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Everything posted by mpchi

  1. Yeah, thats what I've heard the pegs are for, a homage to the original where the scope has some alt cannon form.
  2. Very cool that even your wife is into it. I grew up watching this show, but not my girlfriend. Every once in a while, I showed her some of my "Gold Guys". She is not that interested, but at least she humored me when I asked her which one she thinks look nicer. I think the Seiya Myth line finally picked up, with the version 3 body. Like Kanon, while there is still minor flaws like the extra hair piece tend to fall off, and the chest can get scratched easy by the shoulder armor. But the figure overall is much more secure to handle. Very sturdy joints and improved articulations. Unfortunately, most of my favorite characters are already out, without the glory of having the version 3 body.....sigh. While all that can be done to them is the 'cut & paste' remedy with the Appendix parts.
  3. If your Kubrick Fyana doesn't have a helmet, you might got gipped. I believe mine does(even though haven't took it out a few years), and its a pain to take it off once its on the head, or the whole head comes off when you pull.
  4. Like every month. But there are occassions that they take a couple months break within a year.
  5. Libra is the one with all the weapons. The weapons are nice and heavy, but the Cloth itself is a bit chunky, and Dohko's head is not that nicely sculpt. I have Shiryu wearing it at the moment. Lyra is Orphe, the Silver Saint lyre playing guy that shows up in Hades Inferno OVA. Out of the few you listed, Gemini is the best Gold Saint, if you ever plan on getting any. Again, 2 bodies (version 1 only though), very nice head sculpt, and lots of extras including the evil Pope. Pairing with Sea Dragon, its awesome, if you want to swap the 2 version 3 bodies around. Even though the normal clothing Kanon body has clothing detail molded on the figure, it looks like it can still fit the armor pieces on. Just a tighter fit. Get the best of both worlds if you buy both of these.
  6. A MP Ultra Magnus with a real trailer would be sweet, and massive too! I might buy that.
  7. Don't forget the Strikedog thats side by side the Brutishdog is significantly bigger than the regular scopedog, which appears to be closer to the camera.
  8. Lyra Orphe (Orpheus is actually another guy, appeared in Seiya's first OVA, which look very similar to Orphe but suckier, and in blue) is pretty nice, other than being a bit short. He turned out to be a tad shorter than other characters (but not so in the anime), though his hair almost made up for it. Very nice silver with very very light purple accent. It has the version 2 body. Oh, I would recommend Sea Dragon Kanon over Krakken, since you get 2 figure instead of 1. Its quite sweet, a much more important character, and more bang for the buck, unless you really like Krakken Isaac. Though I always like the Gold Saints more, with the more ornate armor designs. What I have been doing lately is having some of my better sculpted Bronze guys wearing the Gold Cloths. Can't wait for more Appendix to come out to give the entire collection a literal face-lift where its needed.
  9. Haha , that sounds kind of funny for some reason. Too bad the Yamato didn't fair too well. They do look nice and more detailed. But I decided to go for Takara for the company's track record, the lower price, playability, and a decent paint job. I think I will be happier with something more stable, than a bigger but floppy display piece. But yeah, Yamato's Chirico hands down beat the Microman Chirico completely.
  10. Thats a bit surprising, with hardly any Votoms stuff. While I know they never aired the show in HK, it was still pretty popular in the 80s, with articles of cool dioramas in a bunch of HK model magazines back then. Thats how me and my brother end up buying a couple of those kits when we were little, without even knowing what show it was. Guess its very different nowadays. Now to think of it, I think the scopedog with parachute sack is actually my very first model that I painted, more than 20 years ago.
  11. Good that I never got into this line, even with the big sale HLJ had at one point. Everytime I see pics of them they look very attractive (minus the big head). But the price is quite rediculous for a somewhat small size figure with no gimmick at all. Add another $20 or so and I can already get a low end SOC. Its definitely not the first time I hear joint/looseness issues on Max's Votoms. Its just a shame.
  12. Actually, there are more differences on the new shoulders. Here are a few things I spotted: 1. The piece that prone to crack or shatter is now in a slightly darker grey plastic. The shape from the outside seems identical to the old, but the plastic is darker than the old piece, as well as darker than any other grey pieces around it. Hope that means Yamato use some tougher plastic to re-mold this piece. 2. The yellow sidemarker (tiny front yellow clear light in bike mode) is positioned slightly different, now flush with the inner edge of the grey piece it sits on, now touching the wheel in bike mode. 3. The robot mode shoulder joint between the wheel & the breakage piece has one less click on the ratchet. It now only clicks/locks all the way up with the shoulder tilting upwards(look better with a higher shoulder). The old shoulders has one more click/lock position when the shoulder is more horizontal (a position where a lot of the Yamato official pics were positioned) which make the shoulders lower. Not sure why it came packaged in a huge box stuffed, when teh shoulder parts are pretty small. The surgery is pretty straight forward, though the white bicep piece can be tricky. If you don't position the halves correctly (even though they look like its the same size on both ends and can pair up either way), you get a big gap you can't really close up when you screw them together. Try not to redo this too many times, or your threads will be worn out for good. With the new shoulders, it still feels very breakable on the shoulders, as I can't really tell how much stress the new piece can really take, so can't really bend the arms like I would on a normal action figure. Has to be careful and use my fingers to 'help' it out of the click/lock position to transform.but if it last, at least I can treat it as a fragile display piece, but not a broken piece of crap. Its a very nicely designed figure afterall.
  13. I also got my parts this morning. Don't have time to check it out yet as they are still in the box. But kudos to Garner, a very quick turn around and hassle free. Thanks man. Your service really makes a difference. Hope these new shoulders really last.
  14. Hard to tell. The current photos that showed the Rabidry Dog is still a fully painted prototype, not an example of the production model. I guess still a bit early, as the thing is scheduled for a July release. But I feel that its likely that they will include the articulated hand, since they give DMZ-03 a pair as a bonus. And Rabidry Dog only has one hand. It would be stingy for Takara not to give out just one bonus hand...Let's hope I am not just wishful thinking here. On the other hand, Rabidry Dog's backpack looks like it has some mine dropping gimmick with a release button or something. If its true, then it would be awesome. Takara, please do a Turbo Custom before you wrap up this toyline! Even better, just keep cranking more 1/18s.
  15. They have been reissuing the old ones a few times, espcially the Gold Saints. But if you are looking for re-issues with a new body, then its less likely. Cause Bandai just introduced a new line call Appendix, which basically are bust statues of these Seiya figures in scale with the Myth line, but with head, armor pieces, and hands swappable. This is Bandai's solution for upgrading some of the older releases that doesn't have a very good looking head. The Appendix does make the old releases look a lot better. So when Bandai just started the Appendix line, its even less likely they will reissue the Gold Saints with brand new body. If you are happy with the 2nd generation body of your Seiya, you'll be amazed by the 3rd generation body on the latest releases. Joints much tighter and even better range of movement. But even with the new body, these figures are still more of a nice poseable display piece, rather than some action figure you can fiddle with a lot. the weight of the armor is still a lot of the joints to bear if you have a lot of playtime. They tend to need the stands to help them stand properly, especially the old versions.
  16. Yeah, thats the upcoming Yamato 1/12 Red Shoulder that actually comes with the goodies. I finally got caught in by all the Votoms hype right now. Thought I was just going for the 1/18 Takara Rabidry Dog, but turned out ordering the DMZ-01 Scopedog as well. Now waiting for HLJ to ship the thing. Guess the old Duel Models just aren't enough for me.
  17. While I like Sly and Rambo as well, his face looked pretty jacked up in those Rambo 4 pics. I really hope those were makeup, after a scene he got beat-up or something. Looking forward to pick up the Balboa DVD.
  18. Thats a pretty good comparison on the GGG. One of my favorite robot show as well. Don't quite understand why some robot anime fans can't really get into it. Very few robot shows can come close to draw as much emotional impact on the viewer as GGG/GGG Final does on those big fight moments. Its as hot blood as robot anime can get.
  19. Count me as one of those few. Have been seeing all these cool toys of more advanced Dog designs, but all I know is the main TV series.
  20. If you can manage to hand pick one in person, then I would recommend you get one. That way, you can at least avoid the sucky paint a bit. Cause I do think the sculpt is very nice. In terms of the 3 reactors, the little centers are supposed to be those 3 colors like you mentioned, but only on the close up shot. In general, they are all colored the whole thing green in the animation, as well as in some stills I've seen, so can't say the figure is totally off.
  21. Just got this PVC figure of the Buster Machine No.7 Nono, made by Bandai. Size wise, it stands about 7.5 inches at the top of the head, not counting the flying hair pieces. While the sculpt is very nice and comes with some interchangeable accessories like the leg Buster Missile Launchers, the 2 piece scarf, the 2 swapable heads with different hair and facial expressions and removable goggles, the paint execution of this figure is utterly crap. I am very pleased to get a nice Nono figure that displace well with my SOC Gunbuster. But actually seeing the paint job quality on this 4000yen figure is inexcusable. Overspray and paint off the mark almost everywhere. Many touchup spots as well and almost none of the painted lines are straight and sharp, as if the whole figure was painted free-hand without using any masking, and not by a very skilled painter of course. Thank God that at least the faces and hair were nicely painted. Otherwise this will unredeemable. Also, my top pair of Buster Missle Launcher are two lefts, instead of one left one right. Man, pretty much I got a lemon out of this... Regardless of all the faults on mine, its still a nice little figure for display, especially if you have SOC Gunbuster. And with a bit of touch up, it can still look great. For people that don't know much about this one, this is pretty much the main Buster Machine for the Gunbuster 2 OVA (not the one-eyed funky Disnef), and the core of the Diebuster, a mech that is as big as the planet Earth. While its only in human size, its pretty much the most powerful robot ever appeared in anime, with the exception of Ideon. Here is Nono in action for the first time in Gunbuster 2 OVA episode 4, which you may notice pays a lot of homeage to the original Gunbuster episode 4.
  22. If you want really firm permanant bond, super glue.
  23. Yup. Batman has the exact same inner body.
  24. Not sure why they didn't use the same musician composer on the 3rd episode (R2 Original DVD), made it feel quite different. But otherwise, good show and have a lot of nods to the old classics.
  25. Don't think the lower jaw is removed, but rather trying to simulate some sort of x-ray effect the helmet gives in that jaw area. Though probably would look better if they put another clear mouth piece on top of what they are showing there, so you don't get the feeling of seeing the bare bone of his jaw with the flesh removed. Some more pics I found.
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