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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. I couldn't believe this when I saw it... There is now a third Yukikaze novel! It's called Unbroken Arrow. Looks like it just came out last month. I'm still a long way from being able to read it, but I've gotta get a copy! http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/switch-language...;language=en_JP
  2. Yea, I've gotten all mine from HLJ. They're not the fastest, but they're probably the cheapest option out there.
  3. Yep, there's a lot of real science mixed in with 'wrong' science, along with other crap they just made up And actually, a while back, there was a group who fansubbed Gunbuster, and they got a physics professor to watch the show, and comment on the science aspects. The result is a very interesting read! Physics_Professor_Commentary.txt
  4. My bad. The Imai kit is indeed 1/5000. I guess I was thinking of the toy. But the fact remains, even if you count the upcoming Yamato, there has been more toys/models of the TV design than DYRL. So whether you like it or not, don't say it's been overdone And of course I didn't mean any offense. But it should go without saying that a TV SDF-1 and a DYRL ARMD just aren't meant to go together. That's all I'm saying.
  5. What's with everyone saying the DYRL version has been overdone? By my count, there's only been three. The two Yellow Sub resin kits, and the Wave toy. This isn't exactly a VF-1 we're talking about here Granted, the TV version hasn't had a whole lot more, but the Imai 1/3000 SDF-1 cruiser is an excellent kit. I'll definitely agree not to make it a mix n' match hybrid though. TV SDF-1 + DYRL ARMD = bad. If it was a TV ARMD, that'd be less bad. But it'd still just leave me scratchbuilding my own Daedalus and Promethius. So if you're going to do this thing, awesome. Just don't half-ass it by using whatever meshes you have lying around.
  6. There were two. Amazon isn't listing it as volume 1, but the page count it gives is exactly the same as the japanese volume 1. So I'm assuming it's not both novels combined into one.
  7. Wow... I have no idea how this slipped under my radar for over a month. Viz is releasing the Yukikaze novels in english. http://www.amazon.com/Yukikaze-Chohei-Kamb...0079&sr=8-2 No firm confirmation, and no mention of it from Viz themselves. But it looks like it's really happening. And actually, a few months ago, Neil Nadelman was interviewed in the Right Stuf anime podcast, and he mentioned that he's doing his first novel translation, but he couldn't say what it was. But he did say that he translated the anime version of it also as a bit of a hint. And so I wondered if it was Yukikaze, although it was a longshot. But it looks like I was right... Honestly, I'm a bit torn... as much as I'd love to be able to read it in english, the Yukikaze novels have been one of my major motivations for learning Japanese! And I've been at it for almost a year now.
  8. Nice! Now I need to finish my 1/72 tow tractor...
  9. I have a few design sheets of the Jam fighters. Scans of them are Here (page 3)
  10. Yep, I got my shipping notice too! I was quite surprised!
  11. He's still scratchbuilding models, just not Macross. He's done a few commissioned master builds for Starship Modeler, including a 1/72 Raptor from BSG, and the nazi flying wing plane from Indiana Jones. His work is still top-notch.
  12. I'm still in shock... Platz actually made the may release date! Just barely, but still! Mine's prepping to ship too. Along with the 5 most recent issues of Macross Chronicle I'm going to be having a very good day sometime next week! Edit: Pics are up at Hobby Search! http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10063747 And would you believe that it actually has a real cockpit?! The original Pla4U Wonderfest release did too, so it's no REAL surprise. But still, after the last 3 kits, it was almost like Platz just hates cockpits The canopy is clear resin, and looks quite nice. And it looks like the pilot's seat is straight out of a Hasegawa VF-0, just like the Pla4U version...
  13. http://page7.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g73979098 There it is... it really exists... It's beautiful
  14. Wow, that's quite surprising... especially that it says it's due out in May. But that's one more release date it's about to miss. It's currently 17 months late and counting... And yes, it's still listed as a multi-media (resin and metal) kit, and with its original price (farking expensive).
  15. Sorry guys, I've gotta brag. So you all remember this post of mine from back in January, right? The one where I was all pissed off cause my first shot at a 1/20,000 Excelion kit in 5 years was stolen from me? Well, that story finally has a happy ending. For I now have my #1 grail kit http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n76047036
  16. Actually, a 1/72 Lancer II kit will be available at Starship Modeler in the next few days
  17. 'Tis true. No release date set, but it should be happening soon. I delivered castings for 10 launch arm kits to Starship Modeler last week.
  18. Wow, nice find! I've never seen that kit before
  19. It's worth mentioning that Gundamhead's 1/72 VF-1 launch arm and Cobywan's 1/72 Lancer II resin kits will finally be available once again, making their return debut at Wonderfest. HWR MKII's Metal Gear Rex resin kit should also be making its debut there at well. Look for em at the Starship Modeler table.
  20. Actually, my iPhone is great for that. Jisho.org has an excellent iphone optimized site, and there are several excellent japanese learning apps, including dictionaries and flash card programs. It's a great platform for japanese students.
  21. Since this one doesn't have certain... connotations attached to the title, I'm inclined to say yes.
  22. The best I've got for you there is this site; http://jisho.org/kanji/radicals/ You just click on one or more radicals, and it pulls up a list of all the kanji that contain them.
  23. It seems whenever I tell someone I'm studying Japanese, they tell me "You should try that rosetta stone thing", despite never having used it themselves. But no. Not for me. I'm highly skeptical that rosetta stone could get me fluent, in any length of time. Fluency will only come from studying how real people really talk. If you're serious about learning Japanese, I highly recommend the AJATT method. Go to alljapaneseallthetime.com and start reading. Then download the sample chapters of Remebering the Kanji and an SRS program like Anki (both are free), and start studying. Shoot me a PM if you need some help getting started.
  24. Ooh, good idea, both of those! I found a japanese site with lyrics for both of those, so I'll see what I can do
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