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Everything posted by robodragon

  1. Thought I'd try. It looks like a mastiff humping a poodle to me.
  2. I'm waiting for my payment request from HLJ. Where is it? Is it here yet? How about now?
  3. I agree. I have a feeling that we'll find out that someone add a 0. 6000 yen sound mor like a reasonable price which is at around $60. USD.
  4. Does it feel solid or hollow? Are the joints tight? Does it hold together (combined) well? Are you able to stick your tongue back in your mouth yet? Have you stooped drooling?
  5. I'd like to see that when it's done. Are you adding sound? I have looked and relooked and can't figure how to fit anything in that bad boy, other wise it would have been converted by now. will you be posting pics on TCSS during the proses? I go by Grayven there.
  6. Robotech in 85 for me too. I didn't even know Macross existed until I got in my late 20's and started collecting Robotech toys. Now I have many Macross and very few Robotech toys. Robotech is definitely Parkay and not the real butter that Macross is.
  7. aluminum window striping @ OSH hardware store.
  8. I don't know how I missed this here but here is my small arsenal
  9. I'm still trying to glue my piece back. it's such a small connection under quite a bit of pressure when moving it. I think I might try drilling the pin holw out befor I put it back together to help relive some stress when moving it. Here is a pic of where I broke mine.
  10. So does anybody know when yellow will be available.
  11. Well I got mine today. I love it even though I broke it already. Alittle JB and it will be as good as new. I broke the dash Off. I was being to rough and rushing through the transformation. With al that though I love the look and the tightness of it. Well that's all, I got to go JB it back.
  12. No but a 12 pack will. At least for the moment. I'm still getting one and can't wait.
  13. I got my notice to make payment. I paid it so now I just wait. I got the EMS so hopefully it's not to long a wait. I also emailed HLJ and asked them to please check mine for the wrong part issue before send it to me. I would rather have an opened box then have to send back and wait for a replacement. I'm still waiting their reply.
  14. I can't wait to get mine. Sure it's no Gakken 1/8 replacement but I really like the way it looks over the CM one. Especially in armor mode, No crack down the chest plate. I also like the colors allot better as well. I canceled my CM preorder at the first good pics to get the MH and I still feel I made the better decision. Just my 2
  15. For as long as I can remember I have wanted a Legioss/TREAD. Nothing will stop me from getting one. I just got done paying off all my cards. So when this comes out it will be paid for as soon as I get the notice from HLJ. I too will take lots of pics The way I see it is it will definitely be better than the Gakken and 1/4 - 1/7 the price they go for on the Bay. How can I complain? "And that's all I have to say about that"
  16. Does it come in Red, Green and Blue? No Legioss just the Tread? I almost hit the buy now button.
  17. Then I'll keep it and hug it and call it gorge. However I'll have one and the guys waiting for the Toycrapy one will not.
  18. Well since I'm getting one, I sure hope that when they come out every one continues to complain about this. That will just give Toycrapy another reason not to make theirs (like that's going to happen anyway). Then 10 years from now when CMS's was the only one that came out with the Legioss/TREAD, I will sell mine to one of thoese guys that was waiting for the Toycrapy one for $3000.00. + S&H. Oh yes I said Handeling.
  19. I preordered this on monday. That's 6 of us
  20. My thoughts exactly. I'm pushing it for A $150.00 Price tag.
  21. I still will get one, Just one. Aslong as I've been waiting to have a Legioss/Tread Toy I have to get one.
  22. Just found this new update on CMS's site http://www.cmscorp.jp/news/08wonfes_win.html
  23. In Short Yes, How often depends.
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