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Everything posted by robodragon

  1. did you also sell them on the bay? was this your listing? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=220235989767
  2. I'm still waiting for my request to make oayment from HLJ.
  3. Then mental that goes with that just made me spit coca-cola all over my PC thanks.
  4. No news? Man this thread has been dead the last few days. I need my YF-21, come on already.
  5. Some more of the Bandai stands, Oh also with some of my mospeada stuff.
  6. I was going for a stelth almost Shadow dancer X Blowsperior.
  7. very nice. I like,, no I love my CM's Legioss much more than any of my MPC Alpha's. I would rather buy one CM's Legioss @ $150.00 verses 2 MPC Alphas for the same any day.
  8. as you ask thease are old pics but all the same Also this one
  9. Thnks Sam! I need now to go to the hobby store. I got some new stands that I like. So here are some pics.
  10. I"m Still in love with my L&T. My fav pic
  11. Don't seam to sound, well... , but where have you been I've had mine for a week now. It's been out for two going on three weeks now. You sould check out the review http://www.anymoon.com/blog/ by jenius.
  12. I love my CM's Legioss/Tread. The only thing I wish was better was the connecting piece. As long as I waited to have one that doesn't cost $2K, It's all good. It won't be my most played with toy but it will be the center piece of my Mospeada display.
  13. Possible clue? Look where Judas is sitting, and where Peter is supposed to be is a grail.
  14. Whhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttt? VA-3 when?
  15. What did you do get banded, curse at your self?
  16. How's that review coming jenius? I'm waiting to see it, patiently.
  17. I myself am one that can remake anything I have in my hands (for the most part), unfortunately I need one in my hands first! I can't seem to get things made well from just pics and instructions. This is why I asked if you would be selling some of the final design. I only need one for my NEW Legioss/Tread, Yeah. I just like the sound of that. Please sell me one, I'll be your best friend! JK but seriously I am interested if you decide to sell a couple.
  18. Is it here yet? Now that I got my Legioss & Tread, I want my YF-21. So what's next from Yamato, any word yet? Maybe a VF-4 or reactive armor for my VF-o?
  19. Sam any chance of you making some for sale when you get the final design. I would be interested in a better linking unit.
  20. I was asked to post this here, so here it is. enjoy
  21. Yes I can post them there too. As for strike pose I won't be playing with it until later so I'll take some pics then.
  22. Yeah it's here, and I love it. Here is my contribution: Yes the date is off on my camera. Daddy likes
  23. And that's how mine will be poised. Thanks for that jenius. HLJ site states shipped and shipping notice will be sent soon. I think I will have this bad boy by Friday. Man this is going to be a long week. jenius when you do you review make sure you do a comparison between the CM's and the Gakken. How much does having this make the holy grail seam a little tarnished?
  24. Ok I fetched. So where is my HLJ request for payment. It's killing me. I want to brag too.
  25. I have still not gotten my payment request from HLJ. Dude I'm dying here, come on throw me a bone already.
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