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Everything posted by KawasakiKaizer

  1. Would somebody like to trade (or would like-something or perhaps is maybe looking-for something themselves) for ANY of the MACROSS ISO's; ESPECIALLY for the PS2 & the PC/Home-Computer? I don't necessarily care if they are originals or not, and I'm than perfectly okay with that. I have a MODDED PS2, and you can well-image about ALL of my PC-Titles, and if you have any of the MACROSS titles in the same way, so trading copies-for-copies is great with me! I've previously mentioned (on here, but not in this Forum-Topic), that I have pretty-much ANY Anime-Title that is out there; all of them are originals. back-ups are not a problem. I have nearly just under 275+ PS2-Titles. I have more than a couple-thousand PC-Titles. I have a lot of Macross Models here as well, that I even consider trading in exchange for any of the MACROSS games that I'm looking for (for PC and/or PS, and PS2). Obviously, that's considering what's being offered in terms of titles, format, etc.,. I already own the PS2 version of MACROSS (in original Japanese) and since playing that MACROSS-game, I've been completely hooked it/them. the Robotech-Battlecry game that I own, too, actually had really great gameplay (despite the storyline being complete bloody-rubbish)/ I'd gladly trade any of those games as well, for any of the other titles that I'm looking for Since getting that MACROSS title for my PS2, I've been completely-hooked on it, and I have to get those other games/titles. Easily some of the best fun I've had on the PS2, and seeing as its my absolutely-Anime-Series, I've been even more into it, than I even thought before! Please post me back here, or on my e-mail address: KawasakiKaizer@Yahoo.com Thanks and hope to hear from any of you out there, and Cheers For Now! KawasakiKaizer (Shawn) (P.S. I don't know if any of you happen to know as well, if there were ever any; "Army of the Southern Cross", or "Mospeada" games for any of the consoles or PC (other than Robotech: Invasion, the US-based, "Robotech" game about the Invid-Invasion) but if anyone has an info on that longshot, please post me here or at my e-mail address, too.
  2. I actually thought that the Robotech: "BATTLECRY" game for the PS2 had great, "playability", too, but the graphics were (for my liking...) a little-bit "cheezie" (hehe) I love the graphics on my PS2 Version of "Macross"; but seeing as it's an ORIGINAL Japanese Language "JDM" Game: Japan Domestic Market... like the majority of the bits on my car), the Japan, you can likely see how the language (and expression) of the characters in the game, and during much of the gameplay, can get a little dodgey. It's just when I watch either the MACROSS (or the "trilogy" of the series, in original Japanese, as they're known in N. America), and all of the GUNDAM movies that I have... although I have the English-Version(s) of all the episodes on the DVD(s), I actually prefer to watch them in Japanese Audio; with the English SubTitles. For some reason, they just seem a little easier to understand with the character('s)-expressions, and the audio-soundtrack seems to fit better, too. I am also hoping that perhaps you might have what I'm looking-for on here (or maybe know who/where/what to find the games I'm looking-for), and could let me know about it. Thanks & Hope To Hear Back! Cheers, KawasakiKaizer (Shawn) [quote name='JB0' date='Feb 29 2008, 10:44 PM' post='566990' Ummm... the PS2 Robotech games aren't americanized versions of the J PS2 game. In fact, they predate the J game, were developed by a totally different company, and one of them is MOSPEADA-based. Japan has it's games, we have ours, and never the two shall meet. Except in niche-market import stores on both sides of the pacific. As far as blasphemy goes... The first Robotech game is pretty good, despite it's extremely low flight ceiling. IMO. I never played the second.
  3. Just wondering if either of you are looking-for (STILL perhaps... if you don't have the game) MACROSS (the ORIGINAL JAPANESE VERSION) for the PS2, and/or the "Americanized" version of the game, 'ROBOTECH"' (of which on this site, I'm sure, most everyone would best-describe as, ["blasphemy"], at best). I am VERY INTERESTED in somehow getting the other MACROSS games that you and/or Graham have for the Windows-Platforms & any other of the Console releases of the MACROSS titled-games (i.e. PlayStation, and PlayStation II, in particular). If either of you wouldn't mind please, posting-me back at.......... KawasakiKaizer@Yahoo.com ..........I'd love to hear from either of you about this. Hope to hear back from you sometime shortly, and cheers for now! KawasakiKaizer (Shawn)
  4. Hey there, SHAWN and GRAHAM!! this is "KawasakiKaizer", and I'm a NEWBIE, & wanted to contact-you directly, to ask you (or at least ONE of you....) some questions directly... (F.Y.I. ....... My name ALSO happens to be "Shawn", but my mates all call me, "Kaizer"...as in, "Kaizer Soze", and I'm almost 100% certain that either/both of you know "Mr. Kaizer Soze" from one of the best bloody-movies in history, "The Usual Suspects"...hehe). What is alsoF.Y.I., is how I was actually "given" the name, "Kaizer Soze" by some of my very very close mates from University (hehe)........ ; I'll have to tell the both of you the story behind-it sometime; should i hear back from either of you sometime soon. Anyhow, my question is in regards to some of the games for Macross, that you have information about on your MW-Site (sub-section: "games"); specifically the Console, Arcade, etc., etc., Macross Games; that you discuss on your site (and this forum, by the looks-of-things), of how rare they are, how much they cost, if they are emulated (consoled versions, obviously). where to get them, "IF" they are available, how much Macross World "MW" would pay for them, etc., etc., etc., I am hoping that you'll contact me back in regards to your information about these games that you discuss on your website-&-forum, and I can let you know about some information that I, myself, ALSO have in regards to those games on your site, and/or other games out there, and any other information that I might have regarding them, or perhaps any information that you might discuss with me, about the games, or otherwise. Cheers for now, and hope to hear from you sometime soon! Thanks very much for allowing me to participate-in, and become a member of Macross- Shawn (a.k.a. KawasakiKaizer) London, CANADA
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