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Everything posted by MacrossCN

  1. SMS001 and NO U.N. logo... Student Valk? HAHAHAHA ^^ Ditto Graham San THANKS~~~~~~~~~~
  2. 新型バルキリー VF25  統合軍の時期主力可変戦闘機。VF-1の流れをくむ優秀な機体だ。 主力 MAIN, VF-25 is U.N. Main Valk in 2070. I think it is NEW design for SK, it is not NEW for U.N. ======================================= 071109, 23:56 JST(update again) http://www.tanomi.com/macross/ Macross U.N. Music flight jacket Maybe left package could inculde MP3 player~~~ and headphone... BUT.................. limit produce: 100 = =
  3. Thanks In this pic, there is a S, so I think 雪露 is Shery Sure, maybe it is Sheruru, wait Official Name hehehe ^^
  4. BTW サラ・ノーム//Sara Nome マオ・ノーム//Mao Nome シェリル・ノーム//Shery Nome Is this the first same name in Macross Series??? =。 = early design Is this Michelle Blanc? This is GIRL name, but she like a BOY... BOY or GIRl?? = = Alto?? VF-25??
  5. ======================================= 071108, 10:16 JST(update again) The Messages from 2ch: http://anime2.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/anime3...0237912/301-400 MF Story A.D.207X, The colonization fleet Macross Frontier(Macross 11) is traveling. On the fleet, some 10 million people live peacefully. There is a TOP IDOL Sheryl Nome(シェリル・ノーム). Ranka Lee meet pilot training student Alto(早乙女アルト)on the way to concert. Love triangle about them~~~ However, Macross Frontier are raided by the powerful attack, the peace is broken... What about Alto? What about MF's people choice? New Macross Story is continued... MF Character(nonofficial translation) 早乙女アルト//Saotome Alto(Boy, student) ランカ・リー//Ranka Lee(Girl, student?) シェリル・ノーム//Sheryl Nome(Girl, Galaxy Idol, 雪露) オズマ・リー//Ozma Lee(Ranka's old brother, U.N.Pilot) ルカ・アンジェローニ//Luca Anjerony(Girl, student) ミシェル・ブラン//Michelle Blanc(Boy, student) キャサリン・グラス//Catherine Glass(Girl, U.N.) 松浦ナナセ//Matsuura Nanase(Girl, ?) カメリア・ベルシュタイン//Gamelia Belstain(Girl, ?) ボビー・マルゴ//Bobby Malgo(Boy, ?) Newtype 12 too COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL~~~~ I like Valk 25^^ It is U.N. Main Valk in 2070.
  6. Graham San, could you get the new Newtype???? thanks~~ ^^
  7. ======================================= 071107, 19:16 JST The Messages from Macross Official BBS, thanks to ベイソウ・セイケン さん http://www.macross.co.jp/bbs/entry.cgi?mod...tree&no=702 In new NewType, New Macross name is Macross F, it is not tentative title~~~ Broadcasting start schedule in 2008. New Valk is VF-25, the Galaxy Idol Shery's first name is Nome(ノーム) Zero story is continued???? And... The MBS special program "The Frontiers of MACROSS" will realease MF video clip.
  8. YES, I use wrong words, hehehehe It is not STOP, it is PAUSE THANKS~~~~ ^^
  9. ======================================= 071103, 2:56 JST The news from Bandai: http://product.bandaivisual.co.jp/web_serv...em_no=BCBA-3229 Bandai will re-release Macross Flash back 2012 on Feb.22, 2008!!!! And... 1、 In Joysound events http://joysound.com/ex/st/utasuki/macross/...D96F097254C5.s3 These karaoke music is Macross, It is the best favorite music by Macross Fans~~~~ ・愛・おぼえていますか/飯島真理 ・SEVENTH MOON /Fire Bomber featuring BASARA NEKKI ・突撃ラブハート/Fire Bomber ・PLANET DANCE /Fire Bomber ・DYNAMITE EXPLOSION /Fire Bomber 2、 Nov.14, Macross 7 rebroadcast will be stopped. http://www.macross.co.jp/ Hmmmm... Nov.21, SK will show on TV!! The New Macross will be released??? HAHAHAHA~~~
  10. Seriously, maybe there are some Macross messages by Megumi~~~ http://www.blog-stardust.jp/nakajimamegumi 10.27, Megumi's blog: She have some SECRETs on Oct.27. She could not tell us, Please wait... New Macross Theme song??? Wait.... ^^ ======================================= 今日もいろいろ頑張りました。 何を? えっ?言えません。言えませーん♪ いつかきっとかえーるだろーおー♪(ミンメイ) じゃなくて、いつかきっとわかーるだーろおー。 中島愛が、10月27日に何をがんばっていたのか…。 待ってろドロボー!← =======================================
  11. = = Hmmmmmmm.... I said FULL contents in here http://edenmacross.uu1001.com/read.php?tid=65 Could you find something???
  12. Some snapshots... Full contents in here: http://edenmacross.uu1001.com/read.php?tid=65 2007,New Macross is contiuned... Macross 25th project, coming soon...
  13. The page was updated. Show on Nov.21, it is not next week~~~ Is it OLD episode? Hmm..... all Aquarion? so boring... but I think it is new episode hey hey~~~
  14. ======================================= 071024, 15:32 JST The message from Macross Official BBS, thanks to JAC さん http://www.macross.co.jp/bbs/entry.cgi?mod...ree&no=1078 In next Animegiga(Oct.31??), the Guest is Shoji Kawamori さん!!! http://www.nhk.or.jp/animegiga/index.html So, you will take some questions to SK in here: https://www.nhk.or.jp/animegiga/guest_form.html There are NO Aquarion, NO other anime!!!! All Macross Frontier!!! Buddy, let's do it!!! HAHAHAHA~~~~~ ^^
  15. The full Trailer has 4 min, So I think.... Macross Official will Give me FULL???? HAHAHAHAHA
  16. HEHEHE Comic Trash is Macross 7 too, so I said that
  17. Maybe MF like Satelight's Aquarion(創聖のアクエリオン) 2003, it was confirmed. 2004, Official Web Site was opened. 2005, it was released. Mikimoto??? Come back??? NO~~~ When Macross 7 was finished, the Macross age of Mikimoto is over! The Macross Series will become SK's Macross. I think it is SK's wish, own Macross!!! without other.
  18. 070923, 1:32 JST Macross 25th Project Macross 7 Remaster Box 2 It include 25th Concert Digest(マクロス25周年記念ライブ ダイジェスト) ^^ http://product.bandaivisual.co.jp/web_serv...em_no=BCBA-3050 BTW, some grapes from A.C.E.3 Official Blog http://www.ace-game.jp/blog/archives/2007/09/ace34.html 今年末には、マクロス25周年作品の「マクロス フロンティア(仮)」が控えている。 MF will be realeased at the end of this year??????????????? I do not know where is the truth, HAHAHAHA~~~ - -
  19. NO, that news was report 25th Live. パイロットフィルム = pilot film = trailer
  20. http://www.animate.tv/news/detail.php?id=a...;rid=&type= さらに2009年放映予定のマクロスシリーズ最新作『マクロスフロンティア(仮)』のパイロットフィルムも本邦初公開!  The new Macross Frontier will be released in broadcast schedule 2009. AND... there is a conversation in early 25th Live. ================================================== 速水:あ、あと二年の時間ですね。 河森:そうですよ、今マクロスまだ修復中です。 Sho Hayami: Is there 2 years? Shoji Kawamori: Hmmm... The Macross is repairing now. ================================================== SK's mean is the release date in 2009~~~ I think it. p.s. Feb. 2009, Macross's space launching ceremony. 2009~~~~ It is Perfect time~~~ ^^
  21. In Newtype, there is the one page introduce article of Megumi, but there is no info about MF. by Japanese Fans ----------------------------- In Megumi's Blog, she writes her student life everyday, I figure the MF Voice Project is not start!
  22. Macross 25th Project, HD Remaster DVD Series All have booklet(豪華ブックレット)~~~ Macross TV, Feb.22, 2008 http://product.bandaivisual.co.jp/web_serv...em_no=BCBA-3169 Macross DYRL, Dec.21, 2007 http://product.bandaivisual.co.jp/web_serv...em_no=BCBA-3171 Macross DYRL Memorial Box, Dec.21, 2007 http://product.bandaivisual.co.jp/web_serv...em_no=BCBA-3170
  23. No news, no trailer, nothing.... So boring.................. 2 pics from Megumis's Blog. too big, and too blurry, pooooooor technic~~~ I figure Megumi is a cute girl by this pic. hehehehe
  24. The Official 25th T-Shirt 25th T-Shirt by me HAHAHAHAHAHA
  25. Yes, old news~~~ But on Megumi's Official Website, there is a update about her. http://www.nakajimamegumi.com/media/ It is only write "09/10(月)『Newtype』" and "MEDIA UP" what's mean? SORRY, I do not know...
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