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Everything posted by Gerwalker

  1. Is the future coat glossy, I mean future needs to be applied severeal times on a matt paint surface to really protect the base coat. My guess is that your future layer is too thin to protect the underlying paint. I've been using this technique without any trouble so far. In fact in my Hase Batt and in my Gundam Deathscythe I repeated the wash several times and even applied a LOT of non odor spirit to clean some messy parts without any problem. There is another technique i used (it is from Fine Scale M.) that is super safe: Future floor over the model until you get a nice glossy coat (or if you are using gloss paint you can forget about Future...almost a punk quote!! No Futuree...) Make a sludge from 1 part acrilic paint + 1 part dish washing liquid detergent (no mater the brand) + 1 part water. The detergent lowers the surface tension of the mix so it goes into the panel lines as the oil wash. Let it dry and clean the surface with water moisted cotton tips. If you dont like it: just wash it with tap water!! Good luck and have fun!!
  2. hmm...thought i pretty much said that already...convention...exhibition...they're all the same to me and hasegawa does make convention/exhibition only kits so i would assume those numbers belong to those kits One could be the vf-1S transparent white (?) that was released for some convention (I hate they did so, I would love to have a clear valk without any color)
  3. I told you well before Ido: no skull!! As for numbers in the tail, you may want to view it again frame by frame. I'm 100% sure there is one shot showing a small number on the tip of the tail.
  4. I think it only has a 311 in the nose and top of the tail. I couldn't see any special marking...not even a skull...boring scheme if you ask me.
  5. Hey, have you guys seen and understand M0 in it's original language? Maybe a lot of the things you are discussing here are wrong due to a poor translation!!
  6. Hey VF-19! 26 years of modelling doesn't make me a great modeller!! only more obsessed I've posted pics of my VF-1J Battroid more than a year ago. You can still find a step by step I wrote in this site:Modelersite Just go to the sci-fi section and there you can find my latest works: Hase Battoid, Arii Battroid, Gundam Deathscythe and Harlock Bf-109G6...
  7. Congrats!!! I've been modelling the last 26 years. Today I'm expending months in each model since I want everything as perfect as my craftmanship can do but I still remember those first models that took me no more than 3 hours to complete including some painting and decalling as my best modelling times. I think you've found a way in between: most of your models have almost no paint and you finish them asap but they look great!!! Maybe there is a small gap there or there, and some parts have a little flash, but the final result is great and I'm sure that your modelling time was GREAT too. At the same time one of us (anal modellers) finish a landing gear you finished an complete Macross 0 collection!!! This SV-51 looks amazing, just a simple overall grey color... maybe this is the way to go. Keep it simple and fun!!!
  8. He doesn't paint his models... The black "paint " in the nose: is just decals? It's a really nice work considering that!!! These hase models are incredible.
  9. It's sad to hear about that. They have good prices and even some stuff you can't get anywhere else... I remember that I get hold of two VF-2ss when they were way sold out in HLJ... but that was before June (maybe they fired the only guy who reads and writes english??)
  10. Commander: you have to write a paper about that and maybe you are the next year Mental Health Ig-Nobel: Ig Nobel prize site prize winner !!! I'm serious about it!!
  11. What about a translation for us Gaijins...
  12. The Hase kit is beautiful, don't get me wrong, I had some troubles with the hip connections and chest plate but I love that kit. What I mean is that the Bandai is not that bad if you build it with care and love... and is cheap so you can try some weird ideas: for instance make a chest open version showing the internals and cockpit...
  13. Nice! Interesting paint scheme. BTW: I don't think we should dismiss the old kits just because of the Hase are better. They are (I love them) but these old kits are more easy to build and they don't look bad at all!! You can make three of these in the same time you build a Hase battroid and they are much cheaper!! About the FSS models: I was toying with the idea of making a web site for bad models. Something like the crapy models assylum or nursing house... where we can post our worst models. I think it could be a very funny site.
  14. Excellent work on that flat bed Gundamhead!!
  15. couldn't help this: look at its face!! It's taking a crap...camp style!! I like the open cockpit though...
  16. Not to mention the 1/144 piots and ground crew!! They are amazing!! They give your small planes a new life. I even going to use some of them for my 1/144 Kilo class submarine.
  17. Not to go too far off topic but, I thought you may like to see these. Us 1/100 scale guys gotta stick together. http://www.reynaulds.com/preiser/p_1-100_f...=lngNumericSort Thanks! I have some of those. An I even converted HO teenagers from Preiser (they are almost 1/100!!) into deck crew from But I want something like the Fujimy deck crew.
  18. That would be great!! thanks!!
  19. I always wanted the other way round: I would like 1/100 scale things for my 1/100 models... For example: 1/100 ground crew and the like. Seems like the naphta trick could be used for reducing Dragon's 1/72 deck crew to 1/100 scale...
  20. Thanks... oh well, it was not such a big trouble to repost all my pics... but please: next time be more specific...
  21. That's my plan Just wonder how do you plan to do so: If the item is 1/144 using the expanding polymer you would obtain a 1/90 scale part (a tad bigger than the 1/100 scale) Another casting would let you obtain a ~1/56 scale part (too big) If the part is 1/100 you would obtain a 1/62.5 part (not that bad!!! but a little bigger than 1/72) Maybe you are planning to use the naphta trick (that seems to allow tuning the final size) to make them shrink a little??
  22. I don't know why some people can't see my pics... I'm using Photobucket for posting these. Just modified my posts and posted the pics directly in MW Here is the design from the soviet book (Atomic Powered Submarine Designs, V.M. Bukalov, 1967) oriinally from Proceedings Oc t. 1963. The dots in the stern are missile launchers, the sail (fairwater for US submariners) can be retracted for aircraft ops. IMHO this design was part of a desinformation campaign since it has very little in common (aside from being a carrier) with the real propossals (AN-1 and AN-2), though it is cooler than those!!
  23. I know a guy who used to give lectures about this books!!! Go figure!! Lectures!! I'm not kidding...he said that he was the only guy in a remote country in southamerica who had the whole R books collection. Seems like some people can be actually proud about things that others dismiss... I can see the future: this thread will have a very short life
  24. Not to mention that there are CAs without fogging effect...
  25. In his book Polmar says that in AN-2 the planes are VTOL. In the AN-1 (see below) they planned to use the F11 Tiger (trials for assesing the feasibility of carring a plane in the regulus hangar with a Regulus II sub were done) In that design the recovery was made using an innovative hook and cable system. Eventually the F-11s would be replaced by a Mach 3 aircraft...go figure!! The reasons why they never built one are: 1. this was a development of the Bureau of Aeronautics and Bureau of Ships opossed to it for "bureaucratic" reasons... 2. Recovery system was not very practical 3. Shortage of submarine construction capabilities (Polaris project was using most of the resources)
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