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Everything posted by MacrossCN

  1. Beacause I don't know some words mean, so maybe this translaiton have some mistakes. I need sketchley San correct me. Thanks!!! New info of VF-25 http://www.macrossf.com/mecha.html YF-24をベースとして開発された。 VF-25 base on YF-24 ========================================== New info of Character http://www.macrossf.com/chara.html キャシー・グラス(Cathy Glass) CV:小林沙苗(Sanae Kobayashi) 新統合軍のチーフオペレータ。 軍人の家系で育った、バリバリのキャリアウーマン。 New U.N. Spacy Chief Operator and Grew up in military family, Valivaly's career woman p.s. Sorry, I do not know what is バリバリ. or パリパリ?? ----------------------------------- ミハエル・ブラン(Michael Bran) CV:神谷浩史(Hiroshi Kamiya) 女と見れば口説かずにはいられない、アルトの同級生。 射撃の腕が抜群で、敵も女も狙った獲物は必ず落とすことをモットーにしている。 Love every girls, Alto's classsmate. He has excellent shooting technology. His motto is that If you aimed enemy or girl, you must shoot down it or date her. ----------------------------------- ルカ・アンジェローニ(Luca Anjerony) CV:福山 潤(Jun Fukuyama) アルトとミハエルの後輩。 コンピューターに詳しい。 The junior of Alto and Michael. He know computer. ----------------------------------- 松浦ナナセ(Matsuura Nanase) CV:桑島法子(Houko Kuwashima) ランカのバイト仲間。 ランカの歌手になる夢を応援している。 Ranka's friend. She assists the singer dream of Ranka. ----------------------------------- ボビー・マルゴ(Bobby Malgo) CV:三宅健太(Kenta Miyake) S.M.Sのマクロス25(クォーター)戦艦操舵士。 見かけはいかついが、気立ては優しいオカマ。 オズマに対して報われぬ恋心を内に秘めている。 The Macross 25 battleship steering engineers(操舵士)of S.M.S. He is good-natured gay although appearance is stern. The love(恋)which is not rewarded to Ozma is kept secret in the inside. p.s. Sorry, I do not know what is オカマ in here. gay or effeminate man?
  2. Sketchley San, are you able to watch TBS tomorrow??
  3. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Dec. 23, TBS, 2:50AM Dec. 28, MBS, 1:15AM http://www.macrossf.com/news.html
  4. Hey buddy, don't worry~~~ Japanese Fans have same question, not all Japanese are able to watch TBS. And... 2:50AM... this time is perfect!!! HAHAHAHA ^^ SO, I think it must be shared!!!
  5. This Sunday, Episode. 1 is released. Maybe ALL guesses wil be done~~~~ ^^
  6. ======================================= 071213, 14:12 JST The news from http://www.onsen.ag/blog/?p=487 Radio Macross The Prep of Macross F, Ranka's Megumi Nakajima and Bobby's Kenta Miyake will show Radio Macross to us. This program will review past Macross World. air date: NCB(文化放送), Jan. 4, 2008 start, every Friday, 25:30-26:00 MBS(毎日放送), Jan. 6, 2008 start, every Sunday, 25:30-26:00 文化放送 08年01月04日(金)~ 毎週金曜日25:30~26:00 毎日放送 08年01月06日(日)~ 毎週日曜日25:30~26:00 
  7. ======================================= 071212, 20:18 JST some new info of Characters. http://www.famitsu.com/anime/news/1212399_1558.html Alto, 16 years old He was born in the lineage of Kabuki female role and has Pilot Genius, so he went against his father's wish and hopes to become a pilot. Ranka, 15 years old no new info Sheryl, 17 years old Cute appearance, on the contrary has high pride and bluntly chat with other people. Ozma, 27 years old Chief Pilot of Private(私設) Special Duty Military Organization(特務軍事機関) SMS, Ranka's old brother but they are no kin. Beacase once private action, he has been deprived of the military. Luka Anjerony and Michael Bran Alto's classmate.
  8. Sorry.... Now, clarify it!!! 1、 Macross Galaxy is Fleet.(「マクロス・ギャラクシー」船団) Sheryl is Macross Galaxy Super Idol, she is called "Fairy of Galaxy"(銀河の妖精), And go to Frontier for the Live. by NT Jan. Issue Japanese description: 「銀河の妖精」の名で親しまれる、マクロス・ギャラクシー船団出身のスーパーアイドル。 フロンティアへはライブのために来船する。 ========================================= 2、Maybe Sheryl is a student too. Is it a School life about Pilot and Singer? by NT Dec. Issue, pp.126 Japanese description: パイロットと歌手の卵の学園生活? ========================================= 3、 Sheryl is real idol! She is Galaxy Network Rank Top Idol. by NT Dec. Issue, pp. 61 Japanese description: NT シェリルは銀河ネットワークのアイドル。 and MBS Macross F Offical Website: シェリルは銀河ネットワークのヒットチャートで常に上位にランクインする誇り高きトップ・アイドルである。 ========================================= BTW, 4、 by the html page title of Macross F Official Website http://www.macrossf.com/index.html html resource code: <title>マクロス FRONTIER</title> フロンティア is Frontier!!! It is not Flontier or Flantier ^^ ========================================= 5、 Definitely, there is New U.N. Spacy!!! Frontier is a city(居住艦) and battle ship(戦闘艦) unit by New U.N. Spacy, 10 million or more people live in it. by MBS website Japanese description: 「フロンティア」には宇宙船には新・統合軍による戦闘艦と一体化した居住艦を中心として1000万人以上が暮らす。 + +
  9. Here, but no news: ======================================= 071208, 0:56 JST(update again) 1、 News from Animage Jan. issue!!!! Macross F will broadcast in Apr. 2008 All Cast List(Non-Official translation name) 早乙女アルト(Saotome Alto) CV:中村悠一(Yuuichi Nakamura) ランカ・リー(Ranka Lee) CV:中島 愛(Megumi Nakajima) シェリル・ノーム(Sheryl Nome) CV:遠藤 綾(Aya Endo) ------------------------- オズマ・リー(Ozma Lee) CV:小西克幸(Konishi Katsuyuki) ジェフリー・ワイルダー(Jeffrey Wilder) CV:大川 透(Toru Ohkawa) ルカ・アンジェローニ(Luca Anjerony) CV:福山 潤(Jun Fukuyama) ミシェル・ブラン(Michelle Bran)(NT Dec. issue) ミハエル・ブラン(Michael Bran)(rework by NT & Animage Jan. issue) CV:神谷浩史(Hiroshi Kamiya) キャサリン・グラス(Catherine Glass)(NT Dec. issue) キャシー・グラス(Cathy Glass)(rework by Animage Jan. issue) CV:小林沙苗(Sanae Kobayashi) ハワード・グラス(Howard Glass)//Cathy's sibling? CV:西村知道(Tomomichi Nishimura) 松浦ナナセ(Matsuura Nanase) CV:桑島法子(Houko Kuwashima) ------------------------- カメリア・ベルシュタイン(Gamelia Belstain)//Who is CV? CV:? ボビー・マルゴ(Bobby Malgo) CV:三宅健太(Kenta Miyake) レオン・三島(Leon Mishima) CV:杉田智和(Tomokazu Sugita) グレイス・オコナー(Grace O'Connor) CV:井上 喜久子(Kikuko Inoue) BTW, this pic has a mistake. I think Japanese Fans is ignore it too. ミハエル・ブラン(Michael Bran) is reworked by NT & Animage Jan. issue! キャシー・グラス(Cathy Glass) is reworked by Animage Jan. issue! ------------------------------------------- 2、 The News from Macross Official Website http://www.macross.co.jp 25th Special Program name is confirmed! 祝25周年!あのマクロスが帰ってくるぞSP!! 25th anniversary, Congratulation!! Macross return to SP!! p.s. I think... SP=Special=特別番組 =============================================== Animage Jan. Issue, Translation by Sketchley San Quickie glance translation (not up to my usual translation levels. Bound to be inconsistencies and inaccuracies): Do you remember love? From the 1st series, to receiving the 25th anniversary "Macross". As for that anniversary special, at the core is the TV telecast of the 1st Macross, SDF:M, and the 2nd Macross series, 94's Macross 7; movies and OVAs, altogether 6 productions. Yet, a double song princess, campus story, a private military force, not in Macross until now, the newest Macross, Macross F's 1st episode special will be broadcast. In it flurishes a crossover of a lot of space, mecha, and music, and the SF anime is drawing near! 民間軍事部隊 (private military force) - that explains the lack of the UN Spacy kite. It is most likely what the SMS is. Nope, no idea what the name means from the article. EDIT: I think we really have to take the Macross games' into consideration now. I believe that Kresphy's assertations about the state of the UN Spacy post VF-X2 are starting to ring true, and M3 also had some biomechanical (or entirely biological?) opponents that the heroes faced in combat. Sounds similar to what we've seen in Macross F, eh. SDF:M: bioengineered race bred for war DYRL: bioengineered race given pseudo-biological ships to reside in Macross 7: ultimate in bioengineered war entities (the protodevlin) Macross 0: biomechanical entity piloted by human/protoculture Macross 25: completely biological mecha?!?! =============================================== And Character info from NT Jan. Issue Q: What about the Pilot and Idol love stage? A: School life in battle. A lovely Love Romance!---by Yasuhito Kikuchi Saotome Alto: A boy of Frontier School. He has top-class fly technology of "EX Gear"(EXギア) in Club. Ranka Lee: A high school student who works part-time at a Chinese restaurant "YanYan"(娘々). She meet Alto on the way to Live. Sheryl Nome: Macross Galaxy Super Idol, she is called "Fairy of Galaxy"(銀河の妖精), And go to Frontier for the Live. VF-25: VF-25 is U.N. next main Valk, base on VF-24. In space, there is Additional Fight Equipment for VF-25.
  10. 【NEWTYPE 1月号】(角川書店/12月10日発行)(NT Jan. Issue, done) 『パイロットとアイドルの恋愛、その舞台となるのは?』 「マクロスF」紹介 【アニメージュ1月号】(徳間書店/12月10日発行)(Animage Jan. Issue, done) 『おぼえていますか―シリーズ最新作までの軌跡を一挙公開』 「マクロス25周年記念スペシャル(仮)」紹介 【アニメディア1月号】(学研/12月10日発行)(Animedia Jan. Issue, Dec. 10 is released) 『宇宙に響くラブソング♪』(Love Song is sounds in universe) 「マクロスF」紹介
  11. I do not like that Red F in LOGO. + +
  12. ======================================= 071210, 20:36 JST(update again) Macross F Official Website debut!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.macrossf.com A Super Galaxy Love Story in which love, friendship and destiny of the planet intersects. MBS Macross Official Website http://www.mbs.jp/macross-f/ Now, there is no news! Only Cast List and 25th Special Program timetable. p.s. The introduction of MBS, 25th-->11th! 11th-->25th-->11th = =
  13. Thanks, Graham~~ ------------------------------------------- Q: What about the Pilot and Idol love stage? A: School life in battle. A lovely Love Romance!---by Yasuhito Kikuchi Saotome Alto: A boy of Frontier School. He has top-class fly technology of "EX gear"(EXギア) in Club. Ranka Lee: A high school student who works part-time at a Chinese restaurant "YanYan"(娘々). She meet Alto on the way to Live. Sheryl Nome: Macross Galaxy Super Idol, she is called "Fairy of Galaxy"(銀河の妖精), And go to Frontier for the Live. VF-25: VF-25 is U.N. next main Valk, base on VF-24. In space, there is Additional Fight Equipment for VF-25. VF-24??? + + All Cast List(Non-Official translation name) 早乙女アルト(Saotome Alto) CV:中村悠一(Yuuichi Nakamura) ランカ・リー(Ranka Lee) CV:中島 愛(Megumi Nakajima) シェリル・ノーム(Sheryl Nome) CV:遠藤 綾(Aya Endo) ------------------------- オズマ・リー(Ozma Lee) CV:小西克幸(Konishi Katsuyuki) ジェフリー・ワイルダー(Jeffrey Wilder) CV:大川 透(Toru Ohkawa) ルカ・アンジェローニ(Luca Anjerony) CV:福山 潤(Jun Fukuyama) ミシェル・ブラン(Michelle Bran)(NT Dec. issue) ミハエル・ブラン(Michael Bran)(rework by NT & Animage Jan. issue) CV:神谷浩史(Hiroshi Kamiya) キャサリン・グラス(Catherine Glass)(NT Dec. issue) キャシー・グラス(Cathy Glass)(rework by Animage Jan. issue) CV:小林沙苗(Sanae Kobayashi) ハワード・グラス(Howard Glass)//Cathy's sibling? CV:西村知道(Tomomichi Nishimura) 松浦ナナセ(Matsuura Nanase) CV:桑島法子(Houko Kuwashima) ------------------------- カメリア・ベルシュタイン(Gamelia Belstain)//Who is CV? CV:? ボビー・マルゴ(Bobby Malgo) CV:三宅健太(Kenta Miyake) レオン・三島(Leon Mishima) CV:杉田智和(Tomokazu Sugita) グレイス・オコナー(Grace O'Connor) CV:井上 喜久子(Kikuko Inoue) p.s. 大航海時代 = =
  14. ======================================= 071208, 0:56 JST(update again) 1、 News from Animage Jan. issue!!!! Macross F will broadcast in Apr. 2008 All Cast List(Non-Official translation name) 早乙女アルト(Saotome Alto) CV:中村悠一(Yuuichi Nakamura) ランカ・リー(Ranka Lee) CV:中島 愛(Megumi Nakajima) シェリル・ノーム(Sheryl Nome) CV:遠藤 綾(Aya Endo) ------------------------- オズマ・リー(Ozma Lee) CV:小西克幸(Konishi Katsuyuki) ジェフリー・ワイルダー(Jeffrey Wilder) CV:大川 透(Toru Ohkawa) ルカ・アンジェローニ(Luca Anjerony) CV:福山 潤(Jun Fukuyama) ミシェル・ブラン(Michelle Bran)(NT Dec. issue) ミハエル・ブラン(Michael Bran)(rework by NT & Animage Jan. issue) CV:神谷浩史(Hiroshi Kamiya) キャサリン・グラス(Catherine Glass)(NT Dec. issue) キャシー・グラス(Cathy Glass)(rework by Animage Jan. issue) CV:小林沙苗(Sanae Kobayashi) ハワード・グラス(Howard Glass)//Cathy's sibling? CV:西村知道(Tomomichi Nishimura) 松浦ナナセ(Matsuura Nanase) CV:桑島法子(Houko Kuwashima) ------------------------- カメリア・ベルシュタイン(Gamelia Belstain)//Who is CV? CV:? ボビー・マルゴ(Bobby Malgo) CV:三宅健太(Kenta Miyake) レオン・三島(Leon Mishima) CV:杉田智和(Tomokazu Sugita) グレイス・オコナー(Grace O'Connor) CV:井上 喜久子(Kikuko Inoue) BTW, this pic has a mistake. I think Japanese Fans is ignore it too. ミハエル・ブラン(Michael Bran) is reworked by NT & Animage Jan. issue! キャシー・グラス(Cathy Glass) is reworked by Animage Jan. issue! ------------------------------------------- 2、 The News from Macross Official Website http://www.macross.co.jp 25th Special Program name is confirmed! 祝25周年!あのマクロスが帰ってくるぞSP!! 25th anniversary, Congratulation!! Macross return to SP!! p.s. I think... SP=Special=特別番組
  15. BTW, man Voice is Yuuichi Nakamura in CM. It was confirmed. I think girl Voice is Aya Endou in CM. So, "Listen my song" by my HOT Sheryl~~~ HAHA
  16. My early viewpoint: Macross VF-X2 Story in 2050. In this period, Racrance(ラクテンス)hold U.N. real power. This group want take all power in Earth U.N., it prevent Frontier Planet has autonomy(辺境惑星自治). So, there is autonom conflict between Earth U.N. and Immigrant Fleet. Feb. 2051, U.N. and Vindirance(ビンディランス)defeat the Macross 13 of Racrance. Racrance's ambition is broken. So, I think Macross Frontier separate from earth U.N. in 2059.
  17. ======================================= 071206, 21:22 JST(update again) 1、 NewType, Jan. issue!!!! Macross F Cast is confirmed. Sorry, no high resolution pics. Sheryl is HOT~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------- 早乙女アルト:中村悠一 ランカ・リー:中島 愛 シェリル・ノーム:遠藤 綾 オズマ・リー: ルカ・アンジェローニ:福山 潤 ミシェル・ブラン:神谷浩史 キャサリン・グラス: 松浦ナナセ:桑島法子 カメリア・ベルシュタイン: ボビー・マルゴ: Saotome Alto: Yuuichi Nakamura Ranka Lee: Megumi Nakajima Sheryl Nome: Aya Endou Ozma Lee: Luca Anjerony: Jun Fukuyama Michelle Blanc: Hiroshi Kamiya Catherine Glass: Matsuura Nanase: Houko Kuwashima Gamelia Belstain: Bobby Malgo: ------------------------------------------- Q: What about the Pilot and Idol love stage? A: School life in battle. A lovely Love Romance!---by Yasuhito Kikuchi Saotome Alto: A boy of Frontier School. He has top-class fly technology of "EX gear"(EXギア) in Club. Ranka Lee: A high school student who works part-time at a Chinese restaurant "YanYan"(娘々). She meet Alto on the way to Live. Sheryl Nome: Macross Galaxy Super Idol, she is called "Fairy of Galaxy"(銀河の妖精), And go to Frontier for the Live. ============================= Whoa!!! 娘々??? Minmay's Restaurant??? + + ------------------------------------------- 2、 and TBS 25th Special CM: http://www.douch.net/src/douch3693.avi Minmay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------- 3、 Macross Official Website confirm info: http://www.macorss.co.jp マクロス25周年記念特番の出演者が決定! 出演者:宮迫博之・千原ジュニア・有野晋哉・大沢あかね・河森正治 Macross 25th Special Program guest is confirmed. Hiroyuki Miyasako Chihara Junior Shinya Arino Akane Osawa SK Special will show circa 27mins Macross F Episode.1 Director Cut Edition. p.s. Why I look it in this afternoon, but it is update on Dec.5? And... 27min? How long is Episode.1?? -------------------------------------------- 4、 There are some messages about Macross F. http://anime.goo.ne.jp/contents/news/NAN20...6_81/index.html 6 point new info: 0、Broadcast in 2008 Spring. 1、Sheryl Nome from Macross Galaxy(マクロス・ギャラクシー)! 2、Ranka is Student, work in Chinese restaurant(中華レストラン) 3、Ozma is pilot of Special Force SMS(特殊な軍事部隊SMS). 4、Space Monster(宇宙生物) invade residential area. SMS Force attack it. 5、Maybe there is new U.N. Spacy(新・統合軍) -------------------------------------------- 5、a grapevine! 第1話「アルト、旋律の序曲」 脚本:河森正治  絵コンテ:河森正治  演出:菊地康仁 作画監督:江端里沙・高橋裕一  Macross F, Episode. 1 Alto, Overture of melody Creator: Shoji Kawamori Storyboard: Shoji Kawamori Director: Yasuhito Kikuchi Drawing supervisor:Risa Ebata & Yuichi Takahashi
  18. Thanks, Sketchley San = = Because it is TV shows, when I uploade it, YouTube said that This video has been removed due to terms of use violation~~~~
  19. update again... Some grapes!! マクロス25周年記念特番の出演者が決定! 出演者:宮迫博之・千原ジュニア・有野晋哉・大沢あかね・河森正治 Macross 25th Special Program guest is confirmed. Miyasako Hiroyuki Chihara JR Shinya Arino Osawa Akane SK who are them? ======================================= 第1話「アルト、旋律の序曲」 脚本:河森正治  絵コンテ:河森正治  演出:菊地康仁 作画監督:江端里沙・高橋裕一  Macross F, Episode. 1 Alto, Overture of melody Creator: Shoji Kawamori Picture continuity: Shoji Kawamori Director: Yasuhito Kikuchi Drawing supervisor:Risa Ebata & Yuichi Takahashi p.s. So sorry... 絵コンテ, I could not find fine word to it, maybe... Picture continuity? and...作画監督...
  20. Sorry, I upload it to YouTube, but YouTube automatically delete it, Dammit~~~
  21. download: http://smile-clb63.nicovideo.jp/smile?v=1662407.32192
  22. http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm1662407 SK on AnimeGiga (Part.2), Macross F in 18:24 , only has 2mins. Wait 25th Speical program~~~~
  23. Here is his HP: http://aonoki.zouri.jp/sub3_4_11.htm
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