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Everything posted by Gerwalker

  1. Not unlike the way they trained pilots in the New Series...
  2. the BBC dvd is like 3+ hours and i've been wondering the same thing? i hope they don't take anything out of the story just for the big screen. the BBC show was kind of bleh, the really bad special FX and costumes is what killed it. granted i blew the dust off it and watched it again recently so my opinion differs but back in the in day it was the coolest shiet out. The BBC mini series was excelent. I don't care about bad FX or lousy costumes since it is so funny!!
  3. I don't thing this scene is in the movie...
  4. Blade Runner!! awsome!
  5. AT LAST!!! I want it!!! Being waiting for it a loooong time!! When do you start making it?
  6. Excelent work Cobywan! Maybe I've lost something but how are making this model? I can see that you are using cross sections...
  7. I will buy the new Vipers too!! Don't know why but I will do it!! Yes, their marketing thing works with me: lighter grey!!! As for the Cylon Raiders made from paper plates: excellent idea Greyrayder...sad thing we had no internet in the early 80s... Seriously: I was mad about the raider at that time, I collected every stupid merchandise related to BSG from pepsi bottle caps, to trading cards (all gone by know..) etc. only to figure out the proper shape and details of the raiders.
  8. So why you posted the HLJ link to start with?! You are EVIL very EVIL.
  9. I would tend to agree....but I know how important it can be for the ship to be "like you remember it" Memories!! My first Viper was made from a piece of carved wood fuselage (from a wooden cloth hook), wood plank for the wings, wood square sticks for the engines and a spare 1/72 Hasegawa Ki-44 canopy. I paint it white with red stripes!! It was no more than 10 cm long. I was dying for a Raider but I couldn't make the right shape... I was 10 or 11 years old... then I was a happy modeler nowadays sometimes I'm so into details that I cannot enjoy the hobby...
  10. Seems like that the orange or red issue is more a filming effect thing than a real thing if the stripes on that model is not something unique. In the DVD the stripes looks definitely orange-red.
  11. Here are some screen captures I did from the Original Series "movie" DVD. The color tends to be more orange in some images than others. Judge for yourselves: The Joyride Viper has no stripes under the fuselage: Seems more like brick red in the 1/1 model:
  12. That would be BSG models heaven!!! As for the stripes: I google that and some people mentions orange and red, the original preproduction paintings show orange (perhaps day-glo), in some photos the stripes are red in others orange...I think that this a case of some FX models were painted red other orange or maybe is just an effect of the filming process. I'm going to grab some screen shots from my DVD and post them here. The BSG Tech Journal though excellent has only recent artistic impressions on the Viper and other crafts. The real discussion is how the vipers were portrayed in the original series and not by some recent artwork. GRAHAM: As for the wings: yes they are loose... the idea of storing the landing gear inside the base is great!! I will try to figure out how to do it. So far I have them attached to the Viper because I'm afraid to lose them. And yes, the stripes are too orange and the grey is way too dark but the toy is beautiful nevertheless!!
  13. To be honest, I don't think the volume of Macross models sold in the West (I'm not talking only of the US) is "very large" in comparisson of what they sold in Japan and the far east as whole market. And it is not even comparable to the volume of real-life aircraft models they sell here in the US (or the West as whole market as well). Maybe I'm wrong and my closset full of Hase Macross kits is something that affect decissions made in the Hasegawa top manager offices... Maybe this very same Topic is an example of how little the market is here: How many aftermarket products produced in the US you know for the Hase valks?
  14. I agree with your point of view. But I can't helop but finding your suggestion that Hasegawa could be upset by someone recasting their models in the west where they can't even distribute their Macross models very funny . Just figure this: someone in the West wanting to lose money recast the Hase models currently available for just 20$. Then Mr. Hasegawa find that out and then goes mad about it and cancel the whole Macross model line since they cannot get profits from the western sales of their Macross models!! -Oh wait -said Mr. Roboto- we are not making any profit already in the West since we can't sell those models in the wester hemisphere without upsetting certain "powerfull" american corporation that trades with gold or something like that I think that the only one that would be upset in that scenario would be Scott T. Hards from HLJ.
  15. You're right, the stripes are orange, rather than red . Oh well, I suppose I can get a MK II kit to replace this one, problem is I'm not any good at putting together model kits !! iMHO: Original BSG Vipers stripes should be more orange than red! But I've found some Vipers with more red than orange...the other watching the BSG "movie" DVD I was convinced that the stripes were orange or at least appears orange on film. For example, these guys produced a decals set for Vipers, and I think their orange is to yellowish but it is orange rather than red: Vipers decals
  16. What's that? a garden gnome?...wait! That thing can actually make a very interesting garden gnome
  17. When I first saw Macross (i.e. Robotech) in 1985 I couldn't stop thinking of BSG and compare to it. At that time I thought that Macross (or RT) was a concoction of an american producer helped by some japanese animators and that the whole idea of a space carrier transporting civilians, fighting an mighty alien armada and trying to reach earth was not just coincidence but a direct steal from BSG (I was a big fan of the original BSG)!! My guess was not that bad except that the original japanese animators had no intention in helping the american producer at all... There are many other coincidences: the main characters are pilots (Apollo is very simmilar to Roy in many ways) and deck crew members, the aliens speak with a robotish accent, the aliens are prone to be blown out easily... I'm sure that there is more than inspiration in BSG in Macross. I'm not comparing it with the new BSG but with the original series.
  18. Nice models! But: I can't believe there is not going to be any toy or model (injected) based on this series!!
  19. Funny thing is that I propossed the rotating gun idea many years ago and a rather fanatic MW member told me: it's a war machine!! It should not have any fancy rotating mechanism for the gun casing. It's just a casing the real barrels are inside. The Gu-11 is three-barrel gattling gun. There is no extension of the barrels lenght when the gun pod extends. I assume that the only reason the gun pod extends is for a better handling in battroid mode (think about it as the folding part of a real life paratrooper gun)
  20. Ohh it's a very old discussion without a final answer. I opted to put the lettering upside down in my battroid for many reasons: 1. This kind of lettering is ussually found in real life fighters on their tanks so I assumed that this is could be the same in the VF-1 in fighter mode. 2. If the VF-1 transformation was a secret until the space war I then I see no reason they would have the lettering upside down in fighter mode when this would be the only mode shown to the public. 3. While in the original Macross series the lettering never appears on the VFs (I assume it was for lack of resources in the animation at that time or just because it would make it more complicated to animate) in M0 we can see the lettering on the VFs in almost every detailed scene since the tecnology used in the animation of the OVA allowed the creators (i.e Kawamori) to display the lettering. In M0 all the gun lettering is upsidedown in battroid mode (AFAIK)!! 4. Is cooler to have the lettering upsidedown in battroid It is sort of saying: somethig is weird with this robot. It is an eye catch too! As for the decals: you can ask Anasazi (he uses an Alps printer) or you can try one of those blank decals sheets from BareMetal: decals They have one version for ink-jet printers and other for laser printers and copiers. They have clear decals and white (most printers don't print white)
  21. It's a bit buried now, but waaaaay back in this thread I posted some pictures and a quick review of the Joyride toys. Here.... I have more detailed photos I took for someone here who was interested in how detailed they were...don't know if I still have the photos on my drive at home or not, if anyone is interested. The Joyride toys are really nice. They are based (i.e. smaller size) on the original Revell models. They share some virtues and deffects from those 80s models. The Cylon Raider has even two circular shapes were the original infamous missile shooter was located. One of the best improvements over the old models is the possibility of opening the cockpits (the Revell Viper had no clear canopy!!) and pilots (the Viper's landing gears also a nice addition!!) I guess their scale is roughly 1/100 or 1/72. Any news on the new series toys or models (I mean plastic not resin)?
  22. Sorry if this was posted before. This a 1/1 working model. This a real mecha that a japanese fan made. Is a two legged walker, it has a cockpit and it fires (soft pink balls...not autocannon shells )!!! babelfish translation of the site Cool, isn't it? Sorry, I tried to post it in the Movies and Tv etc.
  23. Super! Excellent work! My new toy Viper is full of envy!! BTW: has anyone noticed that this new Galactica toys are just the old Erlt/Revell models in a smaller size?
  24. Wait a minute! If Toys RUS close that means that the only "toy stores" (at least in the Boston area) would be KB toys (very small shop!) aside from the small space at Target, K-Mart, Walmart? That sucks big time. (I'm not counting a pair of hippie-like toys stores -i.e. no action figures but wooden non-acation figures) sad...
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