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Cannon Fodder

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  1. I agree with bloodcat. I dont think the PSP is practical enough. Whats the point of having a PSP if you can play those same games on a PS2? I dont beleive portable justifies it enough. If im going portable, I would get the new game boy.
  2. Freakin sweet. Keep it up! I wish I could help you guys but I absolutely lack art skills and am clueless to how animation works. I can only hope for the best and smooth sailings! Ed
  3. thats some awesome number crunching! I wonder what Yamato thinks of the market outside of Japan for there macross line? 'screw the yankees' I bet haha. Ed
  4. I agree with takatoys a little. I think this episode was good, but it makes me think, shouldnt the final episode be a good hour to nicely conclude everything instead of half? I dont know what to expect for episode 5 but it better come to a GOOD closure. Not decent, or fair, but great. And I just dont know how it can be done in 30 minutes. Hopefully Kawamori will work his magic. Ed
  5. Yep that was the plane. thanks Shin.
  6. Hey all what was the plane used by Argentina in the war against Britain for control of an island? I cant seem to remember it, but it looked very sleak. From what I remember they only had a handful and they took out several British ships! Anyone have any idea? Also, Im thinking about the whole Russia and US collaberation, and I beleive that US needed Russia to build the some of the Blackbirds (sr-71) Titanium parts. Is this true or no? I cant remember where I seem to have heard this since it was long ago and I might be confusing with something else. Ed
  7. I have no clue why but I love the F-16, its my favorite! Ever since I first saw it as a child I was like "I wanna fly that f***** thing!" In terms of dogfighting I think it can hold its on. But If it has to go against a mig-29, ill put money on the mig. and when the hell is Russia and USA going to collaberate with an airplane! Just think about the possibilites! Radical Design (Su-37,47 and so on) with the latest technological crap in avionics (Fly-by-wire, super computers all that jazz). I cant imagine what kind of an extreme plane it would be! Ed This takes alot of steam out, thanks for making this thread haha.
  8. That rocks! Excellent Job Gonzo! Try and make the cockpit shift around also during transformation and I think you will have perfected it. (The cockpit does shift during transformation right?) Ed
  9. A little off topic but how does Aero Elite: Combat Academy stack up against ace combat series, Delta strike or any other flight sim/game? Ed
  10. Thanks again Jin Kune Do and Druna! Ed
  11. Intresting. Im guessing a .5mm works best Druna Skass? Thanks for the input. Ed
  12. Thanks all for the suggestions! There was a comment on another thread to use a qtip/paper towel soaked in windex/rubbing alcohol to give a weathering effect with panel line pens. Will I need a clear coat after im done? What kind of clear coat should be used? And last, should I mark over the paint when applying the panel line pen? Im also intrested on giving the plane a little more greyish look, but not to much, only a little. Im hoping the weathering effect will take care of that. Please give input on this. Ill goto an Art supply store soon and buy everything including the panel line pens and whatever else I may need. Thanks Again Ed
  13. Hi all. I just got a Yamato 1/48 Hikaru VF-1J with Fast packs. The model is great but I am not very pleased with the pure white plastic. I have ordered Takatoys stickers to replace the originals. I notice that people are filling in the panel lines. Which makes the valkyrie look better (in my opinion). I was thinking about using a light to medium grey color to give it a metallic look. But should the color not look good Ill go with dark grey or black. What do you use to fill them? Should you fill in the panels with paint over them? Anything I should be wary of before I fill them in? Thanks Ed
  14. Oh sweet! Its about time they made another movie/series!
  15. thats true, being technical and all haha.
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