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Everything posted by Tugas

  1. Just playing with this toy...and realized that the optional bomb and missiles (Super parts) of the DX Chogokin VF-171 Cannon Fodder fits nicely on the wings hardpoints. Can´t link pics at this moments, but I suposed that someone may find it cool and try themselves
  2. Mine arrived today... what a beauty I´ve checked all possible issues comented so far, and all is perfect. But I´ve noticed that the wings are perfectly balanced in "normal mode" and very disbalanced in "high speed mode", being the left wing almost 1/2 inch higher than the right one when bended backwards. Anyone with same problem?
  3. Thank you very much for your responses...I don't want to rise any flame. I bought three vf-4g on its release date. Kind of my favourite mech I' ve planned to display each in one mode, but soon realized that the star modes are fighter and battroid, so the third one never was opened. Now I'm tempted to sell, but I don't know how much to ask. Your responses gave me useful insight, thank you so much. If anyone is interested feel free to contact (if this isn't against site policy) but we aware of my location (Spain). Best regards!
  4. Hi everybody, please forgive my crappy english. I have a brand new factory sealed yamato vf-4g, and I'm considering to sell it. What would you find a fitting price for him?
  5. Hi! First of all forgive my english... Mine has arrived in perfect conditions from the same seller, but I´m stuck in the very same pose that you linked, because I can´t unlock the hips, so I can´t free the arms, so I cant attempt battroid mode... I´ve seen all the youtube reviews I could found, and in every one of them the "tricky" step seems easy and pretty unchallenging, but I´m afraid that my unit is EXTRA TIGHT... and I don´t know exactly where to apply the pressure, and how much force will be necessary....when I hear any minimum "crack" sound I inmediatly stop, so I cant progress. Any advice, image or video source would be VERY appreciated. Anyway, what I can see at the moment is so beatiful and detailed...so far so good. Thanks !
  6. Hi everybody! I recently buyed a double nuts from HK collectibles...the lowest price I scooped on the net. Fast and save service, I must say (and I live in Spain!). The thing is gorgeus, gotta love it right in the box...but there´s a noticeable gap between the air intakes and the cockpit, even before 1st trasformation. Everything else is just perfect, firm and stable.Shame on this little "fail" on a fighter design so clean. Honestly, don´t think is something I am doing wrong in the process...so...any home fix for that ? Thanks!
  7. Got mine yesterday. Jesus, is ultra-tight!! So it is, that now I cannot detach the superparts of the arms Other than this, best yamato valkyrie so far...beatiful, ultradetailed, no flaw...
  8. Mine too...not so spectacular, but almost. Any hopes/news about second production of Ivanov? Thanks.
  9. Another noob question: Clear coat, yes or not? I´ve clear coated one of the yamatos with mr. super clear flat , and the results are superbs... the plastic appear to be not plastic, more real and less toy. But in the friction points, the coat pills off and became white dusty areas... so, now I´m paneling my bandai vf-25s, TOTALLY OWNED by the massive detail... Must clear coat? If yes, when is the proper time to do it? Decals or stickers? Thanks
  10. Adding the armored pack wouldn´t damage the decals/stickers? Anyone knows how are they attached to the model (pegs, magnets...)? Thanks
  11. For some strange reason, I ´m not able to find the oficial sv-51 Ivanov thread... but I find this amazing sales on HLJ and I thought you may find interesting http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00063 http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00064 http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00068 At this prices, I couldn´t resist ordering the Ivanov... more than 40% off, depending on the seller... WOW, THAT´S SALES. Regards!
  12. AWESOME... you got a p.m.
  13. Thank you very much guys, your comments are great help. I´m reading the post from the beggining (I should done that in the first place) , and learning with awe
  14. Hy guys! First of all, please forgive my english . I´m an absolute NOOB with model kits...but I´ve heard lots of comments in the same way, the bandai 1/72 doesn´t take a veteran skills to make it look good... so I´m considering give it a try... but I´m so scared about scratching water decals on transforming kits... and so many doubts about paneling (being a yamato fan, stickers and sharp pencils is the only customization I know)... There´s any step by step tutorial about bandai 1/72 kits? with the good price of all them, they´re growing on me... but so complex I´m a bit intimidated. Would you say its a "friendly" kit for a absolute beginner? which is the proper order for customizing (paneling, coating, sticking)? Any information would be MUCH appreciated, meanwhile I´ll be here waiting and sitting on my doubts Thanks!
  15. Hy guys! First of all, please forgive my english . I´m an absolute NOOB with model kits...but I´ve heard lots of comments in the same way, the bandai 1/72 doesn´t take a veteran skills to make it look good... so I´m considering give it a try... but I´m so scared about scratching water decals on transforming kits... and so many doubts about paneling (being a yamato fan, stickers and sharp pencils is the only customization I know)... There´s any step by step tutorial about bandai 1/72 kits? with the good price of all them, they´re growing on me... but so complex I´m a bit intimidated. Any of you have the 1/60 DX toy and the model kit? would you recommend one over another? Any information would be MUCH appreciated, meanwhile I´ll be here waiting and sitting on my doubts Pics would be awesome. Thanks!
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