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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. I completely agree with the MB Hi-Nu. Although after fiddling around with the first funnel I got the hang of the rest. Yea this version does have some presence and it does lose the F1 sleek roundness appearance. The open hatch/expanding panels help with compensating the overly lean look, but yes the blocky look still dominates. This design has grown on me. It towers over my MB Astray Red Frame Alt Strike Ver by about 3cm.
  2. Just found the link for HS's notice regarding the tax: https://www.1999.co.jp/tax_collection_e.html
  3. I recall seeing a notice on Amiami's site last month... it's up there on their main page still:
  4. It appears they may have angled it up by like 2 or 3 degrees... and maybe raised/extended the standoffs/mounts by 1mm or 2mm barely noticeable... https://hobby.watch.impress.co.jp/img/hbw/docs/1427/107/html/1.jpg.html EDIT: I was also thinking they sized down the cone of the booster by maybe 5% and/or made it shorter, or set it back.
  5. ya looking forward to that one too! Also recently got the Blue recolor ver of the ZG Judge.
  6. Last week I finally got around to opening my MB Hi-Nu and I have to say the design has grown on me quite a bit. Yea I do wish the calf section was just a tad bigger/taller (maybe 5-10%) but I can see why it might've be designed as such. It appears to be more of a mix between the original 'lean' design by Yataka Izubuchi: and Katoki's: The 'open hatch'/expansion feature on the MB does fill out the calves and overall figure a bit more, but it's definitely nothing like the RG or Katoki version. The foot has a nice expanding feature not only for the heel but the front of the foot slides/soft clicks out forward an extra 2-3mm. When all the hatches/panels are expanded you really don't notice the change in the foot other than the heel... i guess it helps keep the scale of the look, otherwise it looks smaller. Definitely excited for the bazooka/replacement shield and even more so for the HWS. EDIT: Oh and the Hi-Nu is probably one of their bigger MBs to date. it towers over the MB Astray RF Kai Alt Strike Ver. by 3cm minimum (or more) from the top of the head.
  7. I haven't checked but they should be since they're all the same body type.
  8. Heads up... around a year or so ago Bandai put out a cease and desist for all Japan shops including HLJ to stop selling/distributing to other regions ie. US, etc. and to only distribute to their local region. This was to make it fair for the regional distributors ie. Bluefin to control the distribution for the US and said US shops. Amiami, Hobbysearch and mostly all the other Japanese sites/shops adhered to the C&D but HLJ decided to go against it. Thus why amiami no longer lists Gundam kits for outside their region. I believe amiami's jp site still has it listed for their local region.
  9. Although this was already released and i have mine sitting next to me, this was the display at nycc this year ...
  10. Close ups...
  11. Two more decent pics... the third was blurry (sorry). I was hoping to capture the matte finish of the super pack.
  12. YUP! Did that definitely... XD
  13. good catch! I was all over the place today so i didnt get enough time to peruse and only to take some quick pics. First day is always the shopping day, lol.
  14. This was the survey which was made available at NYCC2022 regarding Bandai* Macross toy products. If possible please take a moment to fill out the survey... maybe it'll help point bandai/bigwest/HG/macross company board members in the right direction: https://jp.surveymonkey.com/r/3VPHQ2X
  15. Actually its scannable from the pic! I just checked. XD https://jp.surveymonkey.com/r/3VPHQ2X
  16. Actually its scannable from the pic! I just checked. XD https://jp.surveymonkey.com/r/3VPHQ2X
  17. I actually didn't notice the survey... I'm pooped, I'll check tmw when I go back. XD
  18. I actually didnt get a chance to check or notice it until you said it! LOL... i'm kind of pooped for the day. I'll check tmw when I go back. XD
  19. Gundam Base Pop up @nycc2022 Unfortunately selection was a little limited imo... was expecting the MG Nu Ver Ka psychoframe color/ed but the booth employee said they had it at the other convention but didnt bring it to nycc... 😰
  20. @nycc2022
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