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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. Melissa's refund and Rkiyo's original both were shipped out on tuesday. Much to my surprise, Melissa was the only one who PMed me about a refund so far. Anyone else who needs one, please PM me. And for what it's worth, I take no offense to all this blacklist talk. Hell, I know I deserve it. But please believe that I'm not out to screw anyone over. And thanks, Brian, for sticking up for me
  2. Freakin' sweet!
  3. Anyone who has an outstanding pre-order, please PM me with your mailing address or Paypal address (whichever you prefer). Refunds will be given promptly. Sorry for the delays, everyone, but stuff's been keeping me pretty busy. Work's been keeping me from even finishing the VF-11 project, and my motherboard dying a couple days ago didn't help any either :/ I mentioned a while back that I was pretty burnt out on the Monster project. And I'm curious... How many people still want one? I'm guessing that the Yamato toy killed a lot of the demand for it. So I'm really wondering how many I'd have to make to finish the project.
  4. The Wonderfest Normal Sylph kit, you mean? How are you going about it? Is there any means of getting one besides Yahoo Japan at this point? I'd love to get my hands on one without paying through the nose to a scalper on yahoo japan... but I don't see any alternative As for the the 1/38 Mave, there used to be a web page for it, but it's been taken down. I saved the pages, but I didn't get a lot of the full-sized images.
  5. A few of my top picks Tritool line engraver - one of the best scribers I've used http://www.hlj.com/product/HSGTT-10 Tritool Scribing tool - Another great scribing tool, great with stencils http://www.hlj.com/product/HSGTT-1 Tritool chisel - Easily one of the most useful tools I own http://www.hlj.com/product/HSGTT-9 MoriMori putty - One of my favorites. It's like Bondo, except it doesn't suck. http://www.hlj.com/product/WRK00036 Tamiya epoxy putty - great clay-like putty for sculpting and gap filling http://www.hlj.com/product/TAM87051 Aves Apoxie Sculpt - Another epoxy putty. Not as high quality as Tamiya, but a LOT cheaper if you need a lot of it. It's a scratchbuilder's best friend. http://www.starshipmodeler.com/cfstore/ind...&Product_ID=162
  6. I have that book. Don't bother with it. It's mostly text, and seems to focus mostly on the novels. There's nothing interesting from the anime to be had (for us english speakers, that is.)
  7. Worst I remember seeing at all recently is Gunparade March. It actually had a pretty interesting premise (World War II getting cut short by an alien invasion, and the story picking up 50 years later, if I recall correctly), along with good mecha designs, and some good action scenes. But it got ruined quickly by character and story elements ripped straight outta Eva. And the story degenerates into another stupid highschool drama/romance. And that's about it. The whole things ends with absolutely no resolution to the whole war part of the story. All that was just a backdrop to the shitty, cliched anime love story the whole time. And I've gotta throw in Wings of Honneamise too. It's the most beautiful movie I've ever hated. It's one of those movies that I really want to like... but it's just too damn boring!
  8. Lookee what I found! The home page of PLA.4.U, the makers of the 1/72 Normal Sylph! http://pla4u.com/about/sylphid.html And pics of the parts, even! http://pla4u.com/about/sylphid2.html Seriously, anyone wanna go in on the kit with me? I could offer recasts of it in return... I've gotta have this thing!
  9. Indeed you may. Here's one of the few images I already have scanned. The the FLEU-22 Free Electron Laser Unit Go ahead. TRY and tell me you're not impressed
  10. There actually IS an art book out now http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/B...8-9975565雪風 The Fairy Air Force At War DVD comes with a VERY nice art book. Very comprehensive too. The DVD it comes with is kinda lame, but that's not what I bought it for It's 50 bucks VERY well spent!
  11. I nearly sh!t a brick when I saw this one.... I must have it. There's one on yahoo japan auctions... but it's already soared to Y38,500 with 3 days left on it I was ready to bid up to $250 on it, but I can see this one's gonna be way out of my league. So unless maybe I could find a few people to go in on it with me, this one's going to slip away >_< And yes, the proportions look dead-on. It's not supposed to be as sexy as the Supersylph
  12. It's not a raw. It played fine for me under Media Player Classic. Try installing the latest version of Matroska. That should help. http://www.animesuki.com/doc.php/help/playback.html
  13. A fansub of it was finally released last night http://datorrents.com/torrents-details.asp?id=6209 Just got done watching it. It's excelent.
  14. As much as I'd love to have that kit, I don't think I'm gonna get it. If I REALLY wanted to get it, I could probably swing the $610 (plus shipping) that it'd cost me. But I just can't justify it. Not when it's only 8.5" tall. I'll just build my General Products 1/500 resin kits of the Gunbuster and Buster Machines one of these days. They'll be bigger and look beter anyway. But I've gotta say, I'm VERY impressed with the enngineering of the kit. And how it includes pretty much every gimmisk the Gunbuster has. Even some that weren't used in the series
  15. Ah, yes. Omo Ore Toys' 1/4000 Banshee IV. I have one. It's incredible. That box contains some of the most detailed pieces of resin I've ever seen. The panel lines are absolutely amazing. Remember how impressed you were when you first saw the panel lines on Hasegawa's VF-1? Multiply that by about 1000 and you'll just about have my first impression of the Banshee. I can't remember exactly, but I think it's about 14" wide when complete. Maybe more. It's obviously modeled directly from the CG model. And the panel lines are laser engraved. No human hands could have possibly done scribing work that intricate. Look at the pic on HLJ. See those areas that look like patches of gray? Those are panel lines, washed in black. Many of them. But, I'm afraid it's still not as accurate as I'd like. It's missing some details, such as the rigging from all the sensors on the bottom, and it's also missing some scaffolding in front of the hangar. Probably some other little stuff too. And it would have been nice if it included some options, like opened hangar doors. So like all the other Yukikaze resin kits, as incredible as they are, I'll be spending a lot of time scratchbuilding detail parts for them. Sigh. I really can't wait to see some of these built up. This thing's already got the makings of a masterpiece. All it'd take is some rigging and a killer paint job to bring it out.
  16. Yea, I never thought it'd have taken this long either :/ I'd offer refunds if I could, but I don't have the cash lying around at the moment (christmas and all, yaknow?). But credit towards the VF-11 is quite do-able.
  17. I was very lucky to pick up a IHP VF-11 with the full armor set a couple years ago. It's definitely one of the rarest kits I own. Just a couple weeks ago, one was on Yahoo Japan Auctions. This one had both the VF-11, FAST Packs, and the Full Armor parts. It sold for Y45,000! It's a hell of a kit, but honestly, I can't imagine myself building it. Or selling it. And no, I won't be recasting it either
  18. Sweet mother of crap!! It's finished!! It looks kinda crappy in every mode... but I can't imagine it ever being done any better. I want one... But it looks like they'll be selling for nearly $600!!
  19. I've got both of those kits. They're quite nice, and very large kits. But they're soft vinyl kits, so they're kinda a pain to work with. About the only place I've found them is Yahoo Japan Auctions. The Nautilus usually goes for about $100, and the New Nautilus for $200 or so. And FYI, Tsukuda Hobby also made a 1/35 vinyl kit of the Gratan.
  20. Hell yea I'll be there! Wouldn't miss it. Wether or not I'll have anything finished to bring remains to be seen, tho...
  21. The one Hobbyfan has listed is by Retpuu. Not only does the nose suck, but the fast packs are way too big also. And Grayson, if yours doesn't have the fast packs, that must mean you've got the limited edition version, which was sold at WonderFest and/or JAFcon.
  22. It's almost entirely the stock Club-M kit, actually. The only part that I replaced was the head turret. The original was pretty screwed up, so I machined a new one on my lathe.
  23. That wish will soon be granted 341990[/snapback] Tease... 341998[/snapback] hehe Details will be coming soon
  24. That wish will soon be granted
  25. Sorry guys, I've gotta confess, I've been pretty burnt out on the Monster. I've been taking a break from it. I'll put it in perspective... A few weeks ago, I quit my job, after getting another (much better paying) job lined up. I arranged it so that between the time I left one and started another, I'd have about a week to myself to get stuff done. And I was all "yea, gonna get this Monster thing done at last...". And, well, that didn't happen. I'd start working on it, and I'd end up walking away from it 10 minutes later. I just can't get into it. So I decided to do some work on another project that's been sitting on the sidelines for a good 6 month now -- the Club-M 1/72 VF-11. I had done a bit of work on it, but nothing too huge. So I started working on a couple of its molds concurently, and before I knew it, I was pouring mold rubber, and most of the evening had gone by. Now, making molds is a long, tedious, mind-numbing process. It is for me, anyway. But so is all the work I have left on the Monster (which is, casting parts and writing the manual). But unlike the Monster work, the monotony of the VF-11 never got to me. Realising this, I decided to put the Monster aside for a bit, and focus my efforts on the VF-11 instead. So, I might as well announce it here. My recast of the Club-M 1/72 VF-11 Thunderbolt. I had planned for this to be finished after the Monster, and it would be my final recast project. But it looks like that's changing, and the Monster will be the last of them. Details will be forthcoming, but I'll say now that it'll be a limited run kit (I don't want it to be huge like the VF-4 recast was), and it'll be available in 3 parts - the fighter kit, the FAST Packs, and the booster rockets (so you won't have to buy what you won't need). All optional parts (inner details, radome, etc) are included with the base kit. Except the missiles, cause they're non-canon, and I think they're dumb A dedicated thread will follow shortly. Please, no posting of 'dibs' just yet.
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