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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. They're letting people save up their hopes and money for it. Then when they release it and people are suckered into buying them they can laugh their ways to the bank thinking about how they robbed us again... lol.
  2. The weathering version makes it look way better.
  3. NICE! Congrats! Excellent work!
  4. I believe the Armor pack includes a stand.
  5. And there is the 1/72 YF-21/VF-22 Hasegawa kit if you want a sleek fighter mode. Sorry I just had to follow up on that one. LOL... ***EDIT*** And/or the 1/144 YF-21 Doyusha Diecast fighter. I don't own this or any of the collection in this range, but I'm just going to assume its sleek because it's only in fighter. I could care less whether the fighter mode was thicker or where it is now. I'm just glad someone is out there trying to make some progress on the YF-19, YF-21/VF-22, VF-11 Macross products. Otherwise we could all be sitting here wishing that someone would bite the bullet and produce some products in which we could be at least satisfied with.
  6. OMG the SHE VF-19S kit? Who's got that? That kit was the exclusive one. Were the hips different as opposed to the SHE VF-19 Kai (Fire), YF-19? Because I got both of those along with the SHE VF-22S, SHE YF-21 and the SHE VF-11. ***EDIT*** Ahh okay... it's pretty much the same thing as the YF-19 just a little different. I used the reference that Shawn and Graham have up on the main page under models>SHE
  7. I apologize in advance for the lack of a more creative/better background and better lighting... (I was just bored and feeling lazy): DYNAMIC POSE!!! :lol: (running to take the shot?) ***EDIT*** Aww crap... I thought this was the strike a pose thread (I fail...). One day I'll have to get all my valks together and take a nice pic.
  8. I may do a couple of recasts of the VF-22 parts since I'll be in the middle casting for my YF-21/VF-22 conversion project.
  9. Ahh... that sucks. Welcome to MW and grats on your first post. QUICK! RUN! While you still can! lol, jking... Hmm... sorry to hear that you've had that problem with your reissue Alto. Kind of sucks that they tightened up the antenna joints. I have yet to man handle my reissue Alto.
  10. Pre-Ordered my set of armored parts for Alto (at Overdrive), but definitely passed on the clear version. Too expensive (even without the markup) and my experience with clear plastic materials tells me there'll be quite a bit of stress cracks. On top of that, I wouldn't want to deal with all the headaches of Bandai's "special coating" chipping/flaking. It would be a great display piece, but that's what models are for and hell, didn't they come out with a 1/72 model exclusive fold version? I think I'll get that for displaying. The only thing which would make me consider buying the clear fold version is if they included clear super or clear armored parts with it.
  11. Or holding it up to a black light (Ultra Violet). I believe it was for technical reasons and to reduce the costs of production they used a lesser grade plastic for other (non/less mechanical) parts of the DX. I posted something about this theory a couple pages back.
  12. 1. Intakes do not come off. They are not removable. Don't even try. 2. Different plastic composition is the answer to the question of different colored plastic in the Bandai DX Macross Frontier toy line.
  13. Ahhh geezz... all the debates about the glossiness/dullness of the finishes still? I'd have to say that with all Bandai's limited releases the glossiness wouldn't have too much of a toy effect/feel once it's emptied your wallet! LOL ***EDIT*** Glossy, Matt, Flat... ahhh...... the expensive intoxicating bliss of it all. Hmm... it must be the chemicals from all the plastic, metal, finishes/coats/paint. LOL
  14. If I recall correctly this idea of why Yamato chose to finish their valks in a matt finish was discussed and concluded maybe a couple of years ago. It might have been clarified by Graham, but don't quote me on this. ***EDIT*** Thanks thirty.
  15. No I actually mean the White part of the shoulder (outer casing) with the single red dot painted on it. ***EDIT*** I am definitely aware of the fact that Bandai had reused the molds from the VF-25F and VF-25S for the VF-25G and RVF-25 and they definitely had a lack of "future thought" on their behalf. I can't tell since my VF-25S won't be coming in until they release the armored set and I noticed on jenius' website that Ozma's shoulder's are the same color as the bottom half of his wing connector/body. Can anyone confirm if both the bottom half and shoulder's have both been painted or only the shoulders? Thanks. I haven't displayed/played with my RVF-25 yet, but I'm guessing its shoulders were casted in green and painted white. LOL. ***RE-REDIT*** The feet is another good example... LOL
  16. Of course there isn't a company out there that can't produce a perfect figure on the first try. That would violate all the laws of any scientific/mathematical reference. I think what a good number of us are trying to say is that with the years of experience (the technology) that Bandai has they should have and could easily produced something way better and I mean wayyyyyyy... better. I'm not even going to go into the details of how they could have easily incorporated the blue prints into their DX line by scaling them up and interchanging some parts. I'm pretty sure that somewhere here on the forums it's already been discussed and would deserve a topic of its own. ***EDIT*** A nice example of such a situation where Bandai should have thought things through would be for the VF-25G's shoulder parts... they were casted in blue, but painted white, why? They had already casted white parts on the VF-25G (the bottom half of the wings) why not just do the same for the shoulders. That is just dumb if you ask me honestly.
  17. I was referring to the Bandai DX VF line not all of Bandai's toys (since I do not own many of their other products aside from their models). I don't know why you're bringing down Yamato valks with a lame McDonald's Happy Meal reference, but I'd hate to say that Yamato valks makes Bandai's look like happy meal toys. Not the other way around. And I must say that nothing for any toy is ever "immaculate". ***EDIT*** No toy is ever immaculate. XD
  18. LOL. Thanks for pointing that out. I highly doubt I would buy this clear version... not even for displaying. Bandai's paint jobs absolutely suck! Transform them once and expect paint to flake off. If Bandai really wanted this bird to be that exclusive they should have included clear super packs or clear armored parts as well. ***EDIT*** Not to even mention the mark up on this thing... since tamashii has it listed at 15,000 yen.
  19. I would agree. Maybe a bit lighter...
  20. Really....?!?!?!? Great this gives me another 6 months to really save up for doubles or triples of each! XD
  21. Yea... at some point I would have to stop with buying all the exclusive stuff and start with custom paint jobs (which require stronger/better paint).
  22. LOL... I'd hate to say it only because it's probably going to happen if they do make the VF-171. Bandai will probably make an Alto exclusive and an Elint version (or the Elint exclusive and Alto being the regular).
  23. Read a couple pages back in the thread.
  24. Yea... I would recommend Overdrive rather than HLJ. XD
  25. Yea... I'm aware. It's just too damn bad. -=\
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