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Everything posted by kalvinmaui

  1. I was wondering what happened to the new voltron thats suppose to be released. I havent heard any updates on it for a while???
  2. That is a damn good price for both. I missed out on these and stopped collecting 1/60's so that I could start on the 1/48's. Anyone know if Yamato is going to release M&M in 1/48 scale???
  3. I just got done watching The new FOTNS OVA Volume 2. After watching the whole original series. This new new series just doesn't live up to the original IMO. I dunno, Im just not feeling it. Yeah the new OVA has some kick ass animation, but Kenshiro just doesn't feel the same. The characters just aren't as appealing as the orignal series. Then again there hasn't been a lot of characters introduced anyways. Hopefully it gets better as the new series progresses. I have to admit I do miss most of the orignal cast. There was a brief flashback of Toki in volume 1. Kenshiro has no flashbacks in volume 2 (Damn!!!). It would of been nice to clear up somethings with Raoh's son Ryu who inherits Hokuto Shinken from volume 1. I wonder how many episodes there's gonna be in the new series? We will just have to wait and see.
  4. Looks good. I did the same
  5. The rest of my collection is boxed up. I got to have something to admire while Im in the process of moving.
  6. I have been mostly playing Halo on Gamespy. That game never gets old until Halo 2 is released next year. Also SOF2 and RTCW have been getting my share of playing time as well.
  7. I would definetly check out the Fist of the North Star series (152 episodes) Great animation with a deep story line. B)
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