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    BK, NY
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    Transforming<br />VF-0, VF-1, VF-4, VF-11, VF-17 and VF-5000<br />Clone Trooper Variants<br />Gundam Sentinel<br />Advance of Zeta<br />PC Mod<br />Old Macs<br />FPS

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. I've just got a SOC Reideen set. This thing looks like it popped right out of TV screen. It has tons of accessories. I still haven't gone through them. Diecast arrows feel really nice and Brooger is superbly detailed. God-bird mode is also great. Transformation is not as simple as it seems, and neatly executed. Oh, for those who bought this, I recommend that you check the claw parts. Mine was not assembled correctly and bent. They are made of PVC and it can be fixed easily. I wonder why they didn't make lower legs with diecast metal though. It feels somewhat light compared to a re-issue chogokin ver which features extended diecast legs.
  2. HCM-Pros are the only Gundam products that I collect still today. Not a big fan of 00, but HCM-Pro Tieren was one of the greatest figure IMO. They should do GN-Arms for HCM-Pro Exia and Dynames, which may open doors for the bigger things.
  3. I'd take those claw hands from dark legioss at this point. I am thinking those B-Club 1/144 Gundam hands might work as well??
  4. I understand that CM's corp would inevitably charge a lot for these toys due to the small production number, but the price tag feels a bit much now. That die-cast connect bar should at least lock Legioss when in fighter mode. I've liked this set mainly because of the combined fighter / armo diver mode. Although I still might pick this up only because it's a tread I've coveted my entire life, I'd rather get SOC God Mars or something and keep extra cash in my pocket...
  5. That Beagle is nice. I'd love some more angles as well. I am particularly interested in the suspention.
  6. Bandai seems to be making a good amount of effort so that God Mars and Daimos don't have any kibbles or parts-swap. I might pick-up God Mars just because there are no extra sets of arms hanging out on his back. My passion for the original chogokin Daimos has caused a mild form of childhood trauma, so this is particulary a good news for me. Though the usual SOC price tag would rather cause adulthood trauma....
  7. I do like these thinner new valks. I'd prefer sleeker jets than beefier bots. Armored one is also great. They look like VF-4, VE-1, and an armored gerwalk put together... I wonder how those two giant boosters on the back attach. Though this is not a PVC toy, I hope its not going to be like Gundam Fix Figuration.
  8. I've just opened Stick. Torso does seem a bit looser than Ley / Ray. So far no major problem at all. Ray's side panel problem was due to a poly-cap not trimmied cleanly off the sprue. This was a quick fix. Also, those who are afraid of breaking the windshield hinge. You shouldn't move it all by itself. It feels safer when I move it when both chest pieces are closed.
  9. Ah, Jeep would make a nice set with either all or rest of the crew, as I only remember a resin Jeep that's 1:15 scale. We know that Mint is already made. Let's just hope there's no more mail-aways.
  10. Just received both MH Ride Armors. Although MH RAs feels much larger than CM's, my first impression is that these won't beat CM's ver. hands down. Overall, MHs have joints that are either too tight or too loose. Side panel also pops out due to the fact that chest armor hinge is too thick. It's not a big deal though. So far no other QC problems. Stick is still in the box as I already have a huge pile of parts on my work desk. CM's do have better articulation and nice diecast feel to it, though it's minimal. I personally feel CM's have smoother transformation hinges and tighter articulation hinges. Stick and Ley also look better when without an armor. The winner of this Ride Armor race would have been CM's made in MH scale. Another note, I am not sure why they keep reminding me of Amdrivers...
  11. I do own a blue Alpha, but I still need to get another due to it's poor condition. Toynami should re-release Alphas or make Beta's color variants to go with their Chronicles Shadow Alphas.
  12. While I still prefer Toynami's blocky design for Legioss' soldier mode, those still are quite nice bird when combined. I've seen gerwalk-ish "earth entry mode" at the line art thread and that's how I plan to display this. CM's pricing is determined by quantity, not so much by quality as far as I can tell from their ride armor. I do agree princing may be a bit high. Bandai or even Yamato might have made them a tad cheaper, but I would love to get this just because it's a Tread. That one missile in the landing gear bay should have been taken out altogether, or some kind of double door would have been nice.
  13. Those were great jokes. I hope Bandai won't include "Burst Mode" that transform VF-25 into a Gundam. Although I agree Mr. Kawamori would feel more confortable with Yamato considering their extensive partnership and Yamato's experience to properly handle his design. I often work for graphic designers and to "get" their design properly is usually the first big task. I would still may get whatever Bandai may offer as this is a new valk I've seen in a while. I'd hope for VF-2S revisited as R3 line while they are at it...
  14. I think those stickers were handed out when you buy MHs at the retail stores in Japan. Just got notice from HLJ. I hope they have those stickers. I'll find out after wait. Otherwise, repro sheets or water-slider would be quite nice. Although I am rather satisfied with my CM's (Oh, wind shield finally broke...), I think MH would be much better due to it's size, material, and the removable parts. This is OT, but I've received MH Orguss Olson Special. I really like these smooth, but not loose joints. I'd expect the same for Ride Armors. Comes with an extra wing-mounted weapon set and this adds a lot of play value compared to the original Orguss.
  15. I also think the delay is due to an additional approval process. I still want to keep my preorders for MH vers though. Perhaps I may grab second set from toynami if the pricing is right. BTW, my CM's ride armor finally arrived. It is possibly the most delicate toy I've ever handled, but it has much better impression than product photos due to its small size. Stick's face is spot on. Diecast is minimal but the toy has quite nice feel to it. There are a few things that I noted... Thigh armor has a connector that needs to be shaved down thinner to accomodate diecast bar that holds the rear wheel. Sticks gun needs to be re-glued. Possible shave down the bottom of the butt-stock, or attach in slight angle so it won't push against the right forearm. Possibly loosen screws on ankle joints. Those pseudo-revo-joint things are too scary to handle. I have yet to break front wind shield, though not that big of a repair job if it does.
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