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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. Finally got my copy today. After 3 days of looking high and low at every local retailer I could think of (and in the process getting EXTREMELY pissed off at some particularly ignorant Best Buy employees), I finally gave up and ordered it online. DeepDiscount was out of stock, so I went with Overstock.com. Ordered early friday morning, shipped by friday evening, and it arrived monday afternoon. Much faster than I was expecting. Cheap, too. $45 shipped. Impressions after episode 1: Very impressed. EXCEPT for the music change. Some of the comments I've read are that it still fits, but it's like nails on a chalkboard for me. Seriously. But the translation is excelent, the sound is good, and the picture is every bit as good as my laserdisc copies, if not a bit better.
  2. Gah... That's probably why every Best Buy I called today (at least 5 of them) all said they weren't in stock. I'll stop by one of them tomorrow and beat some sense into them. Had to do the same with Yukikaze volume 2 a few years ago, when they got the release date wrong on that one too.
  3. The Fry's by me has had 2 copies for a week now, but they wouldn't sell it until today. Of all the times for them to actually pay attention to the street date on an anime title... So I stop by before work on the 20th (around 3pm)... and they're sold out Looks like I'll be hitting up the area Best Buy stores today, even though they're a bit more expensive ($57 vs. Frys' $50)
  4. I checked the only two Mospeada CDs I have (OST1 and Super Collection), and they have none of those songs. Sorry Edit: I found a copy of the LLA soundtrack for sale on Yahoo Japan Auctions for Y4800, if anyone's interested. http://page9.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k42280407
  5. If someone wants to loan me a set of the original resin vacform molds, I'd be able to make some replacement canopies.
  6. 1994 is just the copyright date of Macross Plus, not necessarily the year the kit was made.
  7. Bubblegum Crisis is unlikely. Yamato only made a few BGC trading figures. The hardsuit action figures are by Atelier Sai. One of the other Garland designs from Megazone (2 or 3) is still a possibility... And the only other one I can think of that hasn't been mentioned is Madox-01... And I'm not sure that one really transformed.
  8. For the 'Heavy Arm Weapon', sounds to me like Yamato needs to comission Kawamori to draw up some new line art of it! Hasegawa has comissioned new design art from him several times, to clear up portions of the designs that were unclear. Yamato just needs to do the same
  9. Man, I haven't thought about that thing in a while... Sadly, it's sitting in a drawer along with the Macross Plus missile drone. I still have every intention of finishing both projects, but I have no idea when. But the 1/72 ground equipment will be finished before them. The tow tractor is pretty much done, except for the driver figure (a huge pain in my ass), and the tow bar. But I think pretty much everything is going to be on hold for a couple weeks soon, cause I'm probably going to be doing some contract casting work for Starship Modeler
  10. Hey, that looks pretty cool! Are those VF-11 tailfins? Also, don't rule out the posibility of making your own wings from scratch. It'd just take some sheet styrene and some sanding and scribing.
  11. I'm getting a 404 on the MP3
  12. I've got a 4 gig.... and 2x 2 gigs, a 1 gig, and a 512meg I've been into the whole PSP hacking scene since the beginning Fortunately, memory sticks have gotten a hell of a lot cheaper. In fact, Fry's has a 4GB card on sale for $80 right now. I'm tempted to pick up a second one Though actually, PSP compatible ISOs are likely to get a lot smaller at some point. The ones you download with the PS3 use some kind of compression, which hasn't been hacked yet. Once that compression can be incorperated into Popstation, PSP ISOs will be a lot smaller.
  13. Yep, I'm afraid so The best you can do right now is not install any future updates, and hope that a 3.01 downgrader surfaces in the future.
  14. You actually need to have firmware 1.5 installed, not just have the update file on a UMD (unless you're still running 1.0 on your japanese PSP). If you upgraded to something higher, you'll need to downgrade. As for the PS3, you can get around that step by downloading Hot Shots 2 via bittorrent. I know it's listed on Torrentspy. It's just that those files are needed for Popstation, but they are illegal to distribute. Using a PS3 to download it is the legal way to get it done. You can read up on most of this stuff on pspupdates.com, and download most of the files you'll need there too. But if you're new to the scene, it can be a lot of info to take in at once. Good luck!
  15. First, you need to be running custom (hacked) firmware. Version 3.02 OE-B, to be exact. To install OE-B, you need to be running the original Sony firmware, version 1.50. If you're not, you MAY be able to downgrade to 1.5, if you're running version 2.8 or below. BUT you have to be careful. Most of the downgraders only work with the original version of the PSP's motherboard. There's been two updated motherboards (versions TA-082 and TA-086), and if you have one of those and try to downgrade, it'll trash your PSP. Aparently there's a TA-082 downgrader out now too, but I haven't looked into it too much. But anyway, to get VFX2 to load, you need to install OE-B, install the ISO converter, called Popstation, on your computer, and use it to convert ISOs of your PS1 games. It'll create a EBOOT.PBP file, which you'll need to copy onto your memory stick. You'll also need to use your Playstation 3 to buy and download Hot Shots Golf 2 (or just download it with Bittorrent ), as Popstation will need those files in order to convert your ISOs. I'd try to explain a bit more thoroughly, but I've gotta go to work now
  16. If you're going to build it larger, you might as well make it 1/1400 scale, to put it in a 'real' ship scale Though I think 1/2000 would be plenty big for me.
  17. Heh, once again, you still have that script, when even I had lost it I used that script and my old Amiga to try and create a VHS fansub of Macross 2036 years ago. But due to video issues I could never resolve, the project never really went anywhere. But I did send out one copy for screening at the first MWCon, so maybe some of you remember it. Maybe someday I'll have to do a digital fansub of it and throw it up on Youtube or something. I still have the SVHS source tape I made for it...
  18. That's kinda odd, I shipped it on 11/30 via Air Letter Post, which they say should take 4-7 days to Canada... Is anyone else in Canada still waiting for their order?
  19. Wow... never mind. I've only seen pics of the kit unassembled once, and they looked pretty clean to me. Was yours cast in blue resin, like this one? http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?act...st&id=14309
  20. http://www.monstersinmotion.com/catalog/pr...roducts_id=3387
  21. Remember Me was for the PC-9801 computer line, actually, not the PC engine. The book that came with the game had a couple more pics of that design (and a couple others). But I sold my copy a few years ago, so I'm afraid I can't help.
  22. Valkyrie


    Samurai Monkey doesn't live in Japan any more. You should be able to get replacement parts through either HLJ or Rainbow Ten. Not sure what they'd cost, though. I might be able to throw Q-16 into a mold at some point, but my Q-15 is already glued to the wing, so I'm not so sure about that one...
  23. Finally got mine today. And like others have said, it's pretty damn impressive! I was kinda disapointed with all the parts swapping that's involved. I suppose that's the big difference between the Chogokin and the Studip Half-Eye. If I'm not mistaken, the SHE one is perfect transformation. No parts removal or swapping. But on the flip side, that's why it doesn't look as good as the Chogokin. I was also disapointed with Gunbuster's back. It's just a mess back there... http://liu11115.myweb.hinet.net/3.jpg But if you just pull off that one big out-of-place piece off its hinge, it cleans things up a bit. And just cause I was curious, I snapped a pic of the Chogokin with my Gunbuster garage kits. The Kaiyodo non-scale kit is on the left, and the General Products 1/500 resin kit is on the right. By a rough guestimate, the Chogokin looks to be about 1/600 scale.
  24. Gee, who could that be...?
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