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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. Hmm, now that I think about it, I'm only REALLY a completist of the Yukikaze resin kits! Though I've also been trying to collect all of the Gunbuster mecha and ship resin kits from General Products (and I'm doing pretty good, considering how rare they are ) As far as Macross stuff goes, I pretty much just buy the stuff that interest me (and even of those, I'll often have to pass on the ones I can't afford). I've got a pretty good collection of resin kits going, but they're mostly just bits and pieces of the various companies' series of kits. I guess you could say I have a very diverse collection And hell, I never even bothered to keep up a complete collection of Hasegawa valks! I probably have about half of them.
  2. I'm fairly certain it will be digisubbed. Hell, no less than three groups have subbed and released Gundam Seed ep 45, even under threat of legal action by Bandai. Take a look at the new bittorrent releases on anime.mircx.com (which lists liscensed titles), and compare it to the releases at animesuki.com (which doesn't), and you'll see just how much liscensed stuff is being released... Now, I'm not saying I support the fansubbing of liscensed titles... I'm just saying it's happening. And in the case of Yukikaze, I shall set my morals aside for a bit, cause I'm dying to see the next episode
  3. It was announced months ago that Bandai holds the US rights, but as far as I know, no release dates have been set. But whenever they come out, I'll be first in line to buy em! Cause as much big a Yukikaze fan as I am, I can't afford the R2 DVDs By the way, episode 3 should be being released in japan right about now!! I can't wait for someone to put out a digisub!
  4. No, this is a new Minmay Guard design. It first appeared in the august issue of model graphix.
  5. < yawn > ho-hum . . . . Seriously though, that's some good information. Even the most advanced of techniques are just variations of what Fulcy's got there.
  6. I'm in the market for a YS 1/100 VF-11 battroid. I wanna adapt the IHP armor for it
  7. Ah yes, more of the same from Hasegawa. Same kit, new decals, and higher price (Y3800 vs Y2800). It may be molded in a different color plastic too, but that never matters.
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