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Everything posted by robodragon

  1. Yeah I meant Lemoore, Just had a brain fart and typed Fresno. I thinks that's a sign I've been here (Fresno) to long. I guess at some point I'll be seeing 35s over head instead of the 18s when they come over from LNAS. The article said beginning 2017 and full replacement by 2028.
  2. Top story in the Fresno Bee this AM. Fresno to get F-35's to replace F-18. That's a joke right? The F-35 is going to replace the F-18's? Yeah I'm sure that's a punch line to some bad joke. LOL http://www.fresnobee.com/2013/02/19/3180020/lemoore-navy-base-gets-early-nod.html
  3. Anyone get their order on this yet? Mine said en route to the 3D printer on the 9th, but not a word since. That printer must be working it's little butt of on that head. LOL
  4. Yes maybe time to rethink doing a reactive armor next. ;) ;) Also if you ever get the chance to take a look at the VF-4 rear leg sliders let me know.
  5. I agree, I would not hold out on buying this bird. I have hope that Maybe someone with the Shapeways know-how can help use all out someday. Until then I still love my VF-4.
  6. Yep I don't a a second run of VF-4's anytime soon if at all. I'm glad I got mine missing part and all.
  7. Am i missing something? Didn't Yamato just say they were done? Sold, closing thier doors.
  8. Well I guess my spidie senses weren't to far off. Now I know why I felt like I was getting the "Please hold and a member of our team will be with you shortly" for hours feelings. You really think they care about making a few parts now?
  9. It's not that hard, just make sure you watch where the little grey screw cover goes fling off to when you pop it out to get to the hiden screw;-) trust me on that. Lol
  10. Bought. can't wait to put this on my bird. Thanks Kurisama if you ever think you could make a left leg slid cover let me know. It's a real bummer missing that part.
  11. You ever get the feeling that your just being put on permanent hold? Well that's the feeling I got right now. I am a patient person have waited patiently for issues to be resolved plenty in the past, but sometimes something just don't feel right no matter what I'm told. That's How I feel about this. I don't know why maybe because I went outside of my HLJ comfort zone, or maybe it's my spidey senses. I hope I'm wrong.
  12. My latest response from NY I got a bad feeling about this.
  13. I'm really getting frustrated at NY or Yamato over my missing piece. I just sent another email to NY asking them to contact Yamato and remind them of my issue. Its been over a month now since i first emailed them with my issue. :-/
  14. I hope that's the case. I got this yesterday from NY this is surprising to me. I would have thought if this was in fact the case we would have seen more complaints here in MW. If I knew How to create it for shapeways, I would just so I could have a complete unit. I have a feeling I'm just going to have to live with it. I'm usually one one of the lucky ones that doesn't get the broken one when broken Yamato's are running ramped on a release. Now it's my turn. I'm just glad that it seams to be only a small few of us(that we know of) that have issues with this release. I really think They stepped up their game on the bird.
  15. My responce form NY I got that last week. I sent this today. I can't see why it would take Yamato so long to say "Sorry, here is the $0.50 piece we forgot to add. Have a nice day." I still have time with paypal. Worst case I open a Paypal against NY for not complete item and force their hand. I hate to do that but I hate paying almost $400 for a incomplete brand new toy.
  16. I got a response back. They need me to send a pic of the bar code so they can send it to Yamato and ask for the missing part. I'll keep you posted.
  17. Let me know if you get a replay to your email please old buddy .
  18. Actually I have been able to pull completely out both the stabilizers and tail fins.just watch out for the little red piece that flies off when you pull the stabilizer out, I took the elbow apart to see if I could tighten it up. The problem seams to be in the design, nothing was broken just not tight enough tolerances. I hope if they ever get back to me that NY can just send me the missing piece, Taking the leg apart isn't all that hard, but again you have to watch where the tension fit piece goes flying off to. LOL P.S. I like to pull my stabilizers out a little in B-Mode so I can bend them flush against the leg. Looks sleeker to me. Minus the missing part I love this toy.
  19. Yeah I'm not starting a claim just yet. I still got plenty of time with pay-pal to do that. I did resend the email just in case it got forgotten over the weekend.
  20. Sent email to NY about missing piece Last Friday, no response as of yet.
  21. Kurisama I would love to join you in the delightthat isthis new era of custom after market VF-0 reactive armor parts.
  22. Not fired just demoted back to the soccer ball room. LOL
  23. Mine must have been made Friday at 4:55PM at least its a part that isn't needed for transformation or support, just back side aesthetics. It's like having a girlfriend with a false eye. You only notice when your not looking at her boobs, and how often is that? LOL
  24. There is a sliding cover that goes up and locks in behind the knee. It's stored in the lower leg.
  25. Email sent, Now I just wait and see.
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