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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. Here you go. http://page4.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d65685851 I can be yours for the low, low price of Y25,800!
  2. I finally got my case of Kotobikiya's Gunbuster 1.5 figures today. And they're pretty damn nice! Most of the parts are made of a vinyl that's a good deal stiffer than your average Gashapon figure. And the Exelion and Buster Machines are actually all injection molded styrene! And the detail and paint jobs on them are awesome. To me, this set is worth it for those two alone. My only complaint are that the Buster Machines are too small. About 2.5" long. But the Exelion is a good size at about 5" Here's what I got: Exelion x 2 Buster Machines x1 Dix-Neuf x 2 Nono x2 Lark x2 Gunbuster (black and white) x1 Gunbuster (color) x1 Nono's Inazuma Kick (secret figure) x1 So it looks like you get two full sets per case, unless you get a secret figure, like I did. But honestly, I think I'd rather have a second set of Buster Machines
  3. Ummm... What would you have us do? You know as much as the rest of us at this point. If you want to know more, PM Valk009 and ask him directly. If that doesn't work, just sit back and wait. Continuously bumping the thread obviously isn't helping any.
  4. Wow, I didn't even notice at first that the Bome Noriko figure is the same as the one he did for General Products 15+ years ago! And that one was 1/5 scale. I have that kit, by the way He actually did another Noriko kit for Kaiyodo too, which I believe is 1/4 scale. I like that one a bit more. I have that kit too
  5. Finished pics are up at HLJ! WOW!! http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG21
  6. Here's a page with earlier pics I found: http://www.neograde.com/gallery.htm?TBL=w_...m=11&page=1 Looks like a lot of the details were changed between the two sets of pics. And they definitely steered the project in a more non-canon direction. All in all, I think I like it. I'll buy one if it's reasonably priced. And yes, the pics of the finished kit are definitely resin casts, not the masters. They could have just as easily been glued in place.
  7. Man, and I've been using plastic cement a lot over the past couple weeks... I hope I didn't brain my damage
  8. More work on the gunpod loader today. The tray is taking shape pretty well. But I think I may re-do the side walls... I made them too thick. They look a lot thinner in the anime. Which sucks, cause they were a b!tch to work in, even in .03" styrene...
  9. A few quick update pics before I head off to bed (most of which have already been posted elsewhere) The tow tractor's been sitting at that point for a few days now. I've turned my attention to the gunpod loader for a bit. I started on it 3 days ago, and I'm quite happy with how far I've gotten on it And this is my only reference That's it for now. Questions and comments welcome as always.
  10. Wow! That's outstanding!!
  11. Let's just say that it had just as much closure as Gunbuster I highly doubt there will be a Top 2 sequel. But then again, there is that movie version coming... I've gotta wonder what they'll add to it...
  12. It's here, folks!! Episode 6 raw torrent And while I'm at it, another torrent that turned up this morning Top 2 Drama CD
  13. Well, I don't know if it's worth quite that much, now that there's a master grade kit of it. In fact, I'd be quite interested to see what the going rate is. But in any case, it's a hell of a kit! I'd be interested to see how it compares to the MG kit in terms of detail.
  14. This isn't quite Gunpla... but it's still probably the best place on MW for this: Check out what I snagged at Wizard World today for $85 http://www.hlj.com/product/BCL1976 Also got an HCM RX-178 for $10
  15. Gunbuster is really interesting when it comes to science stuff. A lot of what they use is well established scientific fact. For example, in Science Lesson 1, Noriko says that space is not absolute zero, but 3 degrees kelvin, due to Black Body Radiation. This is true. But a lot of other science points are presented as scientific facts, but ones that have not yet been discovered in our time. For example, Tanhouser's Ether Space theory, and Tanhouser Gate theory (which would both be proven). But the funny thing is... the Ether Space theory is about 100 years old right now. It was disproven ages ago. They just took a century-old, disproven theory, and declared it to be true! And, of course, there's the occasional in-joke thrown into it all. Like the Tanhouser Gate, which is a Blade Runner reference. A lot of what they talk about in the science lessons still goes completely over my head, and it leaves me guessing as to just how much of it is made up. But I still think it's pretty damn cool when I can relate some of the science I learned in college to Gunbuster
  16. Well, the sun is rising, and that means once again, that precious time between work and sleep has been used up. And a goodly part of it was spent working on the tow tractor, so I thought I'd post a few pics of my progress. Well, there she is. And there HE is, as I've got a decent start on the figure. But the head is turned, and the torso is twisted slightly. So I'm not sure yet if I'll adjust the head, or replace the upper body entirely. But the legs are just where I want them. Also added are the trailer hitch, the little ramp piece and the '5th wheel', though they both still need some work. And the top piece of the 5th wheel is small, thin, rather fragile, and must be kept seperate, so I'm not sure how well it'll cast. But if that fails, I may be able to have a friend make them out of photo-etch for me. Wouldn't that be something... my first kit including photoetch The other side, with recently added trapezoid piece on the side. I have no idea what it is, but it's in the design art Also in frame are the final front tie-downs and just-started steering wheel. I kept the tie-down panels oversized, to make casting them a lot easier. When building the kit, you'll just have to glue them in place, then trim them flush with the sides of the truck. The steering wheel was an unexpected pain in my ass... I got my hands on four steering wheels that were about 1/72 in size. Then when I finally got around to measuring a real steering wheel and calculating scale, I found that all of them were way off. So I'm stuck scratching one. But I've got a pretty good plan of attack. And it'll make it a lot more accurate to the design art. So it's for the best anyway. And here's the knurled rod of resin that will soon become the rear tires. Unless I decide to re-do it and make treads deeper... That's about it for now. Questions and comments are quite welcome, as always.
  17. Spatula; If you want the series on VHS, you can have my old US Renditions tapes for the cost of shipping.
  18. Valkyrie


    I know Wave made a VF-22S resin kit in 1/100. But like I said, I've been unable to confirm the existance of the 1/72 vinyl version.
  19. Valkyrie


    1) Yes, they did make a fire valkyrie. Two, actually. One normal, and one with sound boosters. It's mostly a soft vinyl kit, with some injection plastic parts. I've still got a half-completed normal version in my stack somewhere... 2) I'm not sure about this one. HLJ still has a Wave 1/72 VF-22S listed (though long out of production), but I've never seen one in all my years of searching Yahoo Japan Auctions. It may exist, but I've never seen it. And if it does, it's probably vinyl and injection also. 3) Wave never made a VF-4. The only VF-4 kits in 1/72 are by Retpuu (vinyl), Musasiya, and Club-M (both resin)
  20. I'm sure they'll make it part of another VF-0 kit, instead of selling it as a seperate add-on kit. After all, this is Hasegawa we're talking about. They never pass up an oportunity to sell you the same kit one more time
  21. No F-ing way.... That's one more thing I can scratch off my scratchbuild list
  22. It's by Studio Half-Eye. The only metal in them are the screws. It's a pre-painted/assembled resin kit. If you're looking for metal, wait for the Chogokin. And with a price like that, I can't imagine them selling a ton of them. I'm sure production numbers will be suitably low.
  23. The one on Hobbyfan is a recast of the Yellow Submarine 1/144 kit. If you'd like to have one as a referance, I'd be glad to loan my YS original to you. I'm guessing you don't need it, but still, I thought I'd offer
  24. Yea, the Chogokin one looks 10x better. And it's cheaper and probably bigger too.
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