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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. Consumer printers like the Up or Makerbot will definitely make it much more affordable to print. It'll take more work to smooth out the parts, but it'll definitely be worth it. Clear filament will indeed be fine for the landing lights and such. But you're better off vacuum-forming the canopies. But you can 3D print vacuform 'molds' and get someone with a vacu-former to form the canopies for you
  2. Wow, how'd I miss this thread?? I also got started in 3D printing a couple months ago when I bought a Makerbot Replicator 2. It's more expensive than the Cube, but the max resolution is better (0.1mm), and you're not limited to using their filament cartridges. It only uses PLA plastic (unless you install a heated build plate), but it seems that printing in ABS is much more tricky anyway - especially at 0.1mm resolution. As for 3D software, that's my big challenge right now too. I have a background in 2D drafting with AutoCAD, so I bought a student license of AutoCAD 2014 on ebay (less than $20!). But I'm finding that 3D autocad has a pretty steep learning curve...
  3. There's already a resin kit of it, you know. The Musasiya 1/72 VF-2SS came with a set of three of them. I think I still have some of them around somewhere, in fact...
  4. Thanks guys. I was afraid that was the answer I was going to get...
  5. So I got a 1/60 VF-1J kit from HLJ the other day, and I was kinda surprised by some of the colors Yamato went with. The white parts are a pretty bright white, compared to the off-white on my DYRL VF-1A Hikaru (the only other 1/60 I have). And the feet and intakes are a sorta green-ish shade of gray. I'm guessing this was meant to make a TV colored valk, as opposed to a DYRL one (which I would rather have). So I'm wondering, would make any difference if I bought the VF-1A kit instead? Is that one DYRL colored?
  6. Still looking for one... seems to be sold out everywhere If anyone's interested, I've got a brand new Platz 1/72 Mave I'd trade for one
  7. I managed to get Alter's Hammerhead Rafe, but I can't find a Mave anywhere... HLJ was sold out of them months before they were even released. Anyone know where I can get my hands on one?
  8. The revival of this thread got me thinking how much I want to build mine... And as I told Mike when I bought mine, if I could choose any variation to build it as (including super/strike, etc), I would choose a normal VF-1J in Max's colors. But the kit only has an S head. So that inspired me to start building this, out of laser-cut acrylic and Apoxie Sculpt putty It still has a long way to go, but I think it's taking shape pretty well
  9. Sweet!!
  10. Gah... not good. I do hope they were shipped with tracking and insurance. Can you just send us the resin, and ship the joints when they arrive? It's been 9 months since the last installment, and I need my fix!
  11. Well, crap. But at least it isn't any cheaper than the one on SSM is. Sorry to keep you all waiting. It'd be done by now, if it wasn't for the base mold that came out weird. I'll be pouring a new one in the next couple days.
  12. Yea, I did a quick, half-assed build to bring to the show. I'd post a pic myself, but I only brought my iPad with, and I can't post pics here with it :/
  13. MechTech did an awesome job creating package art and instructions for the kit too!
  14. They're resin cast model kits.And I'm really curious what they're going to cost...
  15. Excelent! Glad to see they're 1/60, since we already have all of those in 1/72
  16. Yea, the whole thing just looks really stretched out... They've done some great stuff in the past tho! I really want their Gunbuster ships!
  17. VF-19A SVF-539 Lightnings with High Maneuver Missiles. Comes with 4 missiles and pylons. It's out in July. I want it, but only for the missiles. The 19 has much better paint schemes out there than this one. I still like the VF-X Ravens one best.
  18. Re-molding has begun! For this run, I've made an additional part, too. Gundamhead's original kit had a guitar string running down the length of one of the arm segments, acting as a conduit (I guess). But that really didn't work for casting, so I eliminated it, and had Starship Modeler replace it with a spring. But that didn't work as well as I'd like either, so I decided to do something about it this time. So I took one of those springs, and found a piece of piano wire that fit inside it. Then I bent the wire to the needed shape, and ran he spring over it. A couple dabs of superglue on the ends, and it's ready for molding. And assuming it comes out well, it should make the kit that little bit better
  19. Wow, very cool! I much prefer 1/72 kits, but I'd still love to have one of those!
  20. Yea, the 15th anniversary Arii re-issue kits came with randomly packed vinyl figures. I found a scan of a flyer that has them all listed (bottom row, center) http://anymoon.com/b...5th-VF-1-12.jpg
  21. Awesome news! Can't wait to get em!
  22. It's tedious and difficult in places. I think it took me three days to build mine. But it's totally worth the effort.
  23. Woo! Finally getting a 1/60 VF-11B! If this isn't the cheapest HLJ has had them, it's gotta be close to it!
  24. I'm not quite dead yet! So that's as far as I've gotten so far. It's still tedious and slow going. I really don't know how Moscato does it! The bottom two panels are just about ready for assembly, except for a bit of repair work. They'll still need some detailing, but that can come later. The X's on the panels are placeholders for raised panels that'll be added later. I figured I'll just end up cutting those panels out of clear plastic, so I'll just be able to line up the corners of the panels with the endpoints on the X's, and that'll make proper placement a breeze. At this point, I'm really anxious to move on to other areas. Probably the underside of the main hull next. But I need to concentrate on one thing at a time...
  25. Nope. It's a custom. Someone kitbashed the 1/100 fighter with a Frame Arms kit to make it. Very impressive job!
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