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Everything posted by mpchi

  1. Hmmm...watched it for the second time, and still like it a lot. Several things actually got a bit more clear the second viewing, and I actually like the story. They did left some parts and details not too clarified, like the origins of Kadaj & Co., but just kind of make sense overall in terms of their motives & actions. In a FF world, I don't thing everything needs to be explained too literally. Otherwise, just try explaining how a Bahamut materialize from the sky out of nothing, or why so many humans have super human abilities without particular reasons. I wish they fixed some timing on some of the fight animation though. As cool as they are, some shots feel like they defy gravity or sped up too much, while on the next shot, characters move more normal again with more weight(motion capture). Feel kind of like the inconsistency found in the first Spiderman movie's CG. And yeah, that scene Kadaj fearing to fall is kind of weird. I think this is a great movie. Not perfect, but something I enjoyed very much. And not just cool fights. Some of the emotional scenes are nicely done too, regardless how many years since I beat the FF7 game. Brings back a bit of tingling feeling at a few moments. Good stuff! This DVD is for keeps. And the action figures are very nice by the way.
  2. You could be right. It could be the cast of the radio drama.
  3. Seems like the whole main cast got new voices, not just a couple. I saw a japanese page some days ago with list of new seiyuus for each of the main characters. I am really not liking this. Not just that the voice is different, the emotions will be very different too, as different seiyuu will have different take on the acting. And if all they are trying is to mimic the originals, then whats the point of switching in the first place? This is really a wrong move I think, especially when most of the Seiya fans are grown-ups that always remember the voices from more than a decade ago...
  4. Is there a particular known reason why the seiyuu has changed? Seems like both voice actors are still young enough, and somewhat active in the business. Seiya just had a feature movie less than a year ago. Why make that change? Unless they lost their voices or had some kind of accident.
  5. I got that email too. Really sucky that I placed my order almost like day one when they start taking preorder, months ago... I don't see why Bandai would make very little of Milo either. But since its cancelled, I don't think I can do much but to order from elsewhere, which I need to pay a bit more.
  6. About the Batman Begins figures, I only bought the 14" Action Cape figures, which is of really high quality for a $16.99 purchase. Very articulated (though an extra torso joint would make this figure even that much cooler) overall, very sturdy custiony joints, and the action cape can be pretty fun & make some nice cape shapes for posing. I don't go for domestic figures very often unless they are very good, and this one I am glad I got it. The small figures look ok, but some versions look totally for kids. The more plain "Battle Gear" looks nice though, but the articulation and overall quality don't seem that great. Nice sculpt, but pretty limited articulation. The oversea "Collector Edition" on the other hand looks awesome from online reviews. Same sculpt, but with more ball jointed articulation, torso joints, rubber suit, wired cape...definitely the version to get. But when you need to pay around $25 plus international shipping, its not that great of a deal. Unless I find my Black Version Batmobile, I'll probably pass on these small guys and be happy with the 14" Cape figure.
  7. Hmm. Interesting. You guys have a point. That would be kind of stupid if the filmmakers overlooked that aspect. Maybe they did.
  8. Short answer...no. Not a chemistry major here. But when I try to think that water freezes at or below zero degree Celsius or below, you don't see people go skiing all turn into popsicles. Though I could be wrong.
  9. Actually, the Batman Begins 14" 'Action Cape' figure is very good. Picked one up last night, and was very surprised by its quality after opening it. Mattel did a terrible job on the package design, and have the figure posed in really stupid poses, lifting head to make the neck looks funny, and using photos of some earlier prototypes that doesn't look like the toy. I wasn't sure if I want to pick it up when I see it in person like this for the first time. But I did remember seeing good pics of this guy online before, so trusted my instincts & went with the purchase. Once opened it and play with it a bit, its a very nice BIG figure, with very articulated legs, decent arms, great ball joint neck, and all joints very tight, sturdy, and has a cushiony feel. Guess they made them so that they can take the weight & quite a bit of an abuse from little kids. Sculpt & proportion is great too, though the bat ears could be longer & eyes could look more menacing. The spring loaded cape is kind of fun, and the mechanism armature can be removed, so that the cape becomes a normal cloth cape for cooler normal posing. On sale now at Target for only $16.99, original $19.99 everywhere else. You guys should check it out.
  10. Hmm...this SRX looks like its a non-combiner, contrary to the prototype before. It only has Ryusei as the pilot. Does look a bit more colorful, but the SD sprite in the game looks nice. Pretty cool. The new mech by Touma is pretty cool, almost ninja like and mainly uses kicks. But the other new mechs looks a bit too funky. Wonder what are the thoughts & story behind that.
  11. Haha. Told you guys its good. Feels a bit odd at the beginning of the movie. A bit dis-oriented in terms of what and where we are seeing. Feel a bit different from previous Batman movies or fantasy comics/cartoons. And they showed and explained a lot more things than I expected, making all the details about who is Batman much more believable. I feel like they went over so much stuff that, I thought the movie would end like 2/3 of the way. But it still keep going, and gets better & better with more intense action stuff. By the time it really ended, it felt like a really good & long (but in a good way) thrill ride, which I don't get that often when watching action movies. And definitely not this thrilled. Music is very good. Not too sure if there are many memorable tunes or themes, but worked really well with the movie overall. Its one of those that doesn't stand out, but help you feel all the emotions & excitement while watching the movie. Great cast too, with great supporting actors. Some roles just wouldn't feel the same if its done by someone else. The only gripe I have is Batman's mouth. Doesn't look as cool as Michael Keaton's, and they put WAY too much make up on. Both my other co-workers spot that, so its not just me about the make up. Look kind of funny whenever they have Batman in close-up. Think its my favorite U.S. super hero movie by far.
  12. This IS an awesome movie! Just saw it at a early screening, and it blew me & my co-workers away. For you guys that have been waiting for this, you are in for a treat. Best American super hero movie I've see yet!
  13. I think the Sagittarius is meant to put on the old Seiya body, while they give you the extra head piece to swap head with the new one. Like you said, the Sagittarius doesn't fit the new body too well, as the structure is different enough.
  14. I miss those days when I can walk in a Target or Walmart to hunt down a Kampfer, Alex NT-1, Nu-Gundam, Re-GZ, Sazabi, Gouf Custom, Zaku I...etc. for a mere few bucks. And since the good ones are always hard to come by (thanks to Bandai's marketing strategy with no restocking), there is always a great sense of fun & surprise if you do see a good one hiding somewhere on the shelves. Since they slowed down majorly on the U.S. side with no new UC additions(especially the Zeta stuff), my MSIA collection stop growing. I do import sometimes, but only on figures I can't live without, as I can use the money for 1 import figure + shipping to get like 3 domestic release. Even with the recent releases of the Zeta stuff in Japan, I find myself not caring as much of importing them, mainly because of the high price, which I would have bought in a heartbeat if I could pick them up locally. Stuff like Asshimar, Marasai are great, but not when they cost like $20+ a piece shipped, when something similar used to cost $6. I have to agree that Bandai America really messed it up on this one. You just won't find much of any robot toys out there right now that is as cool & as accessible as the MSIA, whether its for a 4 year-old or 40. Just the fact that I constantly had to HUNT for the good ones shows that these stuff really did sell...
  15. Very nice! The face looks very good too. And great to have 2 different horns. Anyone know which one is which? The bigger pair with no ridges is from TV? Or Manga?
  16. HLJ Scorpio Miro preorder Miro is up for preorder at HLJ. Don't miss the Early Bird discount!
  17. Got the PS2 game last night, played a bit of it, and has mix feelings about it. For fans, its quite fun, as you do relive a lot of Seiya moments, awesome music like in the show, original voices (though they yell too hard even on some really weak attacks). Definitely has the Seiya feel. Even the cosmos/Seven Sense system they have is very interesting, and you can keep reviving unless you get killed by the Super or Big Bang attack, kind of like how it is in the show, with the good guys always some back at the end. But as a game critic, this is only a mediocre game. Animations are quite nice, but way too few combos and moves here. Character & visual effects aren't as good as they could be for PS2 one on one fighting game, both with pretty low res models. The Big Bang attack is cool, works like some Dragonball games & Naruto PS2 super moves, but feel like they need more love here. Most are kind of plain on the visuals, when you would expect some really nice eye candy out of them. Overall, don't regret the purchase, especially when I was able to get the cool preorder freebie Sagitaurius Pandora Box, and need it to get my Pope Campaign Set. But wish it got the same treatment as the Naruto PS2 games did, which stays true to its anime, yet really fun and has some depth in terms of visuals & gameplay. Seiya game definitely get the feel, but lack in other areas. On the other hand, the new Seiya Final Bronze figure is awesome, but they didn't do the thigh armor fitment right, and got somewhat weak ankles on both legs. Head pops off too. The fitment on the thigh of Dohko & Shura was great, but now it got dumb down somehow and a bit loose... But Seiya looks way cool & so much more poseable in many areas, its great! Not perfect, but way better than the previous Seiya. Way way better!
  18. Brutishdog...with the wrong arm.
  19. Thanks for the heads up. I was able to snatch one online at a decent price. But keep fellow collectors posted, as I am sure more buyers will pop up here as the release day approaches.
  20. Man, I was wondering about the bundle too. But can't afford to wait until all the current VF-1J Hikaru disappear from the market, as the demand will sure be hi when the GBP comes out this summer. And not sure if Yamato will reissue it, since they had a lot out previously. This holy grail is finally coming, after so many years of waiting... *teary eyes* I am anticipating this so much now that I finally break my "One 1/48 Valk Only" rule. Man, I am so broke with all the great toys coming out...
  21. I find the shields of Libra tricky too, but you can actually push it in more so that the peg sinks in more & stays better. Guess most of us are too delicate with our precious toys mostly, and never try to force it. But in this case, see if you can push the shield peg in a bit more. Mine was really loose before I spot that, now its a bit better. Won't fall off even if I handle it a bit. Still not perfect though, but more secure.
  22. Wow, looks like ADVfilms is involved in the production of this TV series as well. Sounds like a U.S. & Japan joint project. A high quality Guyver show is sure interesting to see.
  23. Shinohara, Where did you find that Athena Statue? It actually looks like the exact same design from the Seiya show, not just some generic Athena sculpture. Would like to get one of those if its not too pricey. Thanks.
  24. This is not confirmed. But from a coworker of mine that spot on a French site, it mentioned some info that Bandai IS planning to do the God Warrior & Marine Shogun, as well as a couple more Hades figures after releasing all the Golds & Final Bronzes. Milo & Aldebaran would be next on the list of the upcoming Golds after Mu. Looks like Gemini might be saved for last. And most likely we'll see the other stuff sometime in late 2006. Again, this is not confirmed, but sounds pretty believable. So for those that are waiting for the Myth line to branch out, its more likely that we'll see that happen.
  25. Toy-wave.com is having a bundle purchase for this. Just found out. Ken, the owner is taking orders for this bundle purchase (Seiya Final Bronze figure + Seiya PS2 game + Campaign Set) for $219, while he'll take care of mailing forms and getting the stamps from the toy & game. He is planning a trip to Japan to do that. Details go to check out the 'New Arrival' of the website. Quite pricey I have to say, but its one of the ways to get this exclusive set that only available in Japan. Sucks for us foreigners with no friends in Japan. Or you can test your luck later on evil bay when these Campaign sets start showing up.
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