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Everything posted by Gerwalker

  1. Destroids Rage: not at all!! The book is really wonderful and in the style of Macross Perfect Memory (though shorter). Unfotunatelly it belongs to a friend of mine who is living in Switzerland nowadays. I made a little Bf-109G6 with Arkadia markings for him as a goodbye present. Here is a pic of the model (the full article is in the Modelersite site I mentioned before) The biplane seems to be totally invented but It would be nice to make a model of it... (too many modelling projects) I wonder what kits are the best for kitbashing it?? For a while I was fascinated by the Arcadia's starfighters that are based on the Bf-109D/Ta-152. I even bought some cheap 1/72 Bf-109D models to kitbash (fuselage, landing gears and cockpit/canopy are almost the same, but the wings, intakes and exhaust should be made from scratch. Nice idea but I have a pile of Hasegawa Macross kits that can be build as decent models almost straight from the box. Oh, well... If any of you want the scans from this starfighter or the others I posted here in better res let me know and I will send them by email (I have them in hi res 2Mb per scan) David: You are right there is a lot of details about the german fighters but not from the allies ones. I have the feeling that Leiji Matsumoto is more interested in WWII axis (i.e. Japanese, German and Italian) stories and characters than in the allies ones. When you see his short stories in "The Cockpit" OVA you can find that he wants to put axis characters in a more human dimension and not just as evil monsters. This a good thing since we have too many films and stories from the allies side and just a few from the other side (I rememember just Das Boot as an example of this) EDIT: forgot the pic!!
  2. And finally the Bf-109G, spitfire and P-51 lineart (BTW: I used this book as reference for my Arcadia Bf-109G6 model. You can find an article in the sci-fi section (look for older articles) here: Link to Modelersite
  3. Here is a more detailed scan of the text. If anybody here can translate this I think we could solve the mistery
  4. Here are the scans I promised: EDIT: the book from where I took the scans is: "My Youth in Arcadia", Roman Album n°52, Japan.
  5. Sorry Pablo, I was kidding. Just thought you had something against french language from a previous post from you (considering the fact that this thread was kindly started by a french MW member) Pablo (me too!! )
  6. Merci Yoshi!! Nice pics!! Very artistic. In full size they would be awsome as wallpapers. Macross_Fanboy: I'm really very interested in your dubbed version!!! But: Could you please do it in french?
  7. Here we go again!! Thanks William! Looking for those corrugated plastic you use I've found a corrugated aluminum sheet that works pretty well too (it has the ribs square too)
  8. Agree 100%. Most jap. companies listed Gunze colors in the instruction (even if they don't say it at all!!) The Gunze catalogue is wide enough but the best thing is to watch the anime or whatever and try to figure out the colors. Remember that in the eighties there were even a Macross Color series of gunze paints? (you can find them in the old Arii models instrucctions)
  9. Here at my work we use a lot of CA for fixing strain gauges to test samples. The technique we use to keep the bottle tip tube from clogging is to put it in an upright position and press it until all the CA that was in the tube either returns to the bottle or get out. Always clean the tip and close it tight and keep it in the fridge. Another technique I use sometimes is the centrifugal one: shake the bottle like a medical themometer until all the CA in the tip tube gets into the main body of the bottle.
  10. Consider this: the film artbook has a very detailed section dealing with the BF-109G6 and Spitfires. It clearly states the model and variant of those fighters but in the section dedicated to that biplane there is no indication about which aircraft represents (at least in a western language) I have scans from that section of the book and I will post them tomorrow.
  11. Recnetly I was trying to make a VF-0 battroid from a VF-1J Arii 1/100 battroid since Arii's deformed chest and nose seems to match quite well with the VF-0 shape. I could be wrong but I think that that VF-0 sculpt follows the same ideas... Aside from many other details they didn't make the characteristique VF-0 chest intake shape. EDIT: left image is of course from the infamous Arii 1/100 VF-1A Battroid.
  12. Nice Battroid model!! The shoulder mod is very good idea!! I didn't do that with my Hase Batt but I scribed the shoulder panel lines and details that are absent from the Hase kit (I wonder why such a detailed kit has no details in the shoulders when they are really obvious and are even shown in a pic from the box)
  13. 007-vf1: Nice VF-11!! (I see that you have a tendency to overspray--remember your VE-1--) The paint scheme is very nice. Where are the decals from?
  14. I've always suspected that for finding the best color match for a Valk one have to consult a Revlon catalogue. BTW: do you think that the base color is plain white or light pink? Bandai instructions indicates white but the box art seems to imply a light pink overall with Magenta accents. I prefer white since is easier (I've painted mine with Krylon spray) Does anybody has a screen capture of the MAXL in all its...glory ???
  15. Gerwalker-There're the tect resin optional parts I found a while ago. It comes with a new set of hands a better neck and a gun for the VF-19. the 19 Kai is not magenta is actually the tamiya red...since the sun was hitting the models directly the picture came too light-colored. Thanks. Those hands are nice!! I thought that they were from a Gundam kit since I'm planning to copy them for my valks. The neck thing is not very noticeable in the pics but the original one is just a square+ball vinyl part. And don't worry, we all know that your VF-19 was painted with the very macho color Tamiya red...nobody is accusing you of using liquid lipstick Magenta...
  16. Then the Monkey would get upset. Here is his only one rule: THE RULES: There's only one. 1. I won't order parts for custom jobs. I don't want this to go away by ordering excessive parts. This is only for BROKEN VALKYRIES. Unless you consider a red shield as BROKEN PART....
  17. 007-vf1: you changed the hands don't you? Nice hands!! Are they HGUC hands?
  18. Here we go again...This Macross thing is really bad for our reputation: not only we have to buy nail polish in the beauty shop for the Banprestos but then the pink paint should be like liquid lipstick !!!!!!! I just can't even think about a situation like this: Me myself and I going into a Hobby Shop --packed with it's typical customers (nazi-panzer-lufwaffe-modelers) arguing about the shade of such a color as RLM 89-- and asking for a PINK paint (and not a desert strom one!!!) HOT MAGENTA that is like liquid lipstick....Why risking my life for such a small and weird model?? and how I would then refrain from buying the George Michael CDs??? Serious mode: David, thanks for the info. I was really looking for such color but the hobby shops here have mostly military colors (even Models Masters).
  19. It's a pitty that the Hasegawa VF-1S Strike Battroid kit has no decals for a 1S Max (OK: it is logical since he was never seen flying a strike). The instructions clearly shows a black shield for Roy and a red one for Hikaru and Hase kits are officially sanctioned AFAIK.
  20. Melissa, I'm constructing a MAXL right now. I'm working mostly on the fighter. I had to correct the nose shape (it is not as bad as the VF-11 but it needs some work though), cover the ejection marks (under the wings, cannards, etc.), sand the wings leading edges (they are almost square) to a more aerodinamic shape, correct the shape under the cannards to match the fuselage (there is a step), putty the seams and the Gubaba marking (I have the Wave Macross decals that has the MAXL markings) and the worst: FIND AND BUY THE PINK PAINT (Guy at the model shop: -pink? I have this desert pink from the gulf war... a more intense pink or magenta??? Wait a minute, what the hell you are planning to paint? Ahhh!! one of those SciFi things you use to build!!! ). I had no luck with model paints available at my town but I found an artists acryl paint that was exactly what I was looking for. PS: after buying the pink paint I rushed into a beauty shop and buy some clear nail polish tho fix my Banprestos, I had to refrain myself for going into a Tower Records to buy a Pet Shop Boys and a George Micheal CD....
  21. 1/72 = 5pcs. 1/60 = 4pcs. 1/48 = 0pcs.
  22. That was what some people in the old thread was saying (without any valid argument aside from that pic from the Macross XX aniv. DVD) The resemblance between the F-16XL and the VF-11MAXL KAI is obvious and the use of the XL in the mecha name I think it can't be a coincidence. So I think that the (standard) MAXL should have full delta wings and it would be very simmilar to the second (lower) pic in the japanese site that Nanashi mentioned before: Edit: added image link
  23. Sam, you are from Australia? This is fro Hyperscale: There seems to be a product simmilar to Future floor there too: This is Australia's version of Johnson's "Future" floor polish .....It is sold in most supermarket chains across Australia. It is also known as "Super Shine". Check here: Future uses
  24. The MAXL was inspired by the F-16XL (this is what SK said in his last book) The F-16XL has a full delta wing as the MAXL. It is obvious that the XL part of MAXL comes from that real life plane. The MA part could be from MAcross or something like that.
  25. Yes I do!! Great work Sam!! The original nose cone is horrible. Strage thing is the MAXL nose cone from the same models line is not that chunky even when both are vf-11s.. Nice painting.
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