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About Alain

  • Birthday 06/25/1979

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    Formula 1 Racing, Arowanas, Diecast Models...

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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. Alain

    Hi-Metal R

    Just got a CF-1A on sale last weekend, contemplating on getting atleast one more so i can recreate a squad looking at these pictures 😊
  2. Wow much much more expensive than a set of max and miriya v2 which sells for a little over $1000
  3. I still have the yamatos valks v2, VT-1, SV-51 nora, VF-0S and YF-21, do pm me if any are still interested
  4. Alain

    Hi-Metal R

    Just got my max, and my first macross since yamato went extinct, nice to be back 😊
  5. Yah same here, I pmed graham lastyr to obtain a couple of off white hinges, hope im still on the list.
  6. Guys, Im curious how do you deal with those SMS markings in your Vf-25s that are now partly torn off or completely peeled from the toy?
  7. Slightly off topic here. But anyone managed to do a custom SMS sticker for the DX VF-25s? Accidentally scratched the 003 on my micheal. leg part.
  8. Nice shots Bai! specially the VF-22 pics:)
  9. That is one cool setup indeed bert! looking forward in seeing them when il be in cebu again
  10. I would also liked the FP Hikky version, but since most of my DYRL valks have " Bent " vstabs, due to the fastpack, Im hesitant to get the FP version.
  11. Guys, Just transformed my YF-21 back to fighter mode first time since I got it last 2008. But I managed to " Crushed " the flaps, the one just behind the intake, forgot to open it up while securing the back plate in place, and in turn, stress marks are present now from the flaps, any body here have managed to order replacement parts of the YF-21? Unlike the YF-19 which have parts that are coded, looks like Il have to send pics to HLJ and see if they can get the replacement flaps.
  12. I would have bought this if it is not a web exclusive. so Il just be contented with the Brera I have. an yes, the un even green does not really bother me at all.
  13. This would have been much better if they printed the 01 on the tail and leg fin. modex numbers are important to me.
  14. Im ok with the tinted canopies, but I noticed one of my VF-1 has minor hairline cracks in the canopy. dont know if this is natural. I have seen a pic of a much worst defect on a tinted canopy here.
  15. Thanks for the pics Mon! Must get them asap, long overdue already, but its easier said than done hehehehe
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