines from Japanese Macross Fans on The Macross Official BBS http://www.macross.co.jp/bbs/entry.cgi?mod...=tree&no=43 ==================================================== NTより ――実際ã®ã€Œãƒžã‚¯ãƒ­ã‚¹25ã€ãŒã©ã®ã‚ˆã†ãªä½œå“ã«ãªã‚‹ã‹ã‚‚ã€ãƒ•ã‚¡ãƒ³ã«ã¨ã£ã¦ã¯æ°—ã«ãªã‚‹ã¨ã“ã‚。 物語ã®ãƒ†ãƒ¼ãƒžã«ã¤ã„ã¦ã‚‚ã€æ²³æ£®ç›£ç£ã«èžã„ã¦ã¿ãŸã€‚ 河森「今度ã®ä½œå“ã§ã¯ã€å­¦åœ’を中心ã¨ã—ãŸé’æ˜¥ç‰©èªžã‚’æ ¹å¹¹ã«å–り入れã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚ãŸã¨ãˆã°ãƒ•ã‚¡ãƒ¼ã‚¹ãƒˆã‚·ãƒªãƒ¼ã‚ºã§ã¯ç­‰èº«å¤§ã®æ—¥å¸¸æ€§ã‚’æ„è­˜ã—ã¦ã¾ã—ãŸã—ã€ãã®åŠ‡å ´ç‰ˆã¯èˆžå°ãµã†ã€ï½žï¼—ãŒæ¼«ç”»ãµã†ã€ãƒ—ラスã¯æ´‹ç”»ãµã†ã€ã‚¼ãƒ­ã¯ç¥žè©±ãµã†ã€ãã—ã¦ä»Šå›žã¯â€å­¦åœ’モノâ€ã‚’ã‚ã–ã—ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã€‚特ã«ãƒ†ã‚£ãƒ¼ãƒ³ã‚¨ã‚¤ã‚¸ã‚ƒãƒ¼ã®äººã«è¦‹ã¦æ¬²ã—ã„ã§ã™ã­ã€‚ 今日を楽ã—ãå­¦æ ¡ã§éŽã”ã—ã¦ã„ã¦ã‚‚ã€ã‚ã—ãŸã€åŒã˜å ´æ‰€ã§å†ã³ä¼šãˆã‚‹ã¨ã¯é™ã‚‰ãªã„ã€ãã‚“ãªå±é™ºã¨éš£ã‚Šã‚ã‚ã›ã§æš®ã‚‰ã™åŒä¸–代ã®å°‘年少女ãŸã¡ã®ç‰©èªžã§ã™ã€ ==================================================== This is a early grape, but I do not know what is NT, so I could not post it. Now, I think NT is a magazine... Why the name is Macross 25??? The Japanese Fans said that The New Macross is a School Story(学園モノ) about teenager. Mr. Kawamori will give us a YA generation's popular story(é’春物語)different from early Macross Series. All messages from New Type Dang~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kawamori!!!!!! If it is a real thing, it is a big joke!!!! I really hope it is only a grape!!!!!! But... Maybe it is a truth...................
  14. Nooooooooooooo, I think it is a good thing. There is a truth, The Macross series become Kawamori personal Macross. So what, Because every Kawamori produces include some special things, Peace Hope, Environment Problem, Overpopulation... Kawamori think give us some deep things, not only War. We do not like Macross 7 and Zero, becasue the Aliens mechan have Super Power and non-Robot Surface. Aliens must have Robot like Zentraedi, isn't it? BTW, Macross 25 include Battle 25 and City 25... hey hey hey ^^ and... I am 1000 post~~~~~~~~~
  15. =============================================== Last update: Jun.7, 2007 1:16(Japan Standard Time) =============================================== Jun.7, 2007 The news from Macross Official website http://www.macross.co.jp Jul, There is a new live "Listen my song!!"(オレã®æ­Œã‚’èžã‘ï¼ï¼‰by JOYSOUND. Macross fans will use the new Karaoke music box sing popular Macross songs(Macross 7 + DYRL) But Offical said that Live detail is coming, please wait... The other info in here: http://blog.livedoor.jp/ld_anime02/archives/50977172.html The fans will gain something in this Live 1ã€Macross 25th Concert ticket 2ã€Macross 7 DVD Box
  16. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh Maybe it is truth. The reference article only in here, but it said that "Macross 25" a temp name http://d.hatena.ne.jp/moonphase/20070605 [アニメ]TVA「マクロス25(仮)ã€ç¶šå ±ã€‚ 原作・ç·ç›£ç£ãƒ»ã‚¹ãƒˆãƒ¼ãƒªãƒ¼æ§‹æˆãƒ»ãƒ¡ã‚«ãƒ‹ãƒƒã‚¯ãƒ‡ã‚¶ã‚¤ãƒ³ï¼šæ²³æ£®æ­£æ²» アニメーション制作:サテライト ©2007 ビックウエストï¼ãƒžã‚¯ãƒ­ã‚¹25製作委員会 25.... I figure this name is too pooooooor........... - -
  17. Last update: Jun.4, 2007 19:36(Japan Standard Time) Mr. Kentaro Haneda(羽田å¥å¤ªéƒŽï¼ŒMacross TV composer)has passed away. Rest in Peace. Macross 25th lost a principal guest... http://www.sponichi.co.jp/entertainment/fl...0070604027.html http://www.marimusic.com/index2.html Mari(飯島 真ç†ï¼ŒMinmay voice)said that The Macross 25th Concert will be a gift to Mr. Haneda in Aug.
  18. Last update: May.29, 2007 12:22(Japan Standard Time) The news form SEGA: http://segadirect.jp/Catalog/ProductDetail...U=0101008-04200 Macross 25th Project: Macross Max Box! (temp name) The Macross series songs will be included in 8 disc. and... The Macorss Official Website was updated on 5.28. There are some old news about Macross 25th Concert. http://www.macross.co.jp but... I find other words in these messages: ä»–ã«ã‚‚ゲストã®ç™»å ´ãŒã‚ã‚‹ã‹ã‚‚!? Maybe other secret guests will present the concert~~~ Who??????????????????????
  19. Hehehe Bingo~~~~~~~~~~ マクロス25周年記念ライブ = Macross 25th Anniversary Live ライブ = Live = concert
  20. Last update: May.27, 2007 4:16(Japan Standard Time) The news from Fukuyama Official Website http://www.fukuyama-yoshiki.net/News/archi...2007/05/25.html The Macross 25th anniversary Live(concert) Minmay meets FireBomber~~~ 17:00 8.18.2007 Tokyo Young Japanese Large Hall(æ±äº¬ 日本é’年館大ホール) Basara(Fukuyama,ç¦å±± 芳樹), Mylene(Chie Kajiura,ãƒã‚¨ã‚«ã‚¸ã‚¦ãƒ©) and Minmay(Mari Iijima,飯島 真ç†)... We are together~~~~ and... The important message in here... 新作マクロスã®ãƒˆãƒ¬ãƒ¼ãƒ©ãƒ¼ä¸Šæ˜ ã€ãã—ã¦ãã®æ–°ä½œãƒžã‚¯ãƒ­ã‚¹ã®ãƒ’ロインã®åˆãŠæŠ«éœ²ç›®ã€‚ ã“ã®ãƒ©ã‚¤ãƒ–ã“ãã€ãƒžã‚¯ãƒ­ã‚¹ã®æ­´å²ã‚’塗り替ãˆã‚‹ï¼ In this Live... The New Macross trailer will be released!!! The New Macross Heroine!!!Debut!!!! Now... The New Macorss returns!!! coooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
  21. Kawamori Offical Website was opened. http://www.satelight.co.jp/kawamori/ and here... Kawamori take the new car power suit design of Japanese NISSAN. http://www.satelight.co.jp/2007/05/dualis.html and.... The important message in here: シリーズ25周年記念作å“『マクロスã€ãƒ†ãƒ¬ãƒ“シリーズ最新作を制作中。 We could confirm something about New Macross 1ã€TV version~~~ 2ã€Kawamori is a principal in New Macross, maybe there is not Mikimoto. 3ã€New Macross is being produced by Satelight.
  22. Hmmmmmmmmm... let me think about it, there is maybe a glitch, because The Macross Official website never said Satelight will be produce New Macross. Official only said that Satelight present 25th booth in TAF2007. So, The New Macross will become a new epic without Satelight... ^^
  23. I think... my means is... The New Macross will be released by Satelight. Zero is Satelight product too. So... ^^ Some buddies dislike the big monster, why must The Overtechnology Product be mechanical Rob? It is cute fairy also, why not? I like it, hey hey~~~
  24. When I watched the Kissdum, I think the New Macross will become a similar Macross 7 story by Shoji Kawamori. Some guys maybe despair~~~~~~~~ In Kissdum, there are new life race like ProtoDeviln, it is HardyAnn(ãƒãƒ¼ãƒ‡ã‚£ã‚¢ãƒ³) produce by other Culture Technology. HardyAnn=Hades Arms or Hades Angel? The story hero Aiba(哀羽シュウ) evolve into NecroDriver(ãƒã‚¯ãƒ­ãƒ€ã‚¤ãƒãƒ¼ï¼ˆä¼æ‰¿è€…)), when he killed by HardyAnn. NecroDriver... Super Power... He can fly and his left hand change to gun~~~ Varda(ヴァルダ) is a servant of Dead Books(死者ã®æ›¸) Vaire(ヴァイレ) & Valar(ヴァラール ) are servants of Abhoos Bones(アヴホースã®éª¨). I figure they are cute fairy like Sivil. Cute, tooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!! Varda Valar Vaire the story is continued...
  25. 5.15.2007 The Macross offical website is updated. But it is old news about HD Remaster DVD. We need the real news!!!!!!!
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