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Everything posted by MacrossCN
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Which is the Frontier's U.N. LOGO??? I think Macross Frontier Fleet separate from earth U.N. = = -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I think it is Sheryl leave Macross Galaxy Fleet to Macross Frontier Fleet~~~ -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Macross VF-X2 Story in 2050. In this period, Racrance(ラクテンス)hold U.N. real power. This group want take all power in Earth U.N., it prevent Frontier Planet has autonomy(辺境惑星自治). So, there is autonom conflict between Earth U.N. and Immigrant Fleet. Feb. 2051, U.N. and Vindirance(ビンディランス)defeat the Macross 13 of Racrance. Racrance's ambition is broken. So, I think Macross Frontier separate from earth U.N. in 2059. -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Graham, Thanks!!! U.N. LOGO!!!!!! Is it changed???????????????????????? Or.... U.N. will not exist in 2059?? -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
このロイ・フォッカー似のカラーリングはオズマ・リー搭乗機。 Ozma's VF-25 have similar color ring of Roy Focker. 主人公早乙女アルトが乗り込むVF-25は赤黒のラインが入っている. Alto's VF-25 have red and black lines. -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
HJ pics, Thanks to llggjj -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Hmmmm... Early Macross TV series is BigWest and MBS(每日放送) cooperant program~~~ SO, you could see “製作:每日放送、ビックウエスト” at the end of OP~~ -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Yes, it is not Vol.1! It is only Vol.1 Special Edit Version, maybe some clips from Vol.1. Dec. 23, 26:50 = Dec. 24, 2:50AM Merry X'mas~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks sketchley!! SORRY, I know it's means, but I use wrong words again, HAHAHA~~~ Macross F Comics will start to serialize from Feburary So... Macross F TV a might start to broadcast at an earlier date??? -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
The news from Macross Official Website!!!! http://www.macross.co.jp/ Macross F Vol.1 Special Edit version will be released!!! TBS 12月23日(日)深夜26:50〜(予定) MBS 12月28日(金)深夜25:15〜(予定) Macross F is MBS new Anime, why first broadcast in TBS?? = = and old news Macross U.N. Music flight jacket ======================================= 071109, 23:56 JST http://www.tanomi.com/macross/ Macross U.N. Music flight jacket Maybe left package could inculde MP3 player~~~ and headphone... BUT.................. limit produce: 100 = = -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
To sketchley San and other Japanese Fans, There is a new info, but I do not know what is HJ. Is it abbreviation?? Thanks to Project Phoenix!!! HJ=Hobby Japan ホビージャパン,2008 1月号(Hobby Japan, Jan. issue, 2008) 模型誌HJの情報 「人類は銀河の各方面に新天地を求め旅立った。 その25番目となる超長距離移民船団「マクロス・フロンティア」は 1000万人を超える人々を乗せ、銀河の中心付近を航行中に謎の敵と遭遇、戦闘状態に突入する。 (中略)時系列的には「マクロス7」の2045年よりおよそ14年後の西暦2059年の時代設定になる。」 11th-->25th 2070--->2059 So, some Japanese Fans said maybe Macross F is parallel world story... and other info from Macross Official BBS: Thanks to ベイソウ・セイケン さん http://www.macross.co.jp/bbs/entry.cgi?mod...ree&no=1149 少年エース,2008 2月号(Boy Ace, Feb. issue, 2008) Macross F Cartoon(漫画) will start! = = Cartoon????????????????????? What about Macross F TV???? -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
HAHAHA Thanks, Sketchley San!! It is EASY case, it must Frontier!!! Because MBS Special is "Frontiers of MACROSS", this text is same on Newtype, Animage and Animedia!!! SO..... this LOGO confuse us ^^ -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
フロンティア!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frontier or Flantier??? what is TRUTH????? -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Thanks, Sketchley San!!! SORRY, AnimeGiga have not Macross F info, ALL Aquarion!!!! T T -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
To Sketchley San and other Japanese Fans, tonight, SK will show on NHK AnimeGiga. Maybe there is some news about Macross F~~~ If it is only Aquarion, I hate it~~~~ T T 11/21 水曜日 (火曜深夜) 午前0:00~0:39 [bS2] 11/21 水曜日 18:00~18:39 [bShi] -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
======================================= 071118, 13:12 JST MBS 25th Special,Macross F!!! Download, and change postfix to .flv http://chi-v242.chi.youtube.com/get_video?..._id=jTh2skI9IPU I have a question, why is there no U.N. LOGO in two PV????? U.N. LOGO is changed in 2070???? -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
・学園もの ・敵は宇宙怪獣 ・次期主力可変戦闘機、VF-25 <----------NEXT period main Vlak ・現行機、VF-171 <-----------------------ACTIVE Valk, so main now! -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
VF-25(SMS001, 007) havne't U.N. Logo, and Newtype said that: 新型バルキリー VF25 統合軍の次期主力可変戦闘機。VF-1の流れをくむ優秀な機体だ。 so I think VF-171 is MAIN Valk in MF. This winter(今冬) Maybe Dec. -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
VF-171~~~~~~~~~~~~ HAHA Thanks Graham San~~~ Only wait MBS 25th Sepcial program release MF new video. -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Maybe there are more info in these Magazine~~~ ^^ http://www.satelight.co.jp/2007/11/11_2.html Animage, Dec. issue 【アニメージュ12月号】(徳間書店/11月10日発行) 『シリーズ集大成の最新作 マクロス・フロンティア始動!』 「マクロスF」紹介 Animdia, Dec. issue 【アニメディア12月号】(学研/11月10日発行) 『マクロスの新シリーズがついに本格始動!』 「マクロスF」紹介 【NEWTYPE 12月号】(角川書店/11月10日発行)(done) 『新天地に向かって』 「マクロスF」紹介 BTW, I find this video from Satelight Digital Dept. I remember early blog have text description but there is no video. Is it Satelight unpublicized Video? Daddy and Mommy of Macross F~~~ The last mystery person is SK???? HAHAHAHA <link removed> -
This scene have a song by Milia, it's name is "Milia's lullaby". It is my favorite song on Macross TV. ^^ Viva Max! Viva Milia!! Viva Komilia!!! Viva Emilia!!! Viva Max Family!!!! HAHA Apple~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
There is real Macross Galaxy Fleet!!! Early update =============================================== Jul.9, 2007 The New Chronicle from TAF2007 http://www7b.biglobe.ne.jp/~macross/taf2007.html A.D.1995年 未知の時空震によって、銀河系の時間軸が複数に分岐。 A.D.20XX年 居住可能な惑星を求め、銀河の各方面に向かいマクロス・ギャラクシー船団、マクロス・フロンティア等、多数船団が航行中。 -------------------------------------------------- A.D.1995,The Galaxy Time Coordinates to be changed with unknown spatial-temporal shaking. A.D.20XX,Many fleet such as The Macross Galaxy Fleet and The Macross Frontier is sailing in Galaxy, to seek the possible residence planet. -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
http://www.macross.co.jp/contents/special/...11001/movie.flv BTW, there are some info about Sheryl http://news22.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/moeplus/1194871173/1-100 その「フロンティア」船団に、近隣の「マクロス・ギャラクシー」 船団出身のアイドル・シンガー「シェリル・ノーム」がコンサートのために来艦。シェリルは 銀河ネットワークのヒットチャートで常に上位にランクインする誇り高きトップ・アイドルである。 Sheryl Nome is a Galaxy Network Rank usual TOP IDOL on Macross Galaxy. Galaxy is Macross Frontier fleet's neighborhood fleet. SO, we can see "銀河歌姬来艦" BUT, Parallel two fleets(船団)??? -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Thanks Graham San BUT, I have quesiton~~~ 001 and 007 have not U.N. LOGO, so is it student Valk????? -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
YES, 2ch have a mistake!! it is 統合軍の次期主力可変戦闘機。 it is not 統合軍の時期主力可変戦闘機。 I look the logo on the Ozma Lee's helmet Is it Alto's student clothing logo?? He is teacher? http://stage6.divx.com/user/advent1/video/...cross-F-trailer This is only early trailer on 25th Concert~~~ Macross Official is miser!!!!!! NEED MORE~~~~ - - -
Macross 25th Anniversary and upcoming new TV series thread
MacrossCN replied to azrael's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
sketchley, Thanks~~ I look the Newtype, it is 次期!!! When????2070??? I am confusion~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~