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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. Oh yea... come to think of it. Gamlin did get the black VF-22 in the M7 Dynamite series. XD
  2. hmm... tough call. I respect the VF-1 because its an original and they used the mock of it in TF. -=X, but... I'd say VF-22 because Max pilot the plane so damn well in M7. Only to place ontop of this is because the VF-22 is the closest in schematics to reverting back for Mind Controlled piloting like the 21. Imagine Max with a mind controlable VF-22!?!?!?? Yet this also makes me wonder why they didn't give Max and Myria a VF-19 instead? Is it because the VF-22/YF-21 have the most similarity as that of the Queadluun-Rau (like the ones that zentradi sized Max and Myria piloted in the end of the Original Macross Movie)? Or imagine the VF-19 with mind controlled piloting capabilities. Ehhh w/e mind as well put mind controlled piloting capabilities in all the VFs. XD
  3. I'm new here... or coming back from awhile ago. I believe I posted these pictures on the old forums like 5 years ago when I started these two kits. Well here they are (still in their WIP form)... Please excuse the crappy picture quality (it was from my old webcam): SHE YF-19 [attachmentid=40382][attachmentid=40383][attachmentid=40384][attachmentid=40385][attachmentid=40386][attachmentid=40387][attachmentid=40388][attachmentid=40416][attachmentid=40417] SHE YF-21 [attachmentid=40389][attachmentid=40391][attachmentid=40392][attachmentid=40393] [attachmentid=40400][attachmentid=40401][attachmentid=40402][attachmentid=40403][attachmentid=40394][attachmentid=40395][attachmentid=40396][attachmentid=40398][attachmentid=40404][attachmentid=40399][attachmentid=40418] I also have the two of them posed as if they were fighting it out. I'll drop those in later. [attachmentid=40405][attachmentid=40406][attachmentid=40407][attachmentid=40408][attachmentid=40409][attachmentid=40410][attachmentid=40411][attachmentid=40412][attachmentid=40413][attachmentid=40414][attachmentid=40415] I'll update with some more better pics sometime when I can find their buried boxes in my room (somewhere). These two kits were basically my test run for SHE's products. I have their other products such as another YF-19, two (2) fast-pack sets for the YF-19 & 22, the VF-19Fire, the VF-22 and the VF-11 which I'm hoping to get to in the future as well (not in that particular order). I have a bunch of other things sitting a current state of WIP. I need to get cracking...
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