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Everything posted by robodragon

  1. Just got home from out of twon and guess what was here waiting for me? All I can say is I love it and can't wait for the next one.
  2. Did they get rid of that awful seam down the center of the chest plate?
  3. Yeah I got one pre-ordered too. I'll just get one.
  4. Damn, well I guess I'm just going to have to build one of my VF-4 1/72 models then. I just hope it 1 looks good when I'm done and 2 transforms right. Not the best model builder and that 1/72 has some small parts.
  5. well we are past July now, where is my MH Yellow. I want it and I want it NOW!
  6. Yes, post pic please.
  7. I believe it was posted earlier that it helped stop chipping while packaged.
  8. I have to agree. I hate the split down the center of the chest plate. I still like the MH 100 times better.
  9. Sorry can't vote. Mine would be a VF-4 1/48 scale. I would trade all my Valkyries for one vf-4. Well, maybe not all. OK I would just buy one.
  10. Not what I wanted to hear. I have all three of the VA-3's coming. Is it that Bad?
  11. I can so visualize how great a VF-4 would be with the stuff that we've see coming out of Yamato the past year or two. To me a VF-4 would be my centerpiece. My YF-19 and 21, kicked to the side. My Legions / Tread, kicked to the back. My 25 different lightsabers collection, Into storage. Well maybe I would just us the lightsabers for accent lighting for my VF-4. I don't want to go to far off the deep end. Please Yamato, please make a 1/48 or 1/60 VF-4. I'll be your best friend.
  12. And the gold goes to the YF-21
  13. They don't need to work to hard, It's been figured out on the 1/72 SHE transforming VF-4 I still want to see this in a 1/48.
  14. Very Smart marketing. I bet that rumor was started by the marketing department. something like this. "So how much do we sell it for" "$100-$200." "You think they'll sell for that" "We'll tell them now it's going to cost $600 then after the panic has worn off we will assure them it will only be $200. They'll all feel relieved and end up buying two each." "Wha,ha,ha,ha,ha" "Then after that we take over the world!" Well even at $200 I'm going to have to leave this one behind. I guess I have to be happy with my MH Family.
  15. Get a rope boys I don't know if I will be getting a VF-11b or not, However I would get a divorce for a VF-4, which if I buy any more might just happen. Incase you didn't get my answer, That was a YES! I would rather it be a 1/48, but I would take a 1/60.
  16. polidread man they came out great. Good work. you got skills.
  17. Here is a review I did on the MR SW-616. I also did a multi-color selector upgrade to it. Check it out. http://www.fx-sabers.com/forum/index.php?topic=9422.0 robodragon
  18. ((update)) Got my stickers, you rock. Time for some Cyclone Loooooooove.
  19. I'm still waiting for my two sets I got off you on ebay. I hope they show up soon, My Cyclones look naked.
  20. I'm dying here. My preorder is still sitting in my order status with on payment request. ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGG.
  21. Maybe for you but I still have no request for payment, And Yes I early birded this one. HLJ WHERE"S MY PAYMENT REQUEST?
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