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Everything posted by Gerwalker

  1. How is that nobody saw the signature on this valk? It is at the left just before the nosecone: ITA= ITANO Ichiroh!!! That guy loved to make this kind of things a lot!! It can be clearly seen in the more recent screencap not in the first one of this thread.
  2. Don't know if this was discussed before but with all the discussion about the Cat's Eye resin kit recently, I tried to find out it's lenght and wing span. I found nothing in the M. Compendium and in my books there seems to be no other things than the ussual views but no dimensions. I've found some RT references and even a Macross RPG related site but both qoute different sizes for the Cat's Eye (in one case it was 21m long an in the other 19m long) Tanmen had to base his models in some official specs and not in fan speculation. Is there official information on this topic? Thanks!!
  3. I have bought three 1/144 F-117 kits during the last years:Dragon, Revell and the new one from Trumpeter. Dragon and Revell kits are horrible even the shape of the plane is wrong in those kits but now I know what to do with them!!! I will be funny to modify them to look as an A/F-117X. BTW: The Trumpeter's kit is the most accurate (even better than some 1/72 kits!!) it even comes with a pilot a ladder and a correct set of bombs and a correct bomb bay but the decals are not good (instead of grey they are green-grey) I highly recomend it!!
  4. Good point! There seems to be an edge on top of the girl like in a poster... And that would make more sense than a nude girl in a backseat... if something can make sense when planes can transform into robots.
  5. I too thought that the organic tech was a RT thing... (not bad at all IMHO, I always like that idea of the organomechanic self-healing armor)
  6. Carl, Thank you very much for posting those pics!! The kit is really beautiful.
  7. Hi, It's not a new model (it is roughly a year old). I't the VF-1D Virgin Road, the same model as the orange VF-1D without the photoetched parts and with new decals. This VF-1D was seen in the episode were Max and Miria got married. As for the price: you can find it at 1710Yens at Hobby search (Hobby search link) Not a big difference in price if you ask me.
  8. Yes they are. But I like that color. It is an off brownish white or very light grey. I've painted a Hase VF-1J battroid in a similar shade.
  9. Yes I know they (Nichimo) never produced the Q-rau but I remember some pre-production model pics or something like that in the main site (maybe I just imagined them? ) As for the scale (this was already discussed in the first posts of this thread): if you look at the pics I posted you can see that the VF batt are higher than Nichimo's VFs and the same size as the Arii 1/170, which coincides with my hight and wing span (in gerwalks) meassurements. The enemy mechs seems to be in 1/200. As for the Q-rau face: It snaps eassily (I thought it would be glued) and I put it in the correct possition.
  10. Nora!!! Nahh! she has a pair of missiles there. The rest of the screenshots are not very interesting IMHO
  11. This is very stupid!! Hacking an anime site... what a big deal!!!
  12. Yep, it's twisted. I tried to correct it but I was affraid to mark the soft plastic. Maybe I will have to do some minor surgery...
  13. Well, IIRC, the Nichimo kits are not known for having accurate proportions or being in correct scale. Don't get me wrong, I think they're great. I have several myself and they look good (except for the Valks, they could never make those look right). You are right about that. The valks are the ugliests (but even better than Arii's) The Bandai gashapon valks are really very well sculpted (the best in this small scale IMHO). The Battroids look very well and the gerwalks too but they suffer from Gashapon illness mostly in the gun and backpack.
  14. Call me crazy, but that Q-Rau looks better than the Yamato one. Oooops seems like I've reported your post by mistake!!! This is the TV series version and IMHO looks better than the DYRL's version Yamato made...
  15. An last, comparisson with Nichimo's Glaug (not finished yet) The gasahpon seems to be a little smaller than the plastic model, so I assume that is in 1/200 scale or smaller:
  16. The glaug has some poseability unlike the Q-Rau. The details in all the mechs are really good for the scale (see the insert in this pic: the feet are fully detailed!!!)
  17. Comparisson with Arii 1/170 VF-1A battroid and Nichimo 1/200 super VF-1J batt(unpainted):
  18. Finally I took some pics of the little mechs. The room where I have them now is perfumed by the stink of PVC... First pic, group without Glaug:
  19. double post, sorry
  20. First: I like your VF-0 a lot Ancalagon !! I hope mine arrives this week and can build it as well as yours (I will follow wmcheng step by step what is an big advantage)!! Now your Macross models collection is even more complete!!! (I wonder if its the completest among MW members) Second: sorry for this digression Ancalagon, just want to clarify what Valkyrie Hunter D seems to (wrongly) imply in his answer: The pic of the VF-1 with the 2 hooks is official since it could be find in one of the most detailed Macross (official) books: TIAS Macross Plus. It is in the Variable Fighter's Aeroreport which was compiled under the supervision of S. Kawamori (as is written on the cover of the book!) Need something even more official than that???? Here you are (from Egan Loo's Macross Compendium, of course): LANDING GEAR: Retractable tricycle undercarriage. Two steerable nosewheels retract rearward into nose and twin coupled mainwheels inward into fuselage. Two arresting hooks mounted underfuselage on engine nacelles. So: it doesn't matter if it was some toy feature or not, the 2 arresting hooks is an official part of the VF-1. For more official info on the VF-1 check the Compendium entry (what is ever a good thing to do before posting to avoid wrong information to spread): Macross Compendium entry on VF-1 EDIT: forgot the pic!!!
  21. I'm looking at this pic closer... the "black and red" scheme? ehhh... IMO from the way the red "covers" the 'roid, it looks more like its standing in a shadow and there is some kind of a Red light casting a "glow" on him. Notice how it doesn't stop at the arm-joint, more it kind of extends over the edge. It looks like they were kind of playing with the lighting or something.... I almost want to say it still looks brown, just the effect of the lighting appearing to make it "black and red" You mean brown (dark brown) or tan as the cannon fodder light brown? If the later: just look at the cannon fodder at the right of the pic. Part of it is in the shadows but you can still see the tan color. The red extending over the edge of the forearm? Yes, that edge could be also painted red. This reminds me a lot of the apollo mission pics were some people seems to find evidence of NASA faking the moonlandings
  22. thanks Anubis, was hoping someone out there would speak up so I knew I wasn't going insane. Southcross, going insane is not that bad at all!!! Look, you can even be a test pilot of a super-dupper valk!!! Being insane you can easily pass the tests both by repressing your insanity or by just having your own people in charge of the project or by taking some pills (for your stomach, of course)
  23. It should be as easy as converting a F-14 to a VF-1... Before Hasegawa brings us the YF-21 I spent a lot of my free time trying to figure out how to convert a YF-23 into Guld's valk... they look very similar but the differences are too big too.
  24. The TIAS MP text says Zjentohlaeudy Tactical Pod specifically. Now if you read the Quel-Quallie text in the Perfect Memory (See here: http://nanashi.macrossmecha.info/resrc/cat...l-quallie.html) it states that the Zjentohlauedy designation formula dictates all mecha that do not possess a fold system are classified as pods-- so the powered suits would be considered a pod as well. Thanks! So everything without folding system is a pod. That could be OK as a generic rule but not to mention any specific pod. As tactical pod could be almost any Zentradi mecha there should be other indication of the type (as for instance the Regult Tactical Pod): Nanashi's Regult page So, it is a Nousjadeul-Ger Tactical Pod what the VA-3 resembles? Isn't it?
  25. William, About the silver marker: I never tried the Tamiya markers but Edding and uniPAINT ones. Those seems to have xylene as the main solvent and that stuff is known as a good dissolvent for polyestyrene (I use xylene as glue, in fact) if the paint is applied thin the solvent evaporates and has no time to attack plastic. Don't know if the Tamiya markers can attack plastic. And as you said: this a conversation, then it's the best I'm having this year so far!!!!
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