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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. I finally got around to finishing the prequel Gaiden stories just recently. But it's been a good 3 years since I watched the main series. So I'm in! Also, I picked up the LoGH manga series when I was in Japan last month. So it should be interesting to try and see how it matches up with the anime. It's much shorter than the anime (11 volumes), and the ship designs are very different...
  2. My wallet is gonna hate me... but I'm in.
  3. Crap... I was really hoping I'd be able to buy this one while I'm in Japan
  4. Well, I know I'm going to be relying on my iPhone a lot, so I'm trying to get it set up so I'm as self-sufficient as possible without a data connection. So I've got a few offline dictionaries, bookmarks in google maps of sites I want to visit, and I even figured out how to pre-load city maps into the google maps app, so it doesn't have to download them on demand, like it normally does. But of course, all that does nothing to let me communicate with the outside world...
  5. Nah, sports aren't really my thing. Maybe a sumo match would be interesting though. I'll have to look into that. I've got a tour of the Hobbylink Japan facility lined up, so I'm looking forward to that. I was hoping I'd be able to get a job interview there too, but they're not hiring And one thing I've been curious about... Does anyone know how readily available public wi-fi is in Japan? I'm going to be relying on my iPhone a lot to communicate (Skype, email, etc), and I'm hoping that's not going to take either a lot of searching, or waiting to get back to the hotel.
  6. So close... I'll be there november 10-11
  7. It's almost my turn, at last! In just under a month, I'll be on vacation in Japan for two weeks. The first week, I'll be touring the country a bit. From Tokyo to Osaka to Fukuoka, to Kyoto (and I'm hoping to squeeze in a stop in Nagano too.) The second week is all Tokyo. Suffice to say, I can't wait But, I've been looking for stuff that'll be happening while I'm there, and I'm not finding much of anything that interests me... I'm thinking along the lines of shows, concerts, movies, etc. Would any of our resident Japan-dwellers have any suggestions? And if anyone wants to hang out and get some drinks or something, by all means, hit me up! And not to worry, I have hotels booked, so there will be no begging for crash space
  8. I still remember seeing that Garfish for the first time at Wonderfest (the american one), and being utterly blown away. I was absolutely convinced that it was some insanely rare japanese resin kit, and that I'd be spending the next 5 years tracking one down. Suffice to say, bricks were shat when I met up with Neptune and found out that the Cap'n had sculpted it
  9. I think I'll be having some fun detailing mine with some parts from the Yellow Submarine resin kits They're all 1/3000, so hopefully they're pretty consistent in size And am I alone in not wanting to see a TV version of this thing? It'd take a hell of a lot more than a paint job and a couple new arms to make a TV SDF-1. They're very different designs.
  10. Good news and bad news about the second Yukikaze novel. It's coming. But not until next May. http://www.amazon.com/Good-Luck-Yukikaze-Chohei-Kambayashi/dp/1421539012/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1284272711&sr=1-1
  11. There's a few 1/72 VF-4 kits out there. The Club-M kit is pretty ok, the Musasiya kit is very well detailed for its age, and the Retppu soft vinyl kit is ok-ish if vinyl is your thing (but I hate it) The closest thing to a 1/72 VF-5000 is the Studio Half-Eye transformable resin kit. It's technically nin-scale, but it's actually damn close to 1/72. For a time, I was working on turning one into a static fighter mode kit, until I realized that the end product was going to look WAY chunkier than it's supposed to be The only other VF-5000 kits I know of are 1/144 fighter and battroid kits by Yellow Submarine
  12. Very cool! I'll be all over both of those! The text gives very little info about them. Just that the release date is sometime in 2011, and the prices are to be determined. No scale either, but it'll most likely be 1/100 and pre-painted, like Alter's Super Sylph.
  13. I was just thinking about that old project a few days ago... I'd love to see it finally completed! You've got me curious though, what's happened to it over the years?
  14. Neat stuff! Wish I could be there! I was really surprised to see the Lancer and Ghost on the list! I still prefer the look of Cobywan's Lancer kit, but theirs is neat in that it has an opening canopy and cockpit. But Coby's is a lot cheaper anyway And I REALLY want those Megaroad and VF-4 kits!
  15. The guy casting them is a member on this site also
  16. Sorry, it doesn't look like it. The text above it just says VF-1 atmospheric escape booster and launch vehicle
  17. I have to wait til november for my return trip to japan... But I suppose I need the time to learn more Japanese... not to mention save up some money!
  18. Sweeet Put me down for one
  19. So is it official that Chronicle is ending at issue 50? (Sorry, I haven't been keeping up. I just recently ordered the 15 or so issues it'll take to get me current again!)
  20. I just checked my yellow sub Phalanx kit, and yea, it's missing the M decals... I never noticed that. That's pretty shitty. I also checked Wave's Macross decal sets. They had a lot of decals that the resin kits of the era didn't include. But no Ms there either
  21. I was looking for those too some time ago. There are decals for some of the MG kits, but I never saw any for a PG kit. I went so far as to ask a clerk at the Gundam store in Osaka when I was there a couple years ago. He confirmed it, no PG decals. That info is 2 years old, but looking at HLJ, it looks like it hasn't changed
  22. That would be the 1/48 Ultimate Detail VF-1S Strike Valkyrie by Club-M.
  23. I suppose I have to lump myself in with the collectors more so than the builders, but I wish it was the other way around. Like most others here, time is my limiting factor. Most of my hobby time for the past few years has gone into the resin casting end of things. And I've been way behind on even that lately. I have a fairly sizable collection of kits, many of which are rather rare. But I can honestly say that very few of them have I bought with the intent to re-sell for a profit, or with no intention of ever building. There are many that I bought knowing that I wouldn't be building it for quite a while, mainly because my skills weren't good enough to do them justice. But I still would love to build most of them, provided I had the time, and my skills were up to par. And every once in a while, I'll go through my collection and sell off a few that I know I'll never build. Usually it'll because I don't care about the subject nearly as much as I did when I bought it. The Armored Core series was a good example of that. I was all excited about them when they were new, and I bought a bunch of them as they came out. But my modeling tastes changed, and shifted away from most mecha. And so they went to ebay. I doubt I turned a profit on any of them, but oh well. As for selling kits without boxes... when I see a resin kit for sale without a box, I immediately assume it's a recast, until I can prove otherwise. I'm just sayin'
  24. I have most of those LDs, and I'd be willing to loan them. The only ones on that list I don't have are Mac2 volumes 4 and 6.
  25. Nope. That kanji is spring, not autumn.
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