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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. It's the plain, brown-ish book on the left. And Vermillion, I don't think I've seen that cap on yahoo japan in quite a while now. I could keep an eye out for one when I'm in Japan in November.
  2. Yea, there's auctions like that all the time. Usually starting right around there, and rarely getting a bid. I think I got mine for Y8000 back when there were still a lot of them to go around. But now they've really dried up, and they usually sell for $150+ (when there's an auction with a low enough starting bid) In other Yahoo Japan news, there was a 1/100 Normal Sylph resin kit up a couple weeks ago, which I never knew existed. It sold for Y28,000 http://page10.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m43581730 Your link doesn't work. But the book and DVD set is usually called Fairy Air Force at War. Great book, but pretty useless DVD.
  3. Actually, it does include hands for gerwalk mode. But both hands are just fists, so there's no way of building it holding the gunpod (which is non-canon, but still pretty cool)
  4. Here's one for ya. The otherwise unnamed "Player's Tank" from the 1988 Namco arcade game Assault. It's an old favorite of mine. I'm gonna scratchbuild a model of it one of these days... Those are two sides of the same tank, by the way
  5. Well, this won't be much help, but there is one other Yukikaze hat... Back before the volume 1 DVD came out in the US, there was a promotional boxed set that (I assume) was sent out to retailers and reviewers to help generate some interest for the series. It included the first DVD, and a Yukikaze hat. The front has the two kanji Yukikaze logo, and the back has Yukikaze written in english. I got one of the sets on ebay a while back. Also, the limited edition version of the first DVD came with a Boomerang patch, if you want to make your own hat
  6. Nope, it's just those and the models. The 1/72 kits are quite a nice size for whooshing though
  7. I should go without saying, I'm totally excited about these new kits! But I just hope Platz can actually pull off a december release for both of them. All three of their last Yukikaze kits were delayed by at least 4 months... Just like the series itself, which was also plagued with delays... And then there's Yellow Submarine's 1/144 Fand II pre-paint, which has been delayed for almost 2 years and counting... Seriously guys, I think Yukikaze is cursed.
  8. Yea, I saw that. Kinda tempting... I've got a Red Octane PS2 joystick with an 8 button layout that I'd love to use with it. I've got a USB adapter for it too, but of course, it doesn't work on the 360. I'm kinda tempted to hack up a wired 360 controller and just wire in all the switches to it...
  9. Is anyone else hooked on Pacman C.E. anywhere NEAR as much as I am? I love that freakin' game! Me and a friend have a bit of a score rivalry going right now (with me currently in the lead at 287k), so that's one big reason I've been playing so much. But it's just a hell of a lot of fun! I just need to find a way to use a real arcade joystick with it...
  10. Oh yea, I forgot to reply. I'm in for one.
  11. Was there ever any confirmation as to whether or not the PS2 stick will work on the 360? I'm guessing no, but I'm still hoping it does, if only cause it'd save me $100 And if any of you need the windows drivers for the PS2 stick, here's the link. I still had it in my bookmarks http://www.tamanegi.org/prog/hfsd/
  12. First I've heard of it. Could be worth checking out. I never had a problem with the smell. My problem is that MicroSol had a nasty habit of eating the occasional decal on me. I could never get any consistant (favorable) results, so I pretty much swore off the stuff long ago.
  13. 1) That's not too uncommon. One is the MSRP price, which is also listed on the box after the model number (for example: #65701 : 1600 for the VF-1A fighter, which was Y1600). The other is the cost of the kit with tax included. 2) QG3 = VF-1 バルキリー エッチングパーツ = VF-1 Valkyrie Etching Parts It's the set of photo-etched detail parts.
  14. Cowie: That's exactly it. Carl: Here ya go. Though it's not quite as complete as I remembered it. There's notes in there of if I have pics of the kits or not. Makes me think I had too much time on my hands back then Like I said, it may be a bit dated. I haven't touched it in 3 years. macross_resin.zip
  15. Actually, while I was working on stuff for the model section, I made a spreadsheet of all the Macross resin kits that I knew to exist at the time. By now, I'm sure there's like 50 kits I could add to the Wonderfest/independent category, but the rest of it should still be pretty close to complete.
  16. I think Jesse was going to update the model section a while back. But it seems he's been quite busy, and so nothing really happened Before that, I had offered to work on it while I was unemployed, but I never got site access, so nothing came of that either. I got as far as revamping the Wave page, but I never had a means of uploading it. I think it's time to hand the reigns over to someone else. I can provide plenty of pics, but I don't have the time anymore to put a web page of them together
  17. Just use the Hase parts as a guide in cutting them out. I'd probably use .030" sheet styrene, cut them out, then sand the edges to make them a bit thinner. I'm pretty sure they're resin in the 1/48 kit. If not, they're on the photoetch sheet.
  18. I took a look at my Club-M 1/72 normal VF-1, and it's the same thing. They're not included in the kit. I can't read all of the japanese text, but it looks like it's telling you to cut them out of sheet styrene. It's kinda odd that they don't provide a template for cutting them out though... every resin kit I've seem that calls for you to make your own plastic parts gives either a template or dimensions of the part.
  19. The Elite I just got was made on 6/6/07. So close... I think I can see the upgraded GPU heatsink through the bottom though. Oh, and my Live ID is Valkyrie2036
  20. Well, the cat's out of the bag over on Starship Modeler! John Lester has bought the masters to John Moscato's 1/72 VF-1 Launch Vehicle and Launch Pylon, and also Gundamhead's DYRL VF-1 Launch Arm! They're all in his casting queue, which is fairly sizable at this point, so no ETA is available for any of them. But it's definitely something to look forward to! http://www.starshipmodeler.net/cgi-bin/php...pic.php?t=53617 Also in the thread is Honneamise's current scratchbuild project, which is very cool, even though it's not Macross!
  21. If I remember right, it's from some Gainax crossover video game. Sega Saturn or PS1, I think. On an unrelated note, I picked up volumes 1 and 2 of Gunbuster 2 recently. I was quite impressed. The video quality is excellent, and the translations are much better than the fansubs. And to top it off, they come with 20 pages of translated liner notes each! The books alone make them easily worth the $30 price tag.
  22. Sweet mother of CRAP!! Platz is bringing out their 1/72 Normal Sylph and F/A-27C kits!!! Notice their name on the signs? Platz x Project E5 http://pds6.cafe.daum.net/download.php?grp...ncnt=N&.jpg More concrete evidence is on Platz's homepage http://www.platz-hobby.com/event/07shs.html They're listed as for a fall release. Price undecided. These kits were originally sold at Wonderfest by under the name Pla4U. They seem to have branched out from them under the name Project E5, and partnered with Platz. All reference to these kit has been removed from the Pla4U homepage (www.pla4u.net) This is the best model-related news I've heard in ages
  23. Ya know, I've been wanting to do a Battle 7 kit for years now. But I just haven't had the skills it'd take. And I still don't So that one'll have to wait. For me to do it, anyway. As for an ARMD-01, that one I REALLY want to do. And it'd probably be do-able for me too. Maybe after I finish a couple of the scratchbuilds I've already got going...
  24. I usually keep my old P2 laptop near the workbench. I'll keep reference pics on it, and AutoCAD drawings of scratchbuilds I'm working on. And sometimes a few MP3s too.
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