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Everything posted by robodragon

  1. I'm in love . I have a left and a right wing hinge . However my wings are lose, therfor I will be doing the superglue thing. I luv it I luv it I luv it.
  2. Yes however they state "EMS: 4,700 yen Note: This item will only be shipped by a trackable method due to its value." Right in the listing. So due to their own listing this should never have happened regardless of what previous shipping you chose.
  3. The only thing I don't care for are the white stubby, no depth,intakes. I am Have to mode mine flat black.
  4. Just got my HLJ payment request. $228.99. Wierd because I cancelled my order. But I bought one on monday off the bay which has shipped already for $230.00. worth the extra buck to have it on it's way a week earlier than from HLJ.
  5. This just makes me more excited about the upcoming YF-21. I can taste the sweetness already.
  6. sqidd That's who I usually get my stuff from. Yes he always has better prices than HLJ and you get them faster too (this is only on new released stuff). I didn't see his listing so I got mine for $230.00 Shipped. I paid about $6.00 more than if I got it from HLJ with the early bird, but I don't have to wait the extra week it takes for HLJ to process the order. In my book that's a well spent $6.00.
  7. I just got one from the bay! yeah
  8. to buy, or not to buy. Do I wait for HLJ? good find. I asked him early for pics aslo
  9. I'm an early bird preorder. I also did an early bird on the stand alone ghost. I waited and waited but never got my payment request. So I went the bay and picked one up for the same price. With that said I'm watching the bay right now and which ever comes first with same price I/m sold.
  10. That is great news. I can hardly wait to see what thry do with this one. The SV-51 looks so sweet. If that is any indication I'm sure my hart will be filled with all kinds of 21 love.
  11. It's like you said. It's all a point of view. I like the idea of the empire with out the Sith lord in control. Kinda Like the UN or UNSPACY. If you have not seen it yet do a search for Star Wars Cops on youtube. It makes you think diffrently. Intergallactic police.
  12. 1/60 YF-19 followed closly by 1/72 YF-21 Both soon to be trumped by my SV-51. which will only be trumped by a 1/60 VF-4, If ever.
  13. Same here. no Nora but deffinetly the Dobber. If Yamato don't make the Dobber it would be a huge mistake. That would be like the LV1 allover again. until then I just want my Ivanov.
  14. Really how much did they go for? They look nice.
  15. Thanks for the heads up. I want this to end up a sweet build.
  16. Jarrod. I got one coming. Any thing you can share about the build? Anything you wish you built differently? Thanks
  17. Ya something carrier looking, Like flight decks or something. So where did you get the cases that you have now sqidd? what did they run you?
  18. She's a thing of beauty. I can't wait and see your flight vid. I (as well as others here I imagine) am very jealous .
  19. will it transform? And if so will the caps be included or will the caps from HLJ work? If so I'm in for sure.
  20. If that's the case shouldn't I be getting an amil from HLJ.
  21. Is it here yet? How about now? Now?
  22. thanks for the pics. I seen an opening cockpit.
  23. Great job. I'm suprized you didn't make it a Macross verssion. That would have been sweet, and you deffintily have the skills.
  24. Valk009 Will you or do you have any more of the transformable VF-4 recast alavilable?
  25. All the suden my but cheek where my walet is feels better. I will gladly wait for this till next year. with the SV-51 and other thing I collect and do my wife is screaming at me right now as it is. Like the kids realy have to eat every day.
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