Hi everyone. First of all, the introductions. I'm Garrick, one of the moderators of the Sprite Wars Forum.. That forum game is about waging warfare into a fictional world where many anime, games and other things' storylines are blended in. NOw, as the first world ended and a new war began in a parallel world, i wanted to make the war that happened in the first world, into an RTS mod for the upcmong game, CNC3. The first factions that will be featured are the Corvolt Empire (the main bad guys), the Terran Defense Authority (The Sprite Wars world's GDI) and my faction, the Kuradian Armed Forces. While i have already taken care of the models for the first two factions, i have problems with the third faction. Being the resident Macross Otaku, I used plenty of VFs and Macross Equipment for my forces. My modelling ability is well under the level required for modelling VFs and animating them. I would like to know if there are 3d Macross models of a reasonable polycount (1200-1500) up for download around the net.
Thanks in advance.
PS: Don't fear, i plan on sticking around rather than just making this request and leave.