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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. Ya know, I've been wanting to do a Battle 7 kit for years now. But I just haven't had the skills it'd take. And I still don't So that one'll have to wait. For me to do it, anyway. As for an ARMD-01, that one I REALLY want to do. And it'd probably be do-able for me too. Maybe after I finish a couple of the scratchbuilds I've already got going...
  2. I usually keep my old P2 laptop near the workbench. I'll keep reference pics on it, and AutoCAD drawings of scratchbuilds I'm working on. And sometimes a few MP3s too.
  3. Bump! Anyone else going? It's less than a week away, and I can't wait! I'm still trying to get my show entries done though... the 4 I was working on are down to 2, and I'm still not sure either of those will be finished in time
  4. Hmmm... is it Votoms?
  5. Even if they're not swapable, I'd like to have one kit with all 3 options, so I can decide which version I want to build when I finally get around to building it.
  6. No idea, but the text looks Korean.
  7. I'm in for one! Now I don't feel quite so bad about passing up the 1.0 kit
  8. As if I didn't have enough work to do before Wonderfest, I decided to take on another kit, in hope of finishing it in time for the show... The kit is the 1/5000 Jotunheim, a flagship from Legend of the Galactic Heroes, produced by Alba Create. It's a simple kit with a mere 6 parts, and it went together pretty well. Except one of the nacelles that didn't go on quite square, so I've pulled it off, and I'm now working on shimming it up for attempt #2. Also in the pic is one of my new modeling chisels from Mineshima, which I'm totally loving. And the resin piece behind it is from my top-secret scratchbuild that I hope to have done for Wonderfest also
  9. Yes, it's quite worth watching! The only fansubs of it that I know to exist are kinda crappy quality tho
  10. Thanks for the heads-up on Fleet File #2! I just put my order in. It's low stock though, so I hope I can get one. I've got the first set, and it's pretty damn nice. I just wish it had more variety, instead of coming with multiples of every ship, with slight variations. For example, it comes with two Brunhilds, and the only difference between them is the different Empire crests on them (before and after Reinhardt became emperor, I believe) And they're all like that! Hell, it comes with 4 of that squarish-looking ship. Green and black paint schemes, each with the different crest on them. http://www.hlj.com/product/WAVAL-01
  11. Actually, I found very few translation issues in the set. And I fansubbed the series years back, so I like to think I know the dialog pretty well. I think they may have even borrowed from my script a little at one point in episode 2 Aside from the obvious (intentional) mistranslation of the title, the only noticeable translation error I found was in one of the science lessons. The subs have her saying that she's a big fan of spaceships, or something like that, when she's really saying that she has every issue of Uchuusen. Uchuusen = spaceship = SFX magazine in Japan. Still running today, I believe.
  12. Ok, try this. It's just a .zip of the torrent file (MW won't let me attach the torrent file itself) Blazing_Transfer_Student.zip
  13. BlazingTranferStudent 1.avi BlazingTranferStudent 1.srt both of those in a folder named 'blazing transfer student' As for the nag screen... you just check the box, then click 'download'. That's not working for you?
  14. Awesome, thanks. I've got it listed on tokyotosho.com, and submitted to animesuki.com AND I've confirmed that it works! 12 peers connected and downloading so far! Yay me! I should be able to torrent Uchuu no Senshi (Starship Troopers) soon too. I've got rips done of all 6 eps, but I'm not entirely happy with them. The file size is a bit on the high side (nearly 300MB each), and the video is still a bit grainy. I may just have another crack at it before I torrent them. Analog rips are another new field for me, so I'm not all that good at it yet
  15. Torrent is up! http://nyaatorrents.org/?page=download&tid=1138 (you'll have to check the 'I have read and understood the above' box for the download button to appear) Anyone who already has the files, please help seed. You'll just have to rename the files slightly, as I added a '1' to the end of the file names. So they're now BlazingTranferStudent 1.avi / srt
  16. Got it! Great OVA, and excellent video and sub quality! Thanks a lot! I'll see if I can get a torrent of it made in the next day or two. It'll be my first time setting up a torrent. But it should be a good test run, cause I want to do torrents of Starship Troopers and Votoms OVA raws in the near-ish future. And the subtitle script is an SRT file. Open the video with Media Player Classic, and it'll load automatically, if you have VobSub installed.
  17. Hey, you got it! Cool! Thanks for the scans!
  18. Heh, I've got those... on vinyl They each came with posters. Pretty cool stuff.
  19. That's the 1/72 battroid conversion kit for the Hasegawa YF-21. It's a Wonderfest exclusive, so they're pretty pricey, and hard to come by.
  20. Yes, it's a kit. But they're only available at Wonderfest So far, Pla4U has put out a 1/72 Normal Sylph, a 1/72 F/A-27C (from episode 4), a 1/38 Mave, and now the 1/48 Normal Sylph, which made its debut at the most recent WF. They'll show up occasionally on Yahoo Japan Auctions, but they can get pretty pricey...
  21. Sound like a great project! I'm in for one! As for the support vehicles, I've got no plans beyond my tow tractor and gunpod cart (which I have no plans of abandoning ). And Hommeamise has his 6-seater jeep in the works too (can't remember the name it) You're quite welcome to make any of the other vehicles though
  22. That's my auction It's at $150 now. And I've got a 1/160 Monster up too, which is at $200. Needless to say, I'm completely shocked
  23. Those are all aftermarket resin parts and conversion kits, sold at Wonderfest (in very limited quantities) The thing with Hasegawa is, you never know what they're going to release next until they want you to know. And that's generally 3 or 4 months before it's released. And for the time being, there's nothing new in the pipeline that they want us to know about
  24. I think I've got them figured out... First is Wave's L-Joint 1 set (HLJ has the wrong image on the page). Interestingly, it also calls for some of the sprues from this set, specificly, the T-intersections. Wave's Y-Hinge 2 is mentioned, but I think it only uses the sprues from this set. Apparently, they're 3mm thick, and the L-Joints' are 2mm. It also mentions some Kotobukiya sets, but I'm kinda confused about them. It seems to call for sets 1 and 4 of some series. I've got This set from the Evangelion VTOL fighter which I'm building now. It has all the parts used except for the PC-G, H, and J parts. It looks like those parts are probably in Kotobukiya's Starter set 3, and if that's the case, the '4' on the instruction sheet would be a mis-print. It looks like there isn't a 4th set in the series. That should be all of them. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  25. I'll be there. I just need to get off my ass and work on models for the show. I've got 4 in the works now, including one scratchbuild. I want to have at least two of them finished. I want to have the 1/72 Macross tow tractor finished to sell at the Starship Modeler booth too
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