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Everything posted by Gerwalker
Nanashi, Thanks for this new info. Very interesting. The lack of afterburners is really strange (considering all the thermonuclear engine discussions and so...) I can't figure out how that amorphous thing could go supersonic. IMHO It's shape is really bulky and not very supersonic... What I like a lot is the likeness between battroid mode and what is called in your translation as Zjentohlauedy tactical pod. Is that the Zentradi general-issue powered suit (a.k.a. Nousjadeul-Ger)??
Nice pic!!! Check here for more info about this naval F-117 BTW: it's an amazing site, check also the german stealth fighter. Invisible defenders
I can help with that when mine gets here. Carl Carl: That would be very kind of you!! Thanks. Thanks, Noel anyway. I thought you would keep some pics as references of such a rare kit.
William, as always: Thanks!! I love the way you tell and show us even the minimum construction details. I have just one thing to say so far (I ussually try not to interrupt your posts with comments): I've been using the silver marker technique for a while to reproduce lighst and reflectors since it is one of the best silver paints. BUT warning: the solvents used in those markers are ussually very strong and tend to eat the plastic. Applying the paint with a brush as William does is the safer way to go since you can adjust the ammount of paint being applied. I had some bad experiences with a couple of lights in my Hase VF-1 battroid when I made a pool of paint (I used the marker's fine tip to apply the paint) on them: the plastic just dissolved...
Noel, now that the kit is sold out, could you please post pics of the parts? They would be a good reference for some of us who like to scratchbuild models (I was dealing with a semi-finished Gurab from years now mainly because I can't figure out the shape of some parts...) Thanks
Nice!! Congrats. I have more glaugs in any scale than other Macross Mecha... I was even considering to scratch build one of these for the Nichimos...
What's the size of these things (I ordered a box from HLJ and it will arrive next month...)
Could you also use baking powder instead of oven powder? I think I heard someone say you can use it. LTSO: It's baking soda not oven powder as I wrote, sorry. That's why I first wrote Royal oven powder (sp?) because I didn't remember the exact english term... My apologies for my poor english writting. Just a little of chemistry: baking soda is an alkaline substance and CA cures faster in alkaline media (well at least the normal CA type, there are also acid curing CAs) But the resulting paste (?) is soft during some time. And YES: you must sand the CA or CA+b. soda or CA + accelarator when they are still soft (as soft as plastic I mean) If you let it cure it gets harder than plastic and you would ruin the model (i did that with an old german sub using gap filling CA when I was first experimenting with this stuff)
Simple and useful for some seams but you cannot sand vinyl (white) glue and it dries slowly. For small gaps and even for making new shapes I use the old super glue (cyanoacrylate a.k.a. CA) + Royal oven powder (sp?) Just put some drops of CA in the seam and some oven powder. The powder makes the curing of the CA to start immediatelly and serves as filler (i.e. adds volume) The resulting thing is soft at the begining and can be cut with an X-acto knife just as plastic. Later it can be sanded, with time it get very hard though not as hard as pure CA. You have a couple of minutes to work with the stuff before it gets hard (this depends on the ammount of powder and the CA quality) This a super fast gap filling technique for those of us that don't want to wait the putty to dry. I used also for re-shaping: you can make volumes just layer by layer of CA+oven powder in just a few seconds. I repaired a VF-1 wing tip with this technique and finish it by cutting and sanding to the original (lost) shape.
Thanks for the advices. I have an easy click on HLJ... As for pics: I will try to take some and post them later. Yesterday I puth a Nichimo super Battroid next to the Q-Rau ant they look very well toghther, scale wise, I mean. I would be interesting to see if there is some relation between the NIchimo Q-rau and this. Where are the pics from Nichimo??
I know the answer: It's 42!!!! Though I don't know the question....
2000 Yens for the ten gashapons + shipping, in my case that makes 326Yens each one... I can't find references about the Nichimo Q-rau (I'm sure there were some in the main MW site)
I've finally received my Bandai Mission 3 Gashapon Figures. In another post I asked about their scale and nobody repplied so I can finally answer that question by myself The VF-1s both Gerwalks and Battroids are in ~1/170 scale according to the dimensions in Macross Compendium. I've messured the wing span from the gerwalks and the hight to the top of the head in battroid (not the antenna) and both gave me the same result: ~1/169 The Q-rau is smaller in scale: 9cm from feet to the tip of the antenna, that is something around 1/200th scale, good for my Nichimos!!! (hey!! could this be the never released 1/200 Nichimo Q-Rau???? ) BTW: I ordered a box of ten from HLJ and receive three Hikaru's VF-1A, two Glaugs, two Miria's Gerwalks, two Max's gerwalks and one Q-Rau. I'm rather pissed off because HLJ says that they come in a sealed box so they cannot assure which gashapons they are sending. Mines came into an open white thin cardboard box and was very easy to see the toys into their transparent egss...I mean: three red VF-1A and none VF-1S!!...at leats I have a Q-Rau.
Might explain why Max and Millia seperated in the Mac7 story... she was abusive, beat up poor Max As Noyhauser said, : -zentredi go into an uncontrollable rage, while humans don't... so there are definate physiological/psychological differences between the two species.- This fact (zents going crazy) was known since the first space war (remember how they reacted to kisses and girls singing?) Then, once again: Why they put a potentially mad guy in the controls of the most advanced VF in the Galaxy (that incidentally is a mind controlled VF)??
The Macross stuff IMHO are Nichimo 1/200 assembled kits. The Disc shaped things are clearly Enterprises from the Original TV series. BTWL: that guy is totally crazy!!! I've never seen so many Enterprises toghther not to mention the viggen die cast fighters or the rest of the stuff... too much for my poor mind to comprehend..
It makes sense. Though the city they straffed (sp?) seemed quite intact (all the glass windows were intact and no signs of destruction were aparent)
I think Krylon makes a chrome gold spray paint. Warning: the solvents they use in their metallic paints are very hot and tend to attack plastic. Priming is a must or just spray dry coats (i.e. very thin coats whithout liquid formation on the part)
Interesting. This rotating screen tech were used in the past too. Translation: -Help me Obi Wan Kenobi!!
BEAUTYFULL!!!! I love your work!! Thanks for sharing!!
The canopy in the clear kits is just clear, not colored, that's good!! As for pics of the parts: next week I return home and will post some, nothing really great but if inspire someone to build the interiors I would be glad.
This reminds me a very short stroy from J.L. Borges (quoted from the Wikipedia Wikipedia: Map-territory relation article): In "On Exactitude in Science", Jorge Luis Borges describes the tragic uselessness of the perfectly accurate, one-to-one map: In time, those Unconscionable Maps no longer satisfied, and the Cartographers Guild drew a Map of the Empire whose size was that of the Empire, coinciding point for point with it. The following Generations, who were not so fond of the Study of Cartography saw the vast Map to be Useless and permitted it to decay and fray under the Sun and winters. In the Deserts of the West, still today, there are Tattered Ruins of the Map, inhabited by Animals and Beggars; and in all the Land there is no other Relic of the Disciplines of Geography. In spanish (for those of us who love the complete originals...) Del Rigor de la Ciencia ...En aquel Imperio, el Arte de la Cartografía logró tal Perfección que el mapa de una sola Provincia ocupaba toda una Ciudad, y el mapa del Imperio, toda una Provincia. Con el tiempo, esos Mapas Desmesurados no satisficieron y los Colegios de Cartógrafos levantaron un Mapa del Imperio que tenía el tamaño del Imperio y coincidía puntualmente con él. Menos Adictas al Estudio de la Cartografía, las Generaciones Siguientes entendieron que ese dilatado Mapa era Inútil y no sin Impiedad lo entregaron a las Inclemencias del Sol y de los Inviernos. En los desiertos del Oeste perduran despedazadas Ruinas del Mapa, habitadas por Animales y por Mendigos; en todo el País no hay otra reliquia de las Disciplinas Geográficas.
I'm guessing you have never met a fighter pilot, much less a test pilot. They frequently get into bar fights, etc. They ARE crazy. You have to be. Fighter pilot mentality is one that borders megalomania, they are powerful gods in their own eyes. They have to be. Confidence. The best pilots are also the most confident ones. A loss of confidence means a dead pilot. Test pilots are worse, they don't really believe that they CAN die. Sure they say they know they can, but they don't BELIEVE it. Seriously- read Chuck Yeager's book. The man tries to come off circumspective- but he has balls the size of a planet and is completely insane in the membrane. Gotta love that guy! In fact I've met a couple of fighter pilots (attack pilots indeed) Professionals, mistics but not bar fighters neither crazy... though they were veterans of war. I have to agree about the megalomaniac tendencies on fighter or test pilots. But the M+ characters are really nuts (one of the best in the Macross universe IMHO, Just compare them with the semi-autists ones from Yukikaze) I should read Yeager's book!! Thanks!!
Good point...hmmmm...
You wont have problems painting it. It is just clear polyestirene in blue red or green AFAIK (there was a limited ed. colorless clear VF-1S that was only sold in some exhibition) I started building a blue one, even making some interior details. The plan was to paint just half of it in Max colors, revealing details in the left wing, left engine, cockpit, radar and chest, following the three or four available X-ray vision diagrams from the VF-1 available (battroid, gerwalk, fighter and strike fighter). I' planning to continue with this project since it was fun figuring out what to use for representing the different internal components, but I had to stop it since other modeling projects needed more attention. Just a few ideas I have about the interior parts: For the wing structure: there is no place there to put any part but the structure can be painted from the inside even adding some 3d effect. For the engine I used a modified Star Wars ep1 racer engine from a Micromachines set as well for the radar parts. For the internal frame (chest, cockpit, legs): I used evergreen plastic stripes and even plastic cofee stirrers!! Hint: I used a white VF chest as a template to glue the plastic stripes and the intake so it would fit into the transparent part. The cockpit: just paint the seat and one side of the bath tub. Enjoy!!
Thanks Zentrandude and Anubis! That's a good explanation. Isamu is the trigger of repressed madness that couldn't be detected by the tests. Duke Togo: I've seen the OVAS and the movie several times. Just couldn't explain how he managed to cheat the medical and psych tests he surelly have to pass thru in order to became a test pilot!!!!!!!. Agent One: The drugs are not good at all to explain that, I assume they could be detected in blood, urine or whatever medical tests they frequently perform on their pilots. In fact they detected that as you said... I have another explanation if you allow me (and not send me to view the movie and OVAS once again...): Both test pilots are crazy. Isamu is not your regular professional fighter pilot, the calmed and controlled guy you would put into the one of the two most advanced VF in the galaxy...and Guld... we just discussed about him. AFAIK tests pilots are not known from losing their temper very easily. Maybe they were selected just to ruin the SuperNova project in favor of the Ghost???