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About LadyStegs

  • Birthday 11/03/1975

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    Albany, NY

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Does anyone know when they are goin to put Heros back on or if they are even gonna do it? I was pokin around ther other day but didnt see anything about when it was coming back on.
  2. I saw the movie last night at the drive in and really enjoyed it. I can't wait to see what they do with it next but I would like to see more of the bots and less human story line. Watching it took me back to my childhood
  3. LOL I love the way you describe it!! It fits perfectly ...... I was very dissapointed in the whole episode. There was so much to tie up I felt like they crammed some stuff into a quick hr and let us all down. IMO the finale should have been at least 2 hrs long and more explosive...no pun intended lol really
  4. LOL Guys those were all great!!! Love'd reading them all had to share with others in office
  5. I missed the episode on Monday YA'll think I should go back and watch it or jsut wait til next Monday to catch up in the next episode?
  6. Hell if I was Peter I know I would keep it
  7. No I was waiting on something to happen your not the only one!
  8. I loved the whole episode...I was a lil dissapointed in the "big" fight between Sylar and Peter. When Peter got hit with the glass everyone in my living room was yelling at the TV " Just take the glass out!!!!" LOL Knew that Claire would be the one to eventually figure it out though. Cant wait to see next week's episode and whats gonna be goin on with Hiro( was surprised he "ran" into himself)
  9. I would love to have it!!!! Wanna get it for me
  10. Yeh I know but we like we like to watch it all togoether around the tv curled up on the couch nice and cozy. lol Its kinda hard for all of us to crowd around a comp. screen to watch it on NBC.com
  11. Are they gonna continue with the same scheduled time and day next season? I really love watching the show but it conflicts with Monday night football so I have to constantly flip back and forth so I can keep up with both. Not to mention my husband would killl me if I didnt let him see most the game too. LOL
  12. Chicks will definitely not be into it, just so the rest of you guys know! "300" is definitely a guy's movie. I just wanted to say I saw this movie on Friday with my husband and I LOVED!!! it. It was funny in parts and violent in others I loved everything about it. I was reading thru and saw alot of guys say chicks wont dig ....It think your wrong. Theres probably more out there than you think who will enjoy this movie.
  13. Thanks a bunch hun!
  14. I have played a few months and really enjoyed it. Unfortunatley my computer is a lil slow for the game nd lags way too much for me to get into for any good period of time. My husband was the one who started playing to begin with and I got hooked lol If I get and upgraded in my comp then I would go back to it but then I would have to buy another computer for my husband so we can play together. Otherwise there could be fighting in our future lol! So as of now we have given up and joned up again with old friends on EQOA since we both have Ps2's with internet connection. The sad part about it is my daughter has now started playing oon my account but wants to set her own up.
  15. Ok whats this about being gone til the 23rd of April? Why???? Monday nights and Heros is my traditon...2 of my friends come over we do dinner and snuggle up on couch. Nice relaxing time in a busy fast paced week. Also where can i get these graphic novels at I would really like to see them?
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