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Everything posted by MacrossCN

  1. Myebe this man is Bird Human's Director, George Yamamori(ジョージ・山森). I think he is SK's Virtual characters in Macross F world. EP.09 EP.10 p.s. マクロスソリッドアーカイブ BOX(Macorss Solid archive BOX) http://www.amiami.com/shop/ProductInfo/product_id/98529
  2. HEHE This Maaya Sakamoto(サカモト・マーヤ) is a songstress in the Macross World. She is not real Maaya Sakamoto(坂本真綾)! SOooo funny~~ ^^
  3. So funny set from OST 1、 OST.06, Triangler「トライアングラー」 The THEME of MBS Drama "Triangler", the Drama which portrays the love story of Hikaru, Misa and Minmay in The First Space War. This song by the New Zentraedi songstress, Maaya Sakamoto(サカモト・マーヤ) 2、 OST.21, Aimo Bird Man 「アイモ〜鳥のひと」 It is MOVIE " Bird Human"(バードヒューマン) ED. = = p.s. The OST name Nyan FRO(娘フロ) is NyanNyan Frontier(娘々フロンティア)'s abbreviation. = =
  4. OST is out! you can find it in dmhy(China, BT) or sharedb(Japan, share) site.
  5. HAHA~~~~~~~~~~~~ S.M.S in earth! http://www.data.gov.cn/uploadme/me/macross...p/080601sms.jpg
  6. EP11(Jun. 12), PAUSE a week for EURO CUP??? http://www.mbs.jp/pgm/timetable/ 次週6/12の放送は休止します。次回放送は6/19の予定です。
  7. DANG!!! Maybe Brera's VF-27 really is Macross Galaxy Valk... T T VF-27's U.N. Mark http://www.data.gov.cn/uploadme/me/macross.../080516vf27.jpg http://www.data.gov.cn/uploadme/me/macross...80530vf2701.jpg VF-27's Galaxy Mark http://www.data.gov.cn/uploadme/me/macross...80530vf2702.jpg Macross Galaxy Mark(design) http://www.data.gov.cn/uploadme/me/macross...80530vf2703.jpg
  8. p.s. Official promotion: A Super Galaxy Love Story in which love, friendship and destiny of the planet intersects.
  9. 第11話:ミッシング・バースデー(Missing birthday)、2008.06.12 第12話:ファステスト・デリバリー(Fastest Delivery)、2008.06.19 第13話:トワイライト・プラネット(Twilight Planet)、2008.06.26
  10. two cooool pics http://bbs.a9vg.com/ul_img/200805/22//1211459820807.jpg http://image5.poco.cn/mypoco/myphoto/20080...4928266_001.jpg
  11. Klan Klan http://ameblo.jp/klanklan
  12. Sorry, it is my mistake. I upload it again. You can find DYRL.zip in that site.(../uploader1)
  13. The FULL SAMPLE Ver of these songs is leaked. You can google it.... or PM me .... ^^ インフィニティ(Infinity) What 'bout my star? (Sheryl On Stage) What 'bout my star? 愛・おぼえていますか 私の彼はパイロット(Part.1). 私の彼はパイロット(Part.2). 宇宙兄弟船 Thanks for pastry San.
  14. Thanks for everybody, GOD bless you!! P.S. Sheryl's new song Infinity(インフィニティ) is very good! I like it, I like all songs of Your Highness Sheryl Nome. HAHA~~
  15. These days, Sichuan have a BIG earthquake. Unfortunately, I am in Chengdu of Sichuan. shake~~~shake~~~~ I have not FULL sleep in these days... T T http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recent.../quakes_all.php MAP 5.4 2008/05/16 11:06:52 -32.245 -178.374 35.0 SOUTH OF THE KERMADEC ISLANDS MAP 4.5 2008/05/16 06:34:37 32.476 105.245 10.0 SICHUAN-GANSU BORDER REGION, CHINA MAP 6.0 2008/05/12 06:43:15 31.236 103.770 10.0 EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA MAP 7.9 2008/05/12 06:28:02 30.989 103.329 19.0 EASTERN SICHUAN, CHINA
  16. Is VF-27 a mysterious Valk of U.N. ??? New U.N. mark!!!
  17. Last Update: 080508, 25:51 JST By Planet Eden,惑星伊甸 第06話:バイバイ・シェリル(Bye Bye Sheryl)、2008.05.08 脚本:吉野弘幸 絵コンテ:田中孝行 作画監督:三浦珠美 演出:土屋 日 the end.
  18. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...5811&st=356
  19. The story of EP.07-10.... In order to ensure the mystery of unbroadcast Episode, I could not guarantee the authenticity and integrity of following content. HOHO~~ ^^ BTW, the first contact of Vajra in A.D.2040, but the old U.N. cover the truth. A.D.2040... Sharon Apple! A.D.2048, The 117th investigation Fleet is destroyed by Vajra. The new U.N. cover the truth too. Why???? = =
  20. Luca's VF-25 can control 3 Ghost to attack enemy!!!
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