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Everything posted by MacrossCN

  1. I think............ VS Ranka+MQ+Bajura COOOOOOOOOOooooooooooool
  2. http://imepita.jp/20080903/023160
  3. AHA~~ 最終回=第25話=Last Episode 回=話=Episode
  4. アナタノオトis the last song in the last episode??????????? What about DYRL?????? = =
  5. Zero BD add Mao's earring!!!! So, Sheryl or Ranshe must is Mao's...... Original DVD version.
  6. 。。。。。。。。。。。
  7. No... This Galaxy’s mean is not Macross Galaxy. It just is galaxy!!! >.<
  8. Grapevine: Alto will reture to kabuki stage. Sheryl restart songstress life. Ranka and Brera start escape life in Galaxy. President Glass is dead in EP.20 =========================== Real info, only dictation by my friend. Sorry, I hope she give me the design pics tomorrow. Nanase will be injured, oxygen mask and many bandages(EP.23?) Ranka will be hijacked again(EP.25 or 23) Last BOSS like crab?? = =
  9. NO! Sheryl's last name is Noam in MBS EP.19. TBS change it to Nome. I do not know which is right?
  10. Because Olympics Baseball, Maybe EP.19 will be delayed 1 hour.
  11. p.s. The info from Kristina and kiru51 San. Thanks Shun to translate it. ^^
  12. Sheryl in Zero~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COoool!!!! http://www.data.gov.cn/uploadme/me/macross...1sherylzero.jpg
  13. YES!!!! Same scene. SK has no money~~~ = =
  14. EP18, 0611 Apple??? EP18, 0745 Is Luca spook?? EP18, 0941 Where is upper edge of screen??
  15. EP18, 1110 Battle 25 EP06, 0140 The same uncle set stage for Sheryl. Grace hope Ranka will sing on Battle 25 when Last battle??
  16. BINGO~~ some other pics.... ^^
  17. そんな人々の思いを紛らわすためだけの 歌う道具になることを嫌ったランカは、一大決心をするのだった。(NT) 三島首席補佐官の陰謀が大きく動き出す中、人々の悲しみと憎しみを背負う ”歌う道具”となることを拒んだランカは一大決心する。(TVFan) 演出=鹿島典夫 絵コンテ=殿勝秀樹・河森正治 作画監督=関口雅浩・KIM YONG-SIK 22話 ノーザン・クロス 人々のバジュラに対する憎悪は増し、アルトやルカも憎しみを抑えきれず、 新兵器でバジュラを全滅させることばかり考えていた。しかし、大統領府主席補佐官 三島の陰謀を探っていたオズマは、事件の裏にいる真の敵に気付き始める。(NT) 演出=未定 絵コンテ=未定 作画監督=未定 p.s. According to EP.21 and 22
  18. ED2, Northern Cross is leaked. Find it in mike_s_6' signature. ^^
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