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Everything posted by Sully

  1. Have you ever had the chance to build this version? :
  2. It's being a long time since I collected Macross model kits and finally got settled in my new house, but no longer have the room for the vast amount of my collection. I'm keeping my 1/144 scale kits, but all my other stuff needs to go up for sale. But last time I used to visit here and collect was over 10 years ago so I've no clue any more what this stuff is worth. Some advice would be great! I forgot to add, I live in Ireland.
  3. It looks great Ken Great to see the kit put to use other than gathering dust.
  4. I've a 1/72 scale Retppu VF-11B fighter. As Valkyrie already has 3 of my kits so one more can't hurt
  5. This pic says something about 2003 for the VF-0, dunno what it says about 2003 as I can't read Japanese http://www.modelfplus.com/images/Plasticmo...w2002_20_00.jpg Here is the URL for the site I found it on, there is also nice completed YF-21 in the background too http://www.modelfplus.com/Pla&RadiShow2002.html
  6. Add me to the list. Jesse claims I've too many kits, but I think he's wrong. One more can't hurt.... Though it can make a shelf fall down on me
  7. I really do not know, we've are still sorting out what kits to do first.
  8. It is the hardest of the conversion kits to get. I have one and it took me 2 or 3 years and in the end my sister and her friend found it on Yahoo Japan and bought it for me as a house warming present.
  9. I have to say the edit button is the most useful tool a message board for me for one simple reason. I'm dyslexic and I really do make mistakes and sometimes do not even notice it. Other times I do and I can type out the wrong words (first time spelt works) while thinking about another word. Having the edit button there is a great thing. As spell checkers only catch mistakes if it is a incorrectly spelt word not a wrongly used word in its place. Strange how the mind works (this time I spelt it word for some unknown reason)..... Note I also run (spelt wrong the first time???) my own PHP message board and I could not find a way to remove coloured text without a lot of playing about with PHP files. Then if you find something wrong with the board and how it works with the server the only fix half the time is to upgrade to a new version of the board which you need to do every so othen for some reason or another anyway... Then all the custom work on files to remove things like the EDIT BUTTON gets killed with the upgrade as the old files don't always work with the new version of the board. I've never met Shawn but I know enough about him to say he's a really busy guy, he has better things to do than playing around in PHP for ages removing a feature that some of us really need when he should be enjoying his hobby.
  10. At first guess it was around 30 USD from what he told me. As the other TECT's I own are small compared to it, so maybe around 10 USD. But remember that was a raw guess. There is a lot of small parts in that kit and he's to cover his costs of making a mold etc. Great work Sam, hope to get mine looking as good when I get my airbrush/work desk etc. God I hate moving house, not doing that again unless I have to.
  11. All i can say is WOW I now have a new desktop picture.
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