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Everything posted by konimon

  1. Proto Garland Maneuver Slave mode. Air brake parts can in fact fold. Shogo gets a new mold from Megazone part II. IMO, Yamato has an ability to make better figures like Votoms Chirico... From: http://www.1999.co.jp/10063359
  2. Heh, Arcee seems to be perfectly scaled for revoltech. How about prime? Oh, can Arcee ride another Arcee like Wreck-Gar??
  3. SDF1 design leaked!!.....sorry....
  4. Side armors look so much thinner compared to 1/72, so I still keep high hope for this one. I wonder if there's any gimmick to extend forward fuselarge from Battroid to fighter mode.
  5. I hope so too. Megahouse palm action toys are about $20-$30 if purchased in Japan. I'd estimate $35-$40 to be safe due to complexity. It appears that Megahouse dropped PVC from their palm action stuff and I have no complaints so far for their ABS product. Their Orguss is quite nice, really. That's a same ol' legioss prototype. I'd keep my fingers crossed till like winter wonder festival for a revised prototype...
  6. So IGN assumes the movie would be based on Macross Saga. Those are weird indeed. I rarely find movie casting gets it right, but Minmei just cannot be... I didn't mind Robotech/Macross thing as I always made my own choice importing Japanese macross toys and DVDs over robotech stuff. Now, if Robotech the movie gets made here in US we would have no choice getting toys from Toynami when we could have gotten far superior product from Yamato?? Not that Toynami shouldn't make Robotech product, I just like to have choices that keep me out of any legal stupidity which I don't care. I now hope creative license go to where it belongs at last.
  7. So boosters seem kinda heavy, just a bit. I've seen Yamato Scopedog mod with parachute packs lightened using a dremel to improve balance. Is anything like that possible?? Anyways, I can't wait to find US sellers. I've spent too much time chasing things like deluxe TF's, time for a real deal. (Although SV-51 price tag feels like it's gonna hurt me as if I am looking down a barrel of a cocked and loaded airsoft gun...)
  8. As far as I know that inbit is a conceptual sculpt. Rei and Mint were shown as conceptual also, but Megahouse does have plan to release 4 ride armor variants. Inbits should have smooth surface IMO. They are more like alien mecha.
  9. iPhone or Xbox360 when they came out could be sold for hundreds of dollars of profit. I really don't get those who try to make money off of $10 toys which would be worth only $5-10 more... When I collected SW toys past couple of years, I was advised to come to the store every single day if I ever want to see ellusive figures like Scorch and that's a lot of work for such small profit.
  10. I can't see any links but the biggest one was the 20" ultimate talking Iron Giant, I think. I kept passing it till it was too late. I often see them on ebay like $350-$400 BIN. I do wish for a new Iron Giant toy... But, only way that's possible could be when someone makes a live-action movie which would certainly disappoint me. I wonder what happened to the original molds though, as I've heared they stopped making toys before they find out that the movie is quite well received.
  11. Only problem with Arcee is that I just can't find her.
  12. Not from Yamato, but Aoshima seems to be making 1/24 transformable Garland plamodel that can store it's weapon in bike mode (October release). I couldn't find any photos yet. Supposed to be on Dengeki Hobby this month. I may need to pick that up...
  13. TRU had a huge wall of frozen megs almost nothing else (except voyager classics re-stock.) I did find High Score 100 and Meantime. High Score is the best real gear so far. Package photo isn't doing any justice.
  14. Godmars does look almost like the original release. I wonder Jeeg has magnet joints. I kinda hope not.
  15. I have 2 transformable ones(Max and Hikaru). It sort of transforms using a bag full of interchangable parts. Gerwalk mode is quite neat. Only thing is that those are very, very tiny figures. Half of box is filled with sand bag thing so that buyers can't tell what's inside by weighing it.
  16. Agreed. They are also in-scale (or close) with SW, GI Joe and Microman figures and vehicles. That's just great.
  17. I am not sure why we get 2 Dreadwings per assortment(most obvious shelfwarmer IMO), but perhaps that's why. Transformers restock is so slow lately that I am about to go ebay....
  18. Those are Banpresto's prize figures. I am quite sure we can get these outside of Japan. I recall HLJ sold Banpresto transforming Zaku.
  19. I have a link to the old motoslave thread below. At the bottom of page there's a quoted article from ToyboxDX. I also recall from some other WF winter reoport that Priss is in Microman size which is about 1/15. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...lave&st=160
  20. More photos from Yacolog. http://wildcats.pupui.jp/mt/archives/2007/08/wf2007.html I don't know why unpainted prototypes often look better than painted ones... I still want this even though I am bit worried about a stand being used to hold a huge chunk on the back. Yet bike mode does look a bit small. And CM's doing same 1/15 scale Mospeada/Cyclone. Probably not going to make December release date. Oh, that invid lives up to Megahouse's bad side of reputation... Someone must have made that from shells brought back from Red Lobster.
  21. Proto from WF, but no maneuver slave mode... http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/007402/12.html http://ga.sbcr.jp/mreport/007402/13.html December we'll have Proto Garland, Motoslave and Mospeada all in 1/15.
  22. Yikes. The shoulder problem is still haunting us. Me still want proto tho. I guess I just have to be carefull. We do have photos of factory color Garland now. Shogo gets a helmet too (and sticker sheet). http://www.yamato-toys.com/items/detail.php?gid=1097
  23. The late "Robo-Shi" Sato had done 7 designs which include that Mazinger 1969. Not sure Great Mazinger and 3 EX Getters count toward that seven. Either way, I am looking forward to finding out more. I gave up finding those EX-Ghokins, but that Getter-2 is such an awesome piece (though Getter 2 has never been my favourite).
  24. So they are reissuing reissues now.... I am glad that they are back on G1 style package though. I wonder what other transformers encore we'll see.
  25. I'd also vote for the supernova scheme. Only reason I am holding out for 1/60 YF-19 is I am quite certain those color scheme would eventually be released (like VF-1s). I've made quick YF-19 color pallete while back and Blue & White scheme has been my best choise.
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