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Everything posted by Gerwalker

  1. Thanks! Hope he will agree!
  2. Those clear stands are too similar to the Barbie's ones for me!!
  3. It's a very nice kit. Good job! Any chance on selling the arm alone? The base looks terrific and it's a great idea but I would like to build the full rail system with the hangar door open and so. Thanks
  4. Joyride Viper series 2 (it is funny that the box says Series 1!!)
  5. GunnerX: Excellent model! I like the way you weather it. I was wondering why the panel lines look lighter than the rest of the paint in the photos of the real life plane (sort of a negative of your model) It seems to be the opposite in the YF-23 painted with two tone grey cammo. Maybe it was some sort of putty? (I know they used to use tape for covering the B-2 panel lines and they are using a special putty these days) Thanks for sharing!
  6. You may want to check this too: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...&hl=virgin&st=0
  7. Well, AFAIK there is a pic of the VF-1D Virgin Road in one of the Macross Art books. My books are little far awy from now but meybe some members can share those pics. Regards
  8. I dont't think I'm uderstanding what you really want... Let's see: It's a VF-1D. That means (using your own lingo) ""shirt front" straight". The chest of the VF-1D differs from the one of the VF-1A or S in order to accomodate the second seat. This is clearly shown in the Hasegawa paint instructions. Those instrucctions shows how the chest should be and how you should paint your model and that's why I told you to go to those links. That particular episode has one of the worst animation ever in the Macross series. You shouldn't follow what you see in the screen as canon! Happy modeling!
  9. MW is not only the forums, the models section of the main site has very valuable information. I think you can find these links very useful: Virgin road paint guide 1 Virgin road paint guide 2 Enjoy!
  10. The filter he is using is not enough for retaining all the nasty fumes but only the pigment. It's better than using nothing but all the vapors from the solvents are just being blown to the sides of the box. That thing would be much safer if can vent outside. Of course you should do it in a way that won't annoy the neighbours!!
  11. From the Hase point of view the difference between TV and movie is just a paint scheme and decals. The kits are exactly the same, not even the cockpit is different (and it should be!!) Some people says that the nose just before the canopy should be more rounded in the TV version, but I think that in fighter mode there are no more external differences.
  12. Three from Hasbro...zoooooom....zooooom.......
  13. Here in the Boston area it is hard to find them. Right now I'm looking for one for a friend too but with no success. I was lucky to find mine! (actually I kept going to the same comic store every week until they released it) If I find two others I will let you know. Regards
  14. But for 1/1000 you would need to shrink it a lot! I mean, the best looking Valk models are in 1/72 and 1/144 (Doyusha die cast? Resin?) From the 1/144 you would need to shrink it almost ten times. Is this possible without distortion?
  15. Joyride series 2 is out. The pilot action figures are not very nice. The only thing that attracted my curiosity was the egyptian helmet... I bough yet another Viper. The grey is really light on this new version. Amost white (IMHO is FS 36495). The stripes are still orange. The rest looks like the dark grey one...including a flimsy left wing... It looks better (or at least closer to the TV viper) than the series 1 viper.
  16. I've found some Macross stuff in München a year an half ago. They had the DVDs and the Macross Design book and some superposeables. Everything very expensive! The good thing of Germany is that you can find models in almost every big store. In the US, at least in New England, is only an on-line thing or going to a small store in the suburbs.
  17. It's just a common term for an over-sized book with large pictures that is commonly placed in a living room or a sitting room to entertain guests. It's not a novel. . . it's a picture-heavy book meant to simply give you something to look at (with some light reading). Ya mean it's not like a big book with holes in the corners so you can screw in legs and turn it into a makeshift coffee table? Shucks I've been under that misapprehension for years! Graham Well that's one of Seinfeld neighbor's idea. In many episodes of the sit com Kramer pushes his idea of making a 'coffee table book' that is actually a book about coffee tables with legs that you can be used it as a coffee table... Here is a link to a real coffee table book: http://edition.cnn.com/books/news/9805/12/coffee.table.cnn/
  18. I took pictures of the index of the book. As you can see the material included is vast and very interesting! (sorry for the bad quality of the pic)
  19. BROWNSFAN72, here are the models I mentioned. Is from Macross Hobby Book.
  20. Of course. Dont´you, Gerwalker? Honestly, I had the lineart of the underside in mind and thought it might look good for a comparison. Could just have turned the model upside down instead of the picture i guess. I was rather busy with other things so only little progress for now: I glued the first part of the upper deck to the fuselage. It has a slightly curved profile and recesses where the upper guns go. Actually the ceiling is the only place free enough to work in my modelling room!! Good kitbashing! Those Mig-15 parts looks very well on the model! This is the kind of stuff that keep me coming to these forums!
  21. Wow!! amazing!! You are modelling on the ceiling? BTW: I love your project!! Keep us updated!
  22. Being a fan of the VEFR-1 (I was trying to make a VEFR-1 Gerwalk for a while...) I can tell you that you need an VF-1D as the base, the radome could be the same as the VE-1, the head could be similar to the VE-1's but the only rendition of the head is from a model in the Macross Hobby book and looks different. The sensor pods are not the same as the VE-1 at all. You will need to modify the wingtips also and add a squarish pod at the wing roots. It is not clear how the VEFR-1 transforms (as opossed to the VE-1 transformation sequence that we know from the books) For example: In these forums a member even suggested that the dome was permanently attached to the head (I don't concur) Last but not least: the only scene that the VEFR-1 is seen is in fighter mode and after a carefull analisys of the image I concluded that it was carrying armored on the legs though it has not fast packs (a very strange and interesting configuration) I would be interested in a model version of it. One problem I see is the current availability of the VF-1D models or toys.
  23. From Hobbly Link Japan, or to be honest from Modelkasten: Mercenaly Scott wrote this under the comments of the decals: "Mercenaly." How cute. You'd think they could at least call me (since I write for them!) to check the spelling on their boxes before they go to the printer with them... Anyhow, a fine set of decals for livening up your Ma.K items!
  24. Graham, I am sure that it is just a matter of time before someone picks up the license. Though I do suspect that the sales figures for the original series toys might have some affect on it. Does anyone have any info on how they are selling, anecdotal or statistical? Neil In my own experience (i.e. this is not statistical at all!!) I still can find the Joyride raider and cylon in a couple of comics shops in the Boston area (which, BTW, is full of geeks -as myself - and nerds so sales for this kind of stuff should be hot) The raider is more rare but the cylon soldier is everywhere. The Viper disappeared from the stores in the first weeks after the release. I wonder if Joyride catch the idea: we want more spaceships and not characters' figures! The new version of the Viper (blue squadron) that AFAIK was not in the original release list (the battle damaged viper was there from the start) seems to reflect the good sales of the Viper toy. I'm afraid to see a decline in BSG merchandise sales with the new figures coming this month. I don't really want those figures at all! Why not a small size BSG toy (they could make the entire fleet of BSs. Pegasus, Atlantia, etc. with different levels of damage and so), the Cylon base would also be very welcomed as well as the shuttles. And I think those ships would be much easier to produce than human or cylon figures.
  25. I've seen the dolphins flyin from earth in the HGTTG trailer yesterday!!! They did it!!
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